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7 Free Spells for Success: School, Exams, Job, Career…

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Written by: Tina Caro

We all have some personal goals, and as we all know, we need to work hard to achieve them. But sometimes, it might seem like, no matter what we do, success is not coming our way.

As always, a bit of magic can help you with your desires, so let’s take a look at Spells for Success to give yourself the chance to be the successful person you deserve to be


Spells for success are magical rituals aimed at achieving success in various life areas, such as career, academics, or personal endeavors.

These spells utilize elements like candles, herbs, crystals, and affirmations to channel energy and intent toward specific goals.

They help boost confidence, overcome obstacles, and create opportunities for success.

However, it’s crucial to remember that success spells should be accompanied by practical efforts, hard work, and dedication to maximize their effectiveness in achieving desired outcomes.

Did You Know?

I was honored when I was recently asked by Court TV producers to consult on a case.

You can view the clip below. This case is a great example of why I do not cast any spells that have harmful intentions. As a Professional Spellcaster, I work with clients from all over the world and it’s important to me to remain grounded and stay ‘in the light’ so that I can help as many people as possible.

Casting your own magic spells takes skill and patience and isn’t recommended in most cases. I provide these “do it yourself” spells for educational purposes, but it is strongly recommended that you consult an experienced spell caster such as myself and allow me to do the work for you.

This way you know it’s being done by someone experienced and knowledgeable and I’m also always here to answer questions about your casting and provide follow-up at no additional charge.

Successful Business Spell Casting

Successful Business Spell casting

Successful Business Spell Casting will help you take your business to the next level. It’s suitable for established businesses or brand new businesses. It can work in different areas – it can help you bring more sales, clients, improve your relationships, etc.

What you can expect from me:

  • Private and personalized approach
  • Casting done in less than 24h
  • Only the best ingredients & tools
  • Free consultations before & after spell casting
business spell casting testimonial february 2021 magickal spot tina caro

Here’s the latest testimonial:

I have helped hundreds of clients over the years, and I’d love to work with you as well.

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What are the Spells for Success?

Spells for success are a unique type of magick you can use to attract positive energy, success, wealth, and abundance your way.

The good thing about them is that they aren’t focused only on the work-life, but they can easily be spells to attract success in many other parts of your life.

DefinitionSpells for Success are magical rituals and practices performed with the intention of achieving success, prosperity, and favorable outcomes in specific areas of life, such as career, education, or personal goals.
PurposeThe primary purpose of these spells is to empower individuals to overcome obstacles, manifest opportunities, and achieve their desired goals and aspirations.
Ethical ConsiderationsPractitioners approach Spells for Success with ethical considerations, emphasizing the importance of using this magic responsibly and for positive purposes.
Areas of ApplicationThese spells can be adapted for various areas, including career advancement, academic success, business endeavors, personal growth, and achieving specific goals.
Empowerment and ConfidenceSpells for Success focus on empowering individuals, boosting their confidence, and aligning their energy with success and prosperity.
Table: Overview of Spells for Success

What do Success Spells do?

They work with the magic of your intentions, empowering your skills, and strengthening your possibilities to optimize your path to success and happiness.

There are many ways to facilitate access to success in our lives, of course, the spells will help us make the work much simpler and faster, so here are some excellent spells that will help you achieve whatever you set your mind to.


How long does it take them to work?

For spells and rituals like these ones below, usually up to 2 weeks but, for talismans, the manifestation time is way quicker as, as soon as they are consecrated and you wear them, they are ready to attract success your way!

My Favorite Spells for Success

Here’s How to Create a Talisman for Success

Create a Talisman for Success
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Having a talisman to attract success makes everything much, much easier.

I love talismans as they are easy to consecrate, practical, and beneficial to attract what you want in your life. You can use your creativity and your fantasy over this one as you need to choose symbols and items meaning something to you.

Once you create your talisman for success, you simply need to keep it close, bringing it with you when going to work, when doing an interview, when presenting a project… basically when you need some success boost to support you.

Difficulty: Intermediate
Effectiveness: 5/5

Things you need

  • A green candle
  • A purple candle (if you don’t have these candles you can use two white candle dressed with some orange essential oil)
  • A religious talisman (cross, pentacle, star of David, etc.)
  • A chain/necklace

How it’s done

  1. Choose a room that offers you enough space to walk.
  2. Place a green candle on one side of the room.
  3. Light the purple candle and place it in the other corner, facing the green one.
  4. Pick your talisman with your right hand and tie it around your hand using a necklace.
  5. Pick up your purple candle with your right hand (be careful not to let the boiling wax get on your hands), and with a slow but determined step, walk in a straight line towards the green candle.
  6. With the purple candle, light the green candle and place them close together.
  7. Say:
    “I walk ahead without doubt and fear towards success.”
  8. Swing the necklace with a talisman on it, over the flame of the two candles, displaying the success you want to achieve.
  9. When you feel ready and convinced that the talisman is loaded correctly, let the candles burn down completely.
  10. The necklace should always be worn, especially at the time you’re having a crucial moment, like job interviews, an audition, an exam, etc.

Vinegar Spell for Success

Vinegar Spell for Success
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This is a wonderful spell that will help you achieve your goals quicker and much more efficient. The ingredients you need for it are very easy to get.

If this is your first time casting a spell, this is a beautiful first spell to cast as it’s super easy but, at the same time, very effective.

Before casting this spell try to visualize what you would like to achieve, so the energy and magick know exactly where they need to get to change your life and make you attract success.
The ingredients you need for it are very easy to get.

Difficulty: Beginner-Friendly
Effectiveness: 4/5

Things you need

  • A pen
  • A white sheet
  • Vinegar
  • Incense
  • Honey
  • One garlic clove
  • A transparent glass jar with a lid (or a bottle)
Vinegar Spell for Success diy picture
Copyright: Tina Caro

How it’s done

  1. You will need to do it preferably on a Monday or Sunday. The hour in the day doesn’t matter so much, but it is recommended that you do it during daylight hours or working hours. Maybe your lunch break can be perfect for this spell as you will have some time to relax and truly connect with your craft.
  2. To start with this spell, you must light the incense, any fragrance you like (pick your favorite).
  3. You should let its fragrance occupy your space for about an hour.
  4. If after an hour you still notice the aroma, take the garlic clove. Be careful not to damage it or leave marks on it.
  5. Once peeled, place it inside the transparent bottle or a jar.
  6. You will drop three drops of vinegar on the garlic clove, and wait for a few seconds.
  7. You will then add honey. Honey should cover the garlic completely.
  8. When you’re adding honey, you need to say the following words:
    “In me, I see prosperity, well-being, and, above all, success. That’s right and so be it”
  9. When you have finished reciting those words, you should take a sheet of paper and write down your name five times. It doesn’t matter how you write it.
  10. Insert the paper into the jar and close it.
  11. You should take it to your patio to rest in the sunlight for seven days.
  12. When the time passes, you can pick up the jar and bury it in your yard.
  13. The soil must be fertile. The best place to bury it is in your garden.

I love this spell as it’s all about prosperity, wealth, and success all in one. No matter what you want to attract in your life, this spell can do it!

A Success Spell For Luck

A Success Spell For Luck
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It’s time to attract some luck into your life.

This spell is not for beginners, but you definitely need to try if you have at least a little bit of experience in spellwork.

Ingredients are easy to find. If you feel like you are out of luck lately, this is the spell you need to boost it!

Difficulty: Intermediate
Effectiveness: 4/5

A Success Spell For Luck
Copyright: Magickal Spot

Things you need

  • Apple vinegar (or traditional classic vinegar)
  • An object that represents you
  • Two white candles
  • Sea salt or coarse salt
  • A white plate

How it’s done

  1. For this ritual to work as well as possible, you should do it only on Monday, since otherwise, it won’t work. There isn’t a specific hour designed to cast this spell. Do it when you have the chance to focus and spend a few minutes undisturbed.
  2. You must start by lighting the two white candles, once you have lit the candles wait a moment in silence.
  3. When you think you have spent enough time thinking, you should put your hands together and with your eyes closed you should recite the following:

“Success and satisfaction will be achieved through this ritual.”

  1. Once you have finished saying those words, bring the white plate over and deposit the object that identifies you before that ritual.
  2. When you have deposited it in the center of the plate, you must wet it with a little apple cider vinegar.
  3. Then with a little of sea salt or fat salt, and wait a few seconds.
  4. After that, bring your object closer to the candlelight, and let burn it for a few seconds.
  5. After that put it away from a candle and wait for seven days.
  6. After a week, take your object and carry it with you wherever you go.
  7. With that, success will accompany you and will always be by your side.

This spell consecrates the object you chose to make it like an amulet to attract success.

Crescent Moon Success Ritual

Crescent Moon Success Ritual
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This is a simple ritual that required simple ingredients. If you feel like some extra success in your career would help you enjoy it, even more, cast this spell, and you won’t regret it! Not only will it help you reach goals but will help you improve things at your current job too.

The most important thing about this spell is to cast it on a night of Crescent Moon; otherwise, it won’t work.

If you cannot cast it during this lunar phase, simply skip this spell and choose another one!

Difficulty: Beginner-Friendly
Effectiveness: 3/5

Things you need

  • A coin
  • Vinegar
  • Brown paper (or tape)
  • A large transparent glass jar
Crescent Moon Success Ritual diy picture
Copyright: Tina Caro

How it’s done

  1. This ritual must only be done on Mondays or Fridays, at night when there is a crescent moon, otherwise, the result will not be as expected, or it can be delayed.
  2. The first thing you should do is fill the water bottle halfway (it can be tap water).
  3. Once it’s half-filled, you need to add two to three tablespoons of the vinegar and stir it well.
  4. Once it is well stirred, you must take a coin and throw it in a jar. If you have a favorite coin, you can add this one in.
  5. When it touches the bottom of the jar, you need to say:
    “Time and life will grant me what I ask for before everyone else. I (you must say your full name) want success and prosperity to be always in my favor.”
  6. Let some time pass, and in that period you will have to thank the energies that will guide you through the future.
  7. After thanking them, you need to remove the coin from the jar and wrap it with brown paper. It has to be covered tightly. You can throw the water with vinegar away. It doesn’t matter how you do it. Clean the bottle, and you can reuse it for another spell.
  8. Placed it under your pillow for a month, and after a month, you need to carry it around everywhere you go.

Salt Spell of Success

Salt Spell of Success
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A combination of many ingredients makes this spell one of the most effective you can find.

It’s a complex spell, and that’s the reason why it is not beginner-friendly.

If this is your first time trying to do some spellwork, skip this one, save it for later and give one of the other spells in this article.

Difficulty: Intermediate
Effectiveness: 5/5

Salt Spell of Success by magickal spot
Copyright: Magickal Spot

Things you need

  • One incense stick
  • Juice (or juice) of half a lemon
  • Three tablespoons of sea salt
  • Three bay leaves
  • Handful of rice
  • Wheat flour (one tablespoon)
  • Beach plate
  • Three coins of any kind
  • One white sheet
  • One black or blue pen

How it’s done

  1. Light the incense.
  2. Say these words in a loud and clear voice:
    “I thank you for giving light to my path, for nurturing my destiny and for listening to my prayers.”
  3. Draw a circle with your pen on the white sheet (it doesn’t have to be a perfect circle).
  4. Put the three coins in a triangle position inside the circle you drew.
  5. Place a flat plate on these coins and put on this plate, these elements.
  6. Start with spreading the rice on a plate and say these words:
    “Satisfy my wishes.”
  7. Spread the wheat flour (both white and whole grain) and say:
    “Satisfy my best luck.”
  8. Squeeze half a lemon on the above and repeat:
    “I give purity to my good energy.”
  9. Take salt, spread it (between your fingers) all over, and as you say:
    “I sanitize everything wrong in my way.”
  10. The last spet is to place the three bay leaves in a triangle position (like you did with coins) while saying:
    “Good luck is with me.”
  11. Wait until the incense is burned down, relaxed, close your eyes, and visualize success for every part of your life.
  12. You must throw away the remains, except for the three coins that you must keep in different places (it can be a purse, closet, piggybank, etc.) for your happiness and to attract success.

A Mercury Ritual for Success

A Mercury Ritual for Success
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This ritual is a great way to work with the stars and the gods to help you boost your business success. Remember to respect the gods you evoke and to not do everything too quickly. Take your time.

Many times when spells like this one don’t manifest is because of the way you cast it.

Suppose you cast it in a rush and not being truly present in the moment, committed to your practice, and thankful for the energy and the spiritual entities around you. In that case, the spell most likely won’t manifest as you are not showing the craft and the energy the respect they need.

Use this ritual as a part of a routine to honor your life to enhance the chances of getting success and blessings.

Difficulty: Intermediate
Effectiveness: 4/5

Things you need

  • Seven silver candles
  • Seven sheets of parchment paper
  • A red felt-tip pen
  • A green felt-tip pen

How it’s done

  1. Arrange the seven silver candles in a circle (around you) and light them clockwise starting from the one facing East.
  2. Write on each of the seven sheets of parchment paper these magic words with the green marker:
    “Mercury here I am” and these with the red marker: “I invoke you”.
  3. Recite this magic formula:
    “I call upon Lord of Arcadia, prince with golden hair, son of the tenth month. The work of Zeus was illustrious in creating the most astute of the gods.
    Keeper of the gates, thief and guide of oxen, you, nocturnal spy, most famous among the immortals, you oh Divine Mercury I invoke you.
    Let the sun enter the underground and fulfill my desires for power.
    Give me the principle of knowledge and let me open the doors of your most divine consciousness.
    Give me your sharp and quick eye as I give you this faith, inviolable and everlasting. Squeeze your light sandals at my feet and let me soar among the most divine pleasures. Let me reach the narrow path to success and let me drink at the source of the sacred fulfillment. For Idris Tauto Ptah and for the names of power aligned with you! I want success, I want it, and I can have it. In your name only, oh Divine Mercury, I want, I desire and I can. “
  4. Burn one sheet of paper at a time with the flame of each of the seven silver candles, starting with the first one you lit (the one facing east).
  5. Let the candles burn down.

Also read:
3 Powerful Spells for Good Grades [Potent Magick]

A Spell For a Brand New Career

Spell For a Brand New Career
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This is a special spell that will help you succeed in a new job interview while having some luck your way supporting your way towards a new career.

It’s not the easiest spell to cast but one of the most effective for sure!

Visualization plays a huge role in this spell. Make some time to visualize everything properly and see things clearly so the universe will do the same, and it will know what to do to make it happen!

This spell is very specific, so if you don’t have the interviewer’s name, the company logo, and so on, skip this spell and rely on a less specific one!

Difficulty: Intermediate
Effectiveness: 4/5

A Spell For a Brand New Career by magickal spot
Copyright: Magickal Spot

Things you need

  • A table with a white tablecloth
  • A red ribbon
  • A pen
  • A colored tape
  • Company logo (the one you’re applying for a job at)
  • Cinnamon or vanilla sticks
  • Matches

How it’s done

  1. Write your interviewer’s name on a ribbon.
  2. Fold a picture of a company’s logo.
  3. With the ribbon, you will tie the photo on three parts and fix it with three knots.
  4. While doing this, try to visualize the dialogue with the person in charge of interviewing you, and observe every detail.
  5. In the visualization, try to see yourself being friendly, talking without anxiety, and having a coherent and entertaining conversation.
  6. Each knot will have a purpose on your part, such as liking it, not getting nervous and seeing you working in that place.
  7. Now, take the matches and light the scented incense.
  8. The incense must be completely burned down before you can walk away.
  9. On the day of the interview, carry the picture in your pocket on the right side.

Final Thoughts

These spells can help you boost your way to the top. Don’t forget always to trust the process and to trust yourself.

Only that way spells can have all the energy they need to work out and give you precisely what you want! And don’t miss my article about herbs that attract success.

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Tina Caro

Tina Caro is a witch with more than 10 years of experience, a yogi, an astrologer, and a passionate supporter of all things holistic! She’s also an owner of the website Magickal Spot where she discusses a variety of her favorite topics.

Magickal Spot has helped thousands of readers worldwide, and she’s personally worked with hundreds of clients and helped them manifest desires to have a happier and more abundant life.

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What Is Missing In Your Life Today That You Deeply Desire?

Is it finding new love or making the existing one healthier than ever? Is it maybe some positivity that would make your life flourish as you've never thought it could? Or is it something unique that your life is missing?

Spellcasting is an art that must NOT be taken carelessly. If you are trying to solve a problem you're facing, you should consider hiring a professional witch that cast spells safely for everyone involved. This way, you know it's being done by someone experienced and knowledgeable, and I'm also always here to answer questions about your casting and provide follow-up at no additional charge.

I've been casting spells for more than a decade and have worked privately with clients from all over the world.

You can expect private sessions, customized spells that I'll create just for you, and free consultations before and after spell casting. You can also read hundreds of different testimonials that you can find at each spell.

Below you'll find spells you can order and what it is this month's special spell casting!