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Garlic in Witchcraft: Spells, Rituals, Healing and More

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Written by: Dawn Black (Witchipedia)


Reviewed by: Tina Caro

Garlic (Allium sativum) is similar to onion, except the bulb, rather than being one large bulb, is made of several cloves. It has long slender leaves that emerge directly from the ground and a striking flower head.

Other Names Stinking Rose, Ajo, Poor Man’s Treacle, Stinkweed


Garlic has a rich history and folklore, with a reputation for warding off evil spirits and promoting good health.

Propagation of garlic is typically done through cloves, making it easy to grow in home gardens.

Proper harvesting and storage techniques are crucial to preserving garlic’s flavor and medicinal properties.

Garlic possesses magical attributes and has been used in various rituals and spells throughout history.

History and Folklore

Garlic has been part of horticulture for at least 5000 years and was grown by the ancient Egyptians, Indians, Chinese and Babylonians.

Its image has been found in Egyptian tombs depicted as an offering to the Gods. The pyramid builders of ancient Egypt were paid partially in garlic and Egyptians swore oaths on cloves of garlic.

Folklore or LegendDescription
Warding off Evil SpiritsGarlic has long been believed to have protective properties, used to ward off evil spirits, vampires, and other malevolent entities.
Garlic for Good LuckIn some cultures, garlic is associated with good luck and is often hung near doorways or worn as an amulet to bring fortune and positive energy.
Garlic and HealingVarious folklore traditions attribute healing properties to garlic, including its ability to ward off illnesses, protect against infections, etc.
Table 1: Folklore and Legends

Roman soldiers ate garlic before battle for strength and bravery.

It was used to maintain health during the plague, as well as to ward off evil spirits, vampires, the evil eye and various spells and hexes.

It was first brought to the Americas on Columbus’s second voyage.

An Islamic legend claims that when Satan left the Garden of Eden, garlic and onions grew from his footprints.

Garlic in Witchcraft: Magical Uses

Garlic is masculine in nature and associated with the planet Mars, the element fire and the sign Aries. It is sacred to Hecate and is a suitable offering to her left at a crossroads.

A spell from the American West to send away unwanted lover: Place a clove of garlic intersected with two crossed pins where he is sure to walk. When he walks over it, he will lose interest.

A potion with the opposite effect was made of a strand of the target’s hair, threads from his or her clothing, alcohol and garlic. Somehow you had to make the target ingest this, and then he or she would fall madly in love with you.

Use as an offering for Hectate

Sacred to the ancient Greek goddess of witchcraft and magic, garlic makes a perfect offering.  Leave a clove at the crossroads or grow some by your front door to honor her.

Include it in kitchen magick for passion. 

A tomato sauce with basil and garlic makes for a classic love potion.  Add candles and enchant an evening guest.

Ward off sociopaths. 

Got a narcissistic coworker?  A frenemy who serves up bitterness with a smile?  Garlic is famous for repelling evil.

Leave a clove with your divination tools.  

Prevent negative energies from coming through the “gateway” of tarot cards, runes or spirit boards.

Break a spell.  

Did your best intentions go awry?  Reverse your ritual and bury any remaining spell ingredients in a deep hole with a clove of garlic.

Protect the entryway.  

Garlic near the entrances prevents dark energies from re-entering the home after an energy clearing.

Try making a wreath of braided garlic from the farmer’s market!

Hang braided garlic over the sick bed. 

Hang garlic over a sick person’s bed to stop fever dreams and drive away dark thinking.

Stop gossip. 

Stuff a poppet through the mouth with garlic and then sew the mouth shut.

Carry with you during water voyages. 

Planning a trip by boat?  Carry a garlic clove for safe passage.

Comfort children at night. 

Hang garlic by the window or over the bed to prevent nightmares.

Healing Attributes

The healing properties of garlic are most potent when it is crushed and consumed raw. Enjoy garlic in freshly made dips, spreads and salads for most satisfying results.

Garlic has antibiotic properties, but it should not be used directly on wounds or in poultices or salves because it can irritate the skin and may inhibit blood clotting.

Regular consumption of garlic may help lower HDL cholesterol and raise LDL cholesterol.

Healing UseDescription
Boosting ImmunityGarlic is believed to have immune-boosting properties and may help support the body’s natural defense against infections and illnesses.
Cardiovascular HealthGarlic has been studied for its potential benefits in promoting cardiovascular health, including lowering blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
Natural RemediesA table highlighting various ailments or conditions where garlic is used as a natural remedy, such as colds, coughs, digestive issues, and more.
Table 3: Healing and Medicinal Uses

It has also been indicated in cancer studies.

To enhance garlic’s natural healing properties, let it sit for 20 minutes or so after preparation (chopping, crushing, etc.) before cooking. This allows certain chemical reactions to take place that activate its active constituents.

Garlic may inhibit the formation of blood clots. Use caution if you are taking blood thinners or
use aspirin regularly.

Do not give garlic to pets as it can destroy red blood cells causing possibly fatal anemia. (Please don’t panic if you dropped some garlic off the cutting board and your dog snapped it up, these problems tend to occur with regular consumption rather than the occasional nip.)

Breastfeeding mothers who eat lots of garlic have occasionally found that their babies became more colicky or refused to nurse until they stop eating garlic!

Large amounts of garlic may cause stomach upset.


Propagate from cloves. Garlic needs a cold period to trigger growth, so your cloves should be planted in the late fall. Plant the cloves with the pointed side up. Do not separate cloves from the bulb until just before you are ready to plant them, or they may dry out.

The young plants look like newly sprouted grass with a lovely garlic smell. These are great on potatoes and in salads. Store in a cool, dark and dry place.

Garlic prefers loose, rich, well-drained soil.

Harvesting & Storage

Harvest garlic by pulling up bulbs in late June or July, or when the lower 1/3 of the leaves start to yellow and the bulbs have segmented into cloves. Stop watering about two weeks before harvesting.

Lay out the bulbs in a well-ventilated area with high temperature and low humidity for two days, then braid the tops together and hang for at least two weeks.

Garlic may be pureed or minced in olive oil and stored in the freezer.

Household Use

Garlic flowers dry well and last a long time in flower arrangements.

Growing garlic near other plants will help protect them from pests.

Rub cloves of garlic on your fingernails and let it sit for a bit to strengthen them.

Culinary Use

Garlic is an indispensable seasoning for many dishes. It blends well with tomatoes, eggplant, zucchini and is great tossed into pasta with butter and Parmesan cheese.

Reduce garlic breath by chewing parsley or fenugreek or fennel seeds after your meal.

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About Morningbird (Witchipedia's Founder)

I am a homesteading hearth witch who grew up along the shores of the Hudson River and has lived among the Great Lakes for the past 20 years. Together with my musical husband and youngest child, I steward a one-acre mini homestead with herb, vegetable and flower gardens, chickens, ducks, geese and rabbits, and areas reserved for native plants and wildlife. 

I have three children; two are grown, and I have been practicing magick alone and with family and friends for over 30 years.

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