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Book of Shadows

The Book of Shadows is primarily a witch’s diary. It is where he or she records spells, recipes and thoughts and dreams, it is, in essence, one’s very own, unique, personalized and sacred grimoire, an ever-evolving, encyclopedia, how-to guide, recipe book, and personal journal.

In families of Hereditary traditions, The Book of Shadows may be passed down through generations and contain messages of wisdom, family traditions, age-old spells & Old Wives Tales, among the rest of its contents.

Some covens or circles have a Book of Shadows the whole group shares, unlike the individual versions, the Coven’s Book Of Shadows generally focuses more on outlining the core beliefs, ethics, ritual practice, and initiatory records than the personal evolution ones own private Book contains.

Where Can I Find the Book of Shadows/Grimoire?

The Book of Shadows, a common inquiry among those new to Witchcraft or Wicca, is a personal creation representing a witch’s unique journey and experiences. It cannot be found or purchased pre-made, akin to a personal diary filled with someone else’s experiences.

While you can buy the physical support, like a notebook, the content is entirely personal, and there is no universal version.

Covens may have their own texts, but these are specific to their traditions and members, not universal. Ultimately, only the witch can decide what happens to their Book of Shadows.

How to Start Your Book of Shadows?

Start from the beginning. This might sound simple, but many of us abandon the idea of having a Book of Shadows simply because we don’t know how to start. Your experiences are significant and can be invaluable in the years to come.

Begin by answering some basic questions: How and when did you start? What significant experiences have you had?

What rituals do you practice regularly? How do you celebrate the Sabbats? Your book will gradually take shape.

What Goes in a Book of Shadows?

Here is a list of common items that witches often include in their Book of Shadows. Don’t limit yourself; creativity will make your book unique:


A copy of the Rede, and you may also wish to analyze each sentence, noting the meanings and values for your practices.


Information on the eight major Sabbats, including rituals, recipes, and activities associated with each.


Moon phases, progressions, and zodiac signs. Mark new and full moons, as well as major events, holidays, and Sabbats.

Correspondences and Symbolism

Lists detailing what each God and Goddess represents, meanings of herbs, crystals, candle colors, and incense symbolism.


A section for rituals, invocations, and spells that you find practical and useful.

Songs and Poems

Include songs or poems that resonate with you and enhance your Book of Shadows.


Write invocations to the Gods that hold personal significance for you.


Use colored cards, mirrors, ribbons, images, or anything that holds significance to you. Your Book of Shadows can be as unique as you are.

Making Your Book of Shadows: What You Need

Here’s what you need:

  • A notebook, agenda, or hardcover book.
  • Natural elements for decoration (feathers, dried leaves, shells, etc.).
  • Writing pens.
  • Imagination, memories, and interests.

Here are steps to create your Book of Shadows:

  1. Choose the Structure: Select an agenda, notebook, or sheets of paper that reflect your style and preferences. Remember, this is a constantly evolving diary, and you may want to make changes over time.
  2. Decorate the First Page: Personalize the first page with a name for your “diary,” a motto, or decorations that inspire you. Use this page as a bookmark as well.
  3. Begin Writing: Document moon phases, herbal tea recipes, natural remedies, and any other information that is personally meaningful to you. Write down holidays, anniversaries, and anything you wish to remember.
  4. Add Visual Elements: Feel free to include shells, flowers, feathers, images, and leaves in your Book of Shadows. These visual elements hold sentimental value and significance for you.
  5. Magic and Religion: Your Book of Shadows can include magical knowledge, spells, rituals, and invocations. Remember that your book is a reflection of your spirituality and path.

What Goes in a Book of Shadows?

Here is an outline for organizing your Book of Shadows:

  1. Title Page: “This is the Book of Shadows of [Your Name].”
  2. Commitment Page: Express your commitment to your craft, why you’re drawn to Witchcraft, and what you hope to achieve on your spiritual journey.
  3. Invocation to the Gods: Depending on your path, you may include invocations to the Goddess and God, reflecting your beliefs.
  4. Diagrams of the Altar and Magical Tools: Illustrations and descriptions of your magical tools and altar setup.
  5. Rituals: Document rituals, including their purpose, materials needed, and steps to perform them.
  6. Moon Phases: Include information about lunar phases, their significance, and any rituals or spells associated with them.
  7. Sabbats: Detail the eight Sabbats of the Wheel of the Year, including rituals, recipes, and their importance.
  8. Magical Information: Correspondence tables, spells, potions, talismans, seals, herbs, oils, candles, crystals, runes, Tarot, and any other magical knowledge.

Remember, your Book of Shadows is a personal reflection of your spiritual journey. There are no strict rules, and you can customize it to suit your unique path and preferences.

The key is to have fun and enjoy the magical experience of creating your Book of Shadows.