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Banishing Spell with Candles (DIY Cast-Along with Pictures)


Written by: Tina Caro

This powerful spell is designed to banish problems, difficult situations, or troublesome individuals that disturb your peace or that of your family.

It uses the symbolic power of candles: a black candle represents the problem or negativity, and a white candle represents you, your family, and the peace you seek.


This spell requires advanced knowledge and preparation. It involves the proper use of ritual tools, creating sacred space, and channeling focused intention. It’s recommended for experienced witches familiar with spellcraft and ritual techniques.


When cast with skill and intent, this spell is highly effective at removing negativity and reinforcing personal and familial peace. The success of the spell is enhanced by aligning its timing with specific days of the week, each associated with particular energies and situations.

Things You Need

  • White Candle: Represents you, your family, and the harmony you aim to achieve.
  • Black Candle: Symbolizes the problem, situation, or person you wish to banish.
  • Cotton Thread: Acts as a physical representation of the connection between you and the issue.
  • Scissors: Used to cut ties and symbolically separate yourself from the negativity.

How It’s Done

Prepare Yourself and Your Space

Take a cleansing bath or shower to clear your energy. Set up your altar, make devotions to affirm your intent, purify your sacred space, and open your circle.

If you feel comfortable, call upon the energies of the four directions or the elements (earth, air, fire, water). You may also invoke a totemic animal or a deity to assist you.

Purify and Consecrate the Candles

Cleanse and bless the candles. You can engrave runes or symbols on them to represent yourself and the problem.

Optionally, anoint the candles with essential oils suited to your purpose:

  • Grapefruit: Health, attracting healthy vibes
  • Ylang Ylang: Romance, love
  • Lemongrass: Wealth, personal finances
  • Lavender: leep, family, and relationships
  • Frankincense: Purification, cleansing, protection
  • Peppermint: Removing negative vibes, easing anxiety

Tie the Candles Together

Bind the two candles together with a cotton thread or long ribbon. Roll them tightly together to represent the connection between you and the problem.

Visualize and Unroll the Thread

Visualize the problem moving away from you as you gradually unroll the thread, stretching it between the two candles.

Light the Candles

Light the black candle first, focusing on it burning away the negativity. Then light the white candle, visualizing it bringing strength and peace to you and your family.

Cut the Thread

Use scissors to cut the thread, symbolically severing the connection to the problem or person.

Allow the Candles to Burn Completely

Let both candles burn entirely, releasing the energy into the universe.

Close the Ritual

Thank the spirits, close the circle, and dispose of the candle remains. Bury them in the earth for transformation or throw them in a public trash receptacle to remove the negativity from your space.

Tips for Timing and Focus

Cast the spell on specific days to align with the energy of your intention:

This ritual is a profound way to reclaim your power and protect your peace. When done with care and focus, it can be a transformative experience for you and your family.

Frequently Asked Question

Can I use different colored candles if I don’t have black and white?

It’s best to use black and white candles as they represent the specific energies of removal (black) and protection (white).

However, if you’re unable to find these colors, you can use neutral substitutes like dark blue (for black) and light yellow (for white) and focus strongly on your intention.

What should I do if the candles don’t burn completely?

If the candles don’t burn entirely, it could indicate blocks or resistance to the energy you’re trying to release.

Repeat the ritual on the same day of the following week, ensuring your focus and intention are unwavering.

Can I perform this spell for someone else?

Yes, but only if you have their permission. Performing banishing spells on behalf of others without consent can interfere with their free will and may not yield the desired results.

What happens if the thread breaks while tying the candles?

If the thread breaks, it could signify that the energy between you and the problem is highly charged. Re-tie the thread carefully, focusing on your intent to separate from the issue.

Where should I dispose of the candle wax remains?

You can bury the wax in the ground or dispose of it in a public trash bin. The important thing is to ensure the remains are far from your home, symbolizing the separation of the problem from your life.


The Banishing Spell with Candles is a powerful tool to separate yourself from troublesome situations or energies. Trust the process, stay grounded, and let the flames burn away negativity while strengthening your resilience and peace of mind.

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Tina Caro

Tina Caro is a witch with more than 10 years of experience, a yogi, an astrologer, and a passionate supporter of all things holistic! She’s also an owner of the website Magickal Spot where she discusses a variety of her favorite topics.

Magickal Spot has helped thousands of readers worldwide, and she’s personally worked with hundreds of clients and helped them manifest desires to have a happier and more abundant life.

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