Sometimes, the path to peace and harmony requires releasing what no longer serves us. Whether it’s toxic relationships, bad habits, lingering negative energy, or even harmful entities, banishing magic can help clear your spiritual and emotional space.
With focused intention and the right tools, you can create a clean slate and reclaim your energy.
Banishing magic is not about harm but about removing negativity and setting firm boundaries. Approach these rituals with respect and clarity, ensuring your intentions align with the positive transformation you seek.
Here are powerful ways to banish unwanted energies and restore balance in your life.
Banishing Spell with Candles
The Banishing Spell with Candles is a powerful ritual designed to remove problems, situations, or troublesome individuals from your life while restoring peace and harmony to your family or personal space.

This advanced spell requires strong focus and intent, making it ideal for experienced witches.
You can find this spell with step-by-step pictures here.
Banishing Bad Habits Spell
The Banishing Bad Habits Spell is a beginner-friendly ritual to help you break free from unhealthy patterns or behaviors holding you back.

Perfect for casting during the Waning Moon phase, this spell empowers you to let go of negativity and create space for personal growth and positive change.
You can find this spell with step-by-step pictures here.
Did You Know?
I was honored when I was recently asked by Court TV producers to consult on a case.
You can view the clip below. This case is a great example of why I do not cast any spells that have harmful intentions. As a Professional Spellcaster, I work with clients from all over the world and it’s important to me to remain grounded and stay ‘in the light’ so that I can help as many people as possible.
Casting your own magic spells takes skill and patience and isn’t recommended in most cases. I provide these “do it yourself” spells for educational purposes, but it is strongly recommended that you consult an experienced spell caster such as myself and allow me to do the work for you.
This way you know it’s being done by someone experienced and knowledgeable and I’m also always here to answer questions about your casting and provide follow-up at no additional charge.
Banishment Spell Casting

Even though Banishment Spell Casting is used to (gently) remove someone out of your life, it’s not black magic. It’s usually cast when a client believes that some other person prevents him/her from pursuing something a client desires.
What you can expect from me:
- Private and personalized approach
- Casting done in less than 24h
- Only the best ingredients & tools
- Free consultations before & after spell casting
One of my client’s testimonials:

I have helped hundreds of clients over the years, and I’d love to work with you as well.
Other Types of Magick to Banish Unwanted Energy
Candle Magic for Banishing Energy
Light a black candle to symbolize the absorption of negativity and a white candle for purification.

As they burn, focus on their flames drawing out unwanted energy and replacing it with clarity and peace.
You can carve words like “release” or “banish” into the candles to amplify their purpose.
Chant Affirmations for Banishing
Words have transformative power.

Speak affirmations that reinforce your intention, such as:
- “I release all negativity from my life.”
- “Only positive energy may remain.”
Repeat these affirmations daily, letting their energy resonate and empower your intentions.
You can also use Oracle cards with strong affirmations for amazing results.
Crystals for Protection and Clearing
Crystals like obsidian and selenite are excellent for banishing negative energy.
Place them near doorways, under your pillow, or carry them with you for protection.

Meditate with these crystals, envisioning them forming a shield that blocks and removes harmful energies.
Runes for Banishing
Runes such as Thurisaz (protection), Hagalaz (disruption), and Algiz (defense) can aid in removing unwanted influences.

Draw these runes on paper or carve them into a candle to channel their energy. As you focus on the runes, imagine their power dissolving negativity and fortifying your space.
Tarot Cards for Cleansing Energy
Select tarot cards like The Tower (disruption and release), Death (transformation), or The Fool (new beginnings) to represent the removal of negative influences.

Use these cards as a focal point during your rituals or place them on an altar to amplify your intention.
Create a Sigil for Banishing
Craft a unique sigil symbolizing your desire to banish negativity and protect your energy.

Activate the sigil through a ritual, meditation, or by drawing it on an object you keep with you. Place it near entryways or areas where negative energy may enter.
Meditation for Releasing Negativity
Dedicate a few minutes each day to quiet meditation, focusing on your breath and visualizing a bright light filling your body.
Picture this light pushing out all negative energy, leaving you surrounded by a protective shield. Imagine this energy spreading through your home, clearing away all unwanted influences.
Using Sage for Purification
Sage is a powerful cleansing tool for banishing negative energies from your space and spirit.
Light a bundle of sage and let it smolder, creating smoke. Move through your space, wafting the smoke into corners, doorways, and any areas that feel heavy or stagnant.

While smudging, repeat affirmations like: “I cleanse this space of all negativity. Only peace and light may remain.” Then, open windows or doors to allow the energy to fade away.
Salt Ritual for Cleansing
Salt is a powerful tool for purification and banishing. Sprinkle salt around your space, focusing on areas that feel heavy or stagnant.

Sweep it away after a few hours, visualizing it carrying the negativity with it.
You can also add salt to your bath for a personal cleansing ritual, letting the water wash away lingering energy.
Banishing magic is a powerful way to clear your space and spirit of negativity. By releasing what no longer serves you, you make room for positivity and renewal.
These DIY practices are simple yet effective, empowering you to take control of your energy and environment.
Trust in your intention and the universe’s support as you work to create a balanced, peaceful life. Choose the methods that resonate most with your spirit and allow your inner wisdom to guide your practice.