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Enchantment of the Haunted Apple – Reconciliation Spell (DIY Cast-Along)


Written by: Tina Caro

This advanced spell is a powerful tool for fostering reconciliation and harmony among family members, partners, or close companions.

By combining the natural sweetness of honey, the symbolic red apple, and candle magic, this ritual invokes the energy of the Goddess to mend and restore relationships.


The Enchantment of the Haunted Apple requires precise focus and a deep understanding of energy work, making it best suited for experienced practitioners. The symbolic steps, such as writing names, hollowing the apple, and working with honey and fire, demand attention to detail and a strong connection with the intent.


This spell is highly effective for reconciling deep emotional divides and fostering harmony between individuals. Its potency lies in the combination of the apple’s symbolism of love and unity, honey’s energy of sweetness and attraction, and the ritualistic invocation of divine assistance.

While results can be profound, the spell requires faith and patience to fully manifest its healing effects.

Things You’ll Need

  • 1 red apple (the redder, the better): Symbolizes love, health, and unity, with its vibrant red color enhancing the magical energy for reconciliation.
  • Honey: Represents sweetness, harmony, and the soothing of conflicts between individuals.
  • A red candle: Red is the color of passion, love, and resolution, used to channel focused energy toward mending bonds.
  • White sheet of paper: Acts as a carrier of intention, holding the names of the individuals whose relationships need healing.

How It’s Done

Prepare the Apple:

Cut a small piece off the top of the apple to create a lid.

Scoop out the inside of the apple, forming a hollow cylinder.

    Write the Names:

    On a white sheet of paper, write the names of the individuals who need reconciliation.

      Assemble the Spell:

      Insert the paper into the hollowed-out apple.

      Cover the paper with honey to symbolize sweetness and resolution. Replace the apple’s “lid,” sealing the contents inside.

        Set the Scene:

        Place the apple next to a lit red candle.

        Ask the Goddess to bring harmony and peace between the individuals, speaking your intention clearly and sincerely.

          Dispose of the Apple:

          The next day, take the apple and place it under a tree in a quiet area or dispose of it in flowing water, such as a stream, river, or sea, to release the energy into the universe.

            Frequently Asked Questions

            Can I use a green or yellow apple if I don’t have a red one?

            A red apple is recommended for its strong symbolic association with love and unity, but if unavailable, any apple can be used with a focused intention.

            What if I don’t have access to a natural water source?

            If flowing water isn’t an option, bury the apple near a tree or in a peaceful outdoor location to allow the earth to absorb its energy.

            Why is honey used in this spell?

            Honey represents sweetness and is a universal symbol of unity and harmony, making it ideal for reconciling relationships.

            Can I perform this spell for multiple people at once?

            Yes, you can include multiple names on the paper, as long as they are all connected by the need for reconciliation.

            When is the best time to cast this spell?

            Performing the spell on a Friday, a day associated with love and harmony, or during a waxing moon phase, will enhance its potency.

            How long does it take to see results?

            Results may vary depending on the individuals involved and the depth of the conflict. Repetition of the spell or complementary rituals may strengthen its effects.

            What should I do if the spell doesn’t work as intended?

            Reflect on your intentions and ensure that your focus and sincerity were strong during the ritual. You may also adjust the timing or environment for a better outcome.


            The Enchantment of the Haunted Apple is a deeply symbolic and powerful spell that leverages the energies of nature and divine intervention to heal and reconcile relationships.

            By carefully following the steps and setting clear, heartfelt intentions, you can nurture understanding and bring harmony to strained bonds.

            If needed, revisit the spell or pair it with acts of kindness and communication to amplify its effects.

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            Tina Caro

            Tina Caro is a witch with more than 10 years of experience, a yogi, an astrologer, and a passionate supporter of all things holistic! She’s also an owner of the website Magickal Spot where she discusses a variety of her favorite topics.

            Magickal Spot has helped thousands of readers worldwide, and she’s personally worked with hundreds of clients and helped them manifest desires to have a happier and more abundant life.

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