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3 Powerful Voodoo Doll Spells [Love, Banish, Protection]

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Written by: Tina Caro

Voodoo dolls are considered alive and only through this conception are they made and accumulate power that scares western societies so much. They serve within voodoo rites as ‘witnesses’ who personify a man or woman and are not always for evil purposes. Let’s take a look at my favorite Voodoo Doll Spells.

Currently, this religion sometimes mixes the characteristic elements of the original religion with elements of a Christian nature (syncretic voodoo rituals) and are among the elements saved by the original religion, therefore the Voodoo Doll is able to collect the essence of the person from which to defend or to take revenge in the practice of voodoo rites.


Voodoo doll spells are a powerful form of sympathetic magic, where a doll represents a person or situation and is used to manipulate energy and intentions.

In a love spell with Voodoo dolls, you can enhance your romantic desires by personalizing the doll with the target’s hair or clothing, amplifying the connection between you and your love interest.

A Voodoo doll can be employed for protection by creating a guardian doll, imbued with protective herbs and crystals, to ward off negative energies and malicious intentions.

To remove someone from your life using a Voodoo doll, you can symbolize their presence in the doll and then dispose of it, severing ties and freeing yourself from their influence.

What are Voodoo Doll Spells?

DefinitionVoodoo Doll Spells are a type of sympathetic magic that uses a doll or figurine as a representation of a specific person. The doll is manipulated, decorated, or imbued with energy to influence the targeted individual’s actions, emotions, or well-being.
Sympathetic MagicThese spells are based on the principle of sympathetic magic, which posits that like attracts like. By manipulating the doll, practitioners seek to create a connection between the doll and the person it represents.
Voodoo RootsVoodoo Doll Spells are closely associated with Voodoo, a religion and spiritual practice originating in West Africa and prevalent in the Americas, particularly in Haiti and Louisiana.
Cultural and Regional VariationsDifferent regions and practitioners may have variations in how they use Voodoo dolls and the rituals associated with them.
Ethical ConsiderationsVoodoo Doll Spells, like all magical practices, should be approached with ethical considerations, ensuring that they are used responsibly and with respect for the free will and consent of others.

As we said, the most recognized, feared, and often searched for symbol through specific voodoo rituals is the Voodoo Doll.

My own voodoo doll
My own voodoo doll.

The realization of this dagida involves a ritual and remains one of the most powerful tools of this ancient religion.

Unlike what is thought in the West, the Voodoo Doll is not only made for negative purposes but also as a symbol to attract the protection of spirits or as a shield to protect oneself from negative ones.

Like other forms in animism, Voodoo with this type of approach also remains classic in the animistic conception of the ancient religions from which it comes from and how it develops, at present Voodoo. Consequently, voodoo rituals, are extremely known as words even if their conception still remains. Unfortunately and we say it with regret to that linked to concepts connected exclusively to Black Magic.

If you wonder how I perform voodoo spells, you can read this article.

Did You Know?

I was honored when I was recently asked by Court TV producers to consult on a case.

You can view the clip below. This case is a great example of why I do not cast any spells that have harmful intentions. As a Professional Spellcaster, I work with clients from all over the world and it’s important to me to remain grounded and stay ‘in the light’ so that I can help as many people as possible.

Casting your own magic spells takes skill and patience and isn’t recommended to do it alone in most cases. I provide these “do it yourself” articles for educational purposes, but it is strongly recommended that you consult an experienced spell caster such as myself and allow me to do the work for you.

This way you know it’s being done by someone experienced and knowledgeable and I’m also always here to answer questions about your casting and provide follow-up at no additional charge.

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Custom Black Magic Spell casting

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Love spell with Voodoo Dolls

Love spell with Voodoo Dolls
Share this spell with your witchy friends.

Love spells with Voodoo Dolls are rituals that most people associate with Santeria, or African American magic. The idea is that the doll represents an individual person and that, through the puppet, it is possible to modify the situations or behavior of the person represented by the doll.


Obviously, the dolls can be used for various magical works but in this case, it would be used to cast a love spell or to make someone fall in love.

This doll spell is used to make someone fall in love with you.

Difficulty: Advanced
Effectiveness: 5/5

Things you need

  • Two red candles
  • Two dolls representing you and the person you want to fall in love with you
  • One lock of your hair
  • One lock of hair of the person you want to charm (if you have it, otherwise use a picture
  • or anything else related to this person)
  • A red ribbon

How it’s done

Light the two red candles. With the red ribbon try to tie the two dolls. Tie them tight and chant this prayer:

“ERZULIE, you scrutinize me, and you know me, you know when I sit and when I get up. You penetrate my thoughts from afar, you look at me when I walk and when I rest.

All my ways are known to you: You know me best. You know me at my best and you know me at my worst and you love everything of me. Behind and in front of you surround me and place your hand on me.


Give me your wisdom and help me get what I want. If don’t understand your plan, give me the chance to do so. If I go up to heaven, you are there, if I go down to the underworld, there you are. If I take the wings of the dawn to live at the end of the sea, your hand will guide me there too and your right hand grabs me.

If I say: “At least the darkness covers me and the night is around me”, the darkness is not dark to you, and the night is as clear as the day, for you darkness is as light. It is you who created my bowels and wove me into my mother’s womb.

I praise you, because you made me like a prodigy; your works are wonderful, you know me completely. My bones were not hidden from you when I was formed in secret, woven into the depths of the earth. Your eyes have still seen me formless and everything was written in your book, my days were fixed when one did not yet exist.

Now it’s time to spread the love, from the ancestral love to the love I choose.

Please, connect me and (…..add the name of the person you want to be part of your life). Make sure we are in sync, make sure we are amazingly in tune with our hearts, make sure a great passion will embrace us.

ERZULIE, don’t abandon me. Let the heart of (name of the person you want to fall in love with) beat as long as we are together. Let him/her feel the need and the urge to get together as only together we can be happy, satisfied, and complete. Bless me with your power. Bless me with your grace. Bless me with your love.”

Let the candles burn out, take the two dolls still tied up together and place them under your bed. If you can, put them in a box so nobody can see them or find them. Keep the dolls there for 7 nights.

On the eighth day, at dawn, burn the two locks of hair and scatter the ashes in a river. What should you do with the dolls? You can keep them if you think you want to repeat the spell once again or you can bury them in a quiet place and forget about them. It’s your call.

Protection spell with a Voodoo Doll

Protection spell with a Voodoo Doll
Share this spell with your witchy friends.

Voodoo is not about love spells only. For example, this is a great spell I used to perform when I needed to protect someone I love from negativity, bad vibes or toxic people. This is the proof that you can use a voodoo doll to protect someone as well.

Difficulty: Advanced
Effectiveness: 4/5

Things you need

  • Black candle
  • Salt
  • Doll representing the person you want to protect
  • A picture of the person you want to banish
  • A pair of scissors
  • Pins

How it’s done

Firstly, create a circle with salt and put the doll representing the person you want to protect inside of it.

Light the black candle up and say out loud:

“I protect you. You are safe.”

Now place the picture of the person you want to banish outside the circle and a little bit in the distance.

With the scissors (Try to erase the eye/s of the person you want to banish) and with some pins fix the picture as you don’t want this person to move around or to get closer to the person you want to protect.

While you do it visualize this person kept away like in chain, like a prisoner of a strong force.

Now say:

“I banish you. I don’t allow you to look at ….(name of the person you want to protect), ever again.
You will be in pain and you will suffer if you try to get closer to her/him
Stay away. Forever. Once for all. For good. So be it.”

Keep the doll in the circle for at least one night. After the ritual take the picture of the person you want to banish and burn it with the flame of the black candle while whispering “so be it”. If you feel you need to repeat the spell, go for it.

If you think you need some extra support, right before casting this voodoo spell, cleanse your space with some sage.

Remove someone with a Voodoo doll

Remove someone with a Voodoo doll
Share this spell with your witchy friends.

We all have that one person that is constantly giving us a hard time. It can be an enemy, an ex, basically, someone who is making us suffer or causing us pain.

Difficulty: Experienced Witch
Effectiveness: 5/5

Things you need

  • A jar
  • A small doll representing your enemy
  • A picture of this person (optional but a great plus if you can)
  • Pins (to anchor the pic to the doll)

How it’s done

The procedure is very simple and very beginner-friendly.

Place the doll with the picture attached to it (if you have one, otherwise don’t worry and just go with the doll only) in a jar.

Go outside and bring the jar with you.

Choose a calm quiet place where you can connect with your wishes. Close the jar, bring it up to the sky, and say out loud:

“You won’t be able to harm
You won’t be able to speak
You won’t be able to breath
Your energy can’t reach me
You are no longer part of my life.”

Now dig a hole, put the jar into the earth, and while burying it, visualize the person you want out of your life going down and down into the abyss of the earth. When you are done say out loud: So be it!

Money spells with a Voodoo Doll

I’ve written a lot about voodoo money spells in this article.

Final Thoughts

Voodoo doll spells are so much more than just placing pins on a doll. As you might have noticed you can play around with many different procedures as long as you have a strong, clear intention and a powerful commitment to the practice.

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Tina Caro

Tina Caro is a witch with more than 10 years of experience, a yogi, an astrologer, and a passionate supporter of all things holistic! She’s also an owner of the website Magickal Spot where she discusses a variety of her favorite topics.

Magickal Spot has helped thousands of readers worldwide, and she’s personally worked with hundreds of clients and helped them manifest desires to have a happier and more abundant life.

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