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Color Silver: Symbolism, Magick, Dreams, Associations & More

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Written by: Dawn Black (Witchipedia)


Reviewed by: Tina Caro

The color silver is a reflective gray color, like the metal silver. Silver reminds us of the element of water and the moon as well as the reflection of a mirror.


Silver holds spiritual symbolism as a color associated with intuition, the moon, and feminine energy, reflecting its connection to the subconscious mind.

In magickal practices, silver is often used for purification, psychic development, and enhancing psychic abilities, making it a powerful tool for witches and practitioners.

Contemporary symbolism of silver includes modern interpretations of technology, innovation, and progress, reflecting its adaptability and sleek, futuristic appeal.

Silver is linked to various deities such as Artemis, Selene, and Hecate, emphasizing its ties to lunar energies and the divine feminine.

Silver color spiritual symbolism

Silver is often associated with the feminine and the divine in many spiritual traditions. It is often seen as a symbol of the moon and is associated with the energies of intuition, emotion, and psychic abilities.

In some traditions, silver is also associated with the element of water, and is seen as a symbol of purification, cleansing, and rebirth. It is also often used as a symbol of abundance and prosperity and is associated with the energies of abundance and flow.

Symbolic RepresentationDescription
Modernity and FuturismSilver is often associated with modernity, innovation, and futuristic concepts due to its sleek and contemporary appearance.
Sophistication and EleganceSilver is a symbol of sophistication, elegance, and refinement, often associated with luxury, prestige, and high social status.
Mystery and IntuitionSilver can evoke a sense of mystery and intuition. It is often associated with the moon, psychic abilities, and mystical realms.
Illumination and ReflectionSilver represents illumination and reflection, symbolizing clarity, insight, and the ability to see beyond the surface.
Balance and HarmonySilver is seen as a symbol of balance and harmony, representing equilibrium, emotional stability, and a harmonious environment.
Table 1: Symbolism and Meanings of Silver

In some spiritual traditions, silver is also associated with the crown chakra and is seen as a symbol of higher consciousness, spiritual wisdom, and connection to the divine.

It is also often used as a symbol of protection and is associated with the energies of clarity and insight.

Correspondences for the Color Silver

  • Element: water
  • Direction: West
  • Day: Monday
  • Planet: Moon
  • Feng Shui: North/Northwest (metal), luck with people and travel
  • Gods: Most Goddesses, Lunar Deities
  • Sabbats: Midwinter, Samhain

Using the color silver in Magick

Silver may be used in magick to represent the Divine Feminine and lunar energy and is useful in spells for feminine power, fertility, connection with the divine, psychic awareness, divination, dreams and dreaming, intuition, revealing the truth, finding lost things, victory, meditation, communications, and general luck, including gambling luck, reflection, especially related to exploring the true self, the True Will, your feminine side and your subconscious.

Magickal AttributeDescription
Moon MagickSilver is strongly associated with lunar energy and moon magick. It can be used in rituals, spells, or talismans to harness the moon’s power for intuition, divination, and feminine energy.
Psychic ProtectionSilver possesses protective energies, particularly against negative or psychic attacks. It can be used to create protective amulets, jewelry, or energetic shields.
Channeling and CommunicationSilver is believed to enhance communication with the spiritual realm and facilitate channeling or mediumship. It can aid in receiving messages, insights, or guidance from higher beings or spirit guides.
Inner Reflection and IntrospectionSilver supports introspection and inner reflection. It can be used in meditation or dreamwork to promote self-awareness, emotional healing, and deeper understanding of the self.
Purification and CleansingSilver is associated with purification and cleansing energies. It can be used to cleanse crystals, ritual tools, or spaces, removing stagnant or negative energies.
Table 2: Magick and Energetic Properties of Silver

The color silver can be brought into your spellwork by choosing silver candles or candle holders, using a silver altar cloth, incorporating silver coins, or silver jewelry. If silver items are not available, the color white can be substituted for most cases.

Contemporary symbolism

Silver is the color of the 25th anniversary and the color of the second place winner. Silver also implies age (silver-haired), wisdom, experience.

A list of deities associated with silver color

Here is a list of deities that are associated with the color silver:

  1. Artemis: Artemis is the Greek goddess of the hunt, wilderness, and childbirth and is often depicted with silver arrows and a silver bow. She is associated with the divine feminine and is seen as a powerful and transformative force.
  2. Hestia: Hestia is the Greek goddess of the hearth, home, and domesticity and is often portrayed with a silver dress. She is associated with the element of fire and is seen as a powerful and transformative force.
  3. Selene: Selene is the Greek goddess of the moon and is often illustrated with a silver crown and a silver chariot. She is associated with the moon’s energies and is seen as a symbol of intuition, emotion, and psychic abilities.
  4. Hecate: Hecate is the Greek goddess of the crossroads, magic, and the underworld and is often shown with a silver torch. She is associated with the divine feminine and is seen as a powerful and transformative force.
  5. Diana: Diana is the Roman goddess of the hunt, wilderness, and childbirth and is often portrayed with a silver bow and silver arrows. She is associated with the divine feminine and is seen as a powerful and transformative force.
  6. Morrígan: Morrígan is the Irish goddess of war, death, and fertility, and is often portrayed with a silver crown and a silver shield. She is associated with the divine feminine and is seen as a powerful and transformative force.
  7. Baba Yaga: Baba Yaga is a Slavic goddess of magic, death, and the underworld and is often portrayed with a silver staff. She is associated with the divine feminine and is seen as a powerful and transformative force.
  8. Frigg: Frigg is the Norse goddess of love, fertility, and the home, and is often depicted with a silver crown and a silver dress. She is associated with the divine feminine and is seen as a powerful and transformative force.
  9. Lakshmi: Lakshmi is the Hindu goddess of prosperity, abundance, and good fortune, and is often shown with a silver crown and a silver dress. She is associated with the divine feminine and is seen as a powerful and transformative force.
  10. Amaterasu: Amaterasu is the Japanese goddess of the sun and the universe and is often illustrated with a silver crown and a silver dress. She is associated with the divine feminine and is seen as a powerful and transformative force.

What is the meaning of dreaming of a silver color?

Here are a few possible interpretations of dreaming about silver:

  1. Silver is often associated with the moon’s energies, and dreaming about silver could symbolize your emotional and intuitive side. It could also represent your connection to your inner wisdom and your ability to tap into your psychic abilities.
  2. Silver is also associated with the element of water, and dreaming about silver could symbolize a need for purification, cleansing, or rebirth. It could represent a desire to let go of old patterns or habits and to start fresh.
  3. Silver is often seen as a symbol of abundance and prosperity, and dreaming about silver could represent a desire for financial abundance or material success. It could also symbolize a need for balance and harmony in your life.
  4. Silver is also associated with the crown chakra; dreaming about silver could symbolize a desire for spiritual enlightenment or a connection to the divine. It could also represent your connection to your higher self and your ability to tap into higher states of consciousness.

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About Morningbird (Witchipedia's Founder)

I am a homesteading hearth witch who grew up along the shores of the Hudson River and has lived among the Great Lakes for the past 20 years. Together with my musical husband and youngest child, I steward a one-acre mini homestead with herb, vegetable and flower gardens, chickens, ducks, geese and rabbits, and areas reserved for native plants and wildlife. 

I have three children; two are grown, and I have been practicing magick alone and with family and friends for over 30 years.

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