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Color Pink: Symbolism, Magick, Dreams, Associations & More

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Written by: Dawn Black (Witchipedia)


Reviewed by: Tina Caro

The color pink is gentle and feminine and evokes the scent of apple blossoms and the laughter of little girls. Pink is calming and energetic all at once.

Wear the color pink to evoke youthful energy and childlike joy. Pink can be used in magic for emotional love, tenderness, conception, babies, pregnancy, romance, youth, peace, emotional healing, inner harmony, femininity, and friendship.

The action of the color pink is similar to that of the color red, but gentler and more muted.

Wear and decorate with the color pink, or burn pink candles to relax and energize, calm aggression and relieve stress. The color pink is also used to suppress the appetite.

In Japan, the color pink is associated with the spring blooming of the cherry blossoms (Sakura) which are associated with the souls of warriors fallen in battle.


In magick, pink is used for spells related to love, harmony, and friendship, and it’s believed to attract positive energy for emotional well-being.

Correspondences for the color pink include the planet Venus, the element water, and the zodiac sign Cancer, emphasizing its connection to emotions and relationships.

Pink holds a unique place in the realm of sexuality, symbolizing sensuality, romance, and self-love, making it a powerful color for enhancing intimacy and passion.

Deities like Aphrodite, Freya, and Cupid are associated with the pink color, adding divine significance to its representation of love and desire.

Dreaming of the color pink may signify feelings of love, compassion, or romantic longing, offering insights into your emotional state and desires.

Pink color spiritual symbolism

The spiritual symbolism of the color pink can vary depending on the context and cultural traditions. 

  1. Love and compassion: In many spiritual traditions, pink is associated with love and compassion. It is seen as a color that helps to open the heart and cultivate feelings of love and tenderness.
  2. Innocence and purity: Pink is often associated with innocence and purity, and it is seen as a color representing spiritual innocence and the purity of the soul.
  3. Healing and nurturing: Pink is often associated with healing and nurturing, and it is believed to have a calming and soothing effect on the mind and body.
  4. Unity and connection: In some spiritual traditions, pink is seen as a color that represents unity and connection. It is believed to help facilitate feelings of oneness and harmony with others.
  5. Emotional balance: Pink is often associated with emotional balance and the ability to process and express emotions healthily. It is seen as a color that can help to bring harmony and balance to the emotional body.
Love and AffectionPink is often associated with love, romance, and tenderness. It represents affectionate emotions and nurturing qualities.
FemininityPink is commonly associated with femininity, representing qualities such as gentleness, sensitivity, and compassion.
PlayfulnessThe color pink can evoke a sense of playfulness, joy, and youthfulness. It can symbolize innocence and a lighthearted approach to life.
Calm and PeacePink is known for its calming and soothing effects. It can create a sense of tranquility, relaxation, and inner peace.
Beauty and CharmPink is often associated with beauty, grace, and charm. It can represent aesthetics, elegance, and refinement.
Table 1: Symbolism of the Color Pink

Magickal Properties of the Color Pink

Magickal PropertyDescription
Love SpellsPink is commonly used in love spells and rituals to attract love, strengthen relationships, and enhance emotional connections.
Healing and HarmonyPink is associated with healing energy, promoting emotional healing, inner harmony, and balance. It can help alleviate stress and bring about feelings of peace.
Self-Love and ConfidencePink can be used in rituals and spells focused on self-love, self-acceptance, and boosting self-confidence. It encourages a positive self-image and fosters self-care practices.
Emotional HealingPink is believed to have a soothing and comforting effect on emotions. It can assist in healing emotional wounds, promoting forgiveness, and enhancing emotional well-being.
Beauty and AttractionPink is associated with beauty and attractiveness. It can be used in spells or rituals aimed at enhancing physical beauty or attracting positive attention.

Correspondences for the Color Pink

  • Element: fire
  • Direction: South
  • Planet(s): Venus
  • Zodiac Sign(s): Aries,
  • Chakra: heart
  • Day of the Week: Friday
  • Season: Spring
  • Holiday: Beltane, Ostara, Spring Equinox, Imbolc
  • Number: 1, 0
  • Feng Shui: The color pink brings soothing energy to a space, but excessive use of it can cause the inhabitants to lose touch with reality.
  • Magical Tools: wand, cauldron
  • Incense: sandalwood, lavender, ginger, sweetpea, tuberose, rose, apple blossom, gardenia, jasmine, strawberry, apricot
  • Minerals: pink sapphire, kunzite, rose quartz, pink diamond, pink spinel, pink garnet, peridot, aventurine
  • Plants: Cherry blossoms, apple blossoms
  • Animals: Pink iguana, flamingo, pig, pink dolphin
  • Tarot: sevens
  • Deities: Venus, Aphrodite, all God/desses of Love, Eros
  • Health: The color pink is associated with breast cancer research. The phrase “In the Pink” means to be healthy.
  • The Work Place: “Pink collar workers” are people in positions traditionally viewed as “women’s work”. In the work place, when you are laid off it may be said that you were given a “pink slip”.
  • Politics: “Code Pink:Women for Peace”, a feminist anti-war initiative in the US., and the Swedish “Feminist Initiative” both use pink as their signature color. “Pinko” is a derogatory term used to describe “watered down” communist or socialist politics – it’s not quite red.

Sexuality & the Pink Color

The color pink is used extensively to represent both femininity and the LGBT community. During Nazi occupation, homosexuals were forced to wear an upside down pink triangle to identify themselves.

In the past, however, the color pink was associated with more with baby boys, a gentler form of red; a vibrant, energetic color considered too aggressive for women (a Scarlet Woman was an immoral woman).

Blue, on the other hand, was associated with Mary, modesty, and virtuous femininity.

A list of deities associated with the pink color

Here are a few deities from various cultures that are associated with the color pink:

  1. Kuan Yin: In Chinese Buddhism, Kuan Yin is the goddess of compassion and mercy. She is often portrayed with pink clothing or an aura.
  2. Lakshmi: In Hinduism, Lakshmi is the goddess of prosperity, good fortune, and abundance. She is often shown with pink clothing or an aura.
  3. Saraswati: In Hinduism, Saraswati is the goddess of knowledge, music, and the arts. She is often illustrated with pink clothing or an aura.
  4. Pele: In Hawaiian mythology, Pele is the goddess of fire, lightning, and volcanoes. She is often depicted with pink flames or an aura.
  5. Artemis: In Greek mythology, Artemis is the goddess of hunting, wild animals, and the wilderness. She is sometimes depicted with a pink aura or surrounded by pink flowers.
  6. Eostre: In Anglo-Saxon mythology, Eostre is the goddess of spring and fertility. She is sometimes portrayed with pink clothing or an aura.
  7. Aphrodite: In Greek mythology, Aphrodite is the goddess of love, beauty, and desire. She is often portrayed with pink flowers or an aura.
  8. Venus: In Roman mythology, Venus is the goddess of love, beauty, and fertility. She is often depicted with pink flowers or an aura.

Most popular pink-colored symbols

Here are nine popular symbols that are associated with the color pink:

  1. The rose: The rose is often associated with love and is often depicted in shades of pink. It is a symbol of romance and affection.
  2. A heart is often associated with love and is often depicted in shades of pink. It is a symbol of emotions and the capacity to love.
  3. The ribbon: The ribbon is often associated with awareness campaigns and is often depicted in shades of pink. It is a symbol of support and solidarity.
  4. The unicorn: The unicorn is often associated with magic and is often depicted with a pink mane or horn. It is a symbol of innocence and purity.
  5. The flamingo: The flamingo is often associated with playfulness and is often depicted with pink feathers. It is a symbol of grace and elegance.
  6. The butterfly: The butterfly is often associated with transformation and is often depicted with pink markings. It is a symbol of rebirth and change.
  7. The fairy: The fairy is often associated with magic and is often depicted with pink wings. It is a symbol of whimsy and imagination.
  8. The dolphin: The dolphin is often associated with playfulness and is often depicted with pink markings. It is a symbol of intelligence and harmony.
  9. The hibiscus: The hibiscus is a type of flower often associated with tropical climates and often depicted in shades of pink. It is a symbol of beauty and joy.

What is the meaning of dreaming of a pink color?

The meaning of dreaming about the color pink can vary depending on the context of the dream and the individual’s associations with the color. 

Here are a few possible interpretations of dreaming about pink:

  1. Love and affection: Pink is often associated with affection and tenderness. Seeing pink in a dream might symbolize a need for more love and connection in your life, or it might represent feelings of love and affection towards someone else.
  2. Innocence and purity: Pink is often associated with innocence and purity. Seeing pink in a dream might symbolize a desire for a more innocent or pure state.
  3. Feminity and gender: Pink is often associated with femininity and is often considered a “feminine” color. Seeing pink in a dream might symbolize a need to embrace your femininity or explore your gender identity.
  4. Healing and nurturing: Pink is often associated with healing and nurturing. Seeing pink in a dream might indicate a need for self-care and self-nurturing, or it might represent a desire to care for and nurture others.
  5. Playfulness and joy: Pink is often associated with playfulness and joy. Seeing pink in a dream might symbolize a need to have more fun or embrace your playful side.

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About Morningbird (Witchipedia's Founder)

I am a homesteading hearth witch who grew up along the shores of the Hudson River and has lived among the Great Lakes for the past 20 years. Together with my musical husband and youngest child, I steward a one-acre mini homestead with herb, vegetable and flower gardens, chickens, ducks, geese and rabbits, and areas reserved for native plants and wildlife. 

I have three children; two are grown, and I have been practicing magick alone and with family and friends for over 30 years.

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