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By Moody Moons, Moon RItuals & Esbats, Pagan Crafts

Moon Soap Lunar Ritual Craft DIY

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Written by: Lumina Indigo (Moody Moons)


Reviewed by: Tina Caro

Learn to make this lovely moon soap with simple, natural ingredients like eucalyptus and mint oil. 

No lye or messing with caustic chemicals!  Just an easy, melt-and-pour technique.

Makes a perfect addition to gift bags for a full moon party or Esbat celebration!

If you like this tutorial, check out all my pagan craft posts and other ways to celebrate the full moon.

(Please note, this post may contain affiliate links.  It costs you literally nothing, and clicking through the links to purchase the items is a great way to support independent bloggers.  Read more about this practice on Moody Moon’s disclosure page).

The Mold

I test about 30 witchy products a year.  I reject roughly 80% of them for publication because they don’t meet my quality standards.

This moon soap mold made the cut.

I found that with melt-and-pour soap, the image comes out clean consistently (provided you let it harden for a reasonable amount of time).  I never bother to grease it at all.

Also, I love the image, which strikes me as pure, serene and understated.

So let’s do something fun with it!

Things You Will Need

-1 moon soap mold

-1/3 cup (or so) melt-and-pour goat’s milk soap base

-10 drops peppermint essential oil

-5 drops eucalyptis essential oil


-1 teaspoon ground, dried peaflower (I used this to give me soap a light green color)

Step 1

Typically, melt-and-pour comes in 1-pound blocks.  Unwrap it, and cut off a chunk about 1/6 the size of the block.

I went a little overboard with this large chunk and got two bars out of it.

Lunar moon soap mold diy tutorial.

Step 2

Pop it in the microwave for 30-60 seconds, or until completely melted, but not boiling.

Make sure you use a heat-safe container to melt it.  A Pyrex measuring cup works well.

Chunk of melt and pour goat's milk soap from Amazon.

Step 3

Optional:  If you want a little natural color, tear off the not-blue part of your pea flowers (usually, the dried stem is either green or brown).  Crush the blue part between your fingers or with a mortar and pestle.  This gives it a lovely, faint green-to-blue color.

Step 4

Add essential oils.  I went with eucalyptus and mint, but you can try any one you want.  Vanilla and rose, or lavender would be nice.

Stir the mixture gently with a wooden spoon.

Prepare for your work space to smell amazing!  But resist the temptation to put your head directly over it and sniff the soap batter.

Evaporating essential oils can irritate the lungs.

Step 5

Pour the mixture into the mold.

Don’t worry if you have some leftover.  Just leave it in your heat-safe container.  You can melt it down again later and make another one after this one has cooled, or simply dump it in another mold.

My mold came in this bright pink color.

Step 5

Allow the soap to cool for 6 hours, or overnight.

Once cool, gently turn over the mold and press out your soap with careful fingers.

Step 6

Place your soap in a dark, well-ventilated area and let it cure.  I always let it go at least 4 weeks.

But the longer the better.  If you use it too soon, it’s soft and doesn’t last very long.

Ideas for Your Moon Soap

OMG there’s so many amazing things to do with this soap.

-Leave it in the full moon light and use it during your ritual baths.

-This recipe is safe enough to do with kids 9 years old and up, provided you use melt-and-pour and be careful not to burn little fingers on the hot batter.  Consider doing this as a way to celebrate the full moon with your kids.

-Give these soaps away at your next Esbat celebration or to your coven.

-If you make them now, they’ll cure right in time to give away as gifts during Yule/Winter Solstice/let’s-just-call-it-what-it-is-the-Pagan-Christmas.

Blessed be.

Lunar soap melt-and-pour easy diy moon soap. Love this mold!

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About Lumina (Moody Moons' Founder)

Lumina Indigo began Moody Moons in 2012 to produce beautiful, elegant, intriguing content of interest to the magical and witchcraft community.

She specializes in in-depth research and reporting on various topics in modern spirituality.

With over 20 years of experience with the modern pagan community, Lumina is a professional tarot reader, and a kitchen witch culinary wizard.

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