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By Moody Moons, Earth Mom, Moon RItuals & Esbats

10 Kid Friendly Full Moon Celebration Ideas for Pagan Children

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Written by: Lumina Indigo (Moody Moons)


Reviewed by: Tina Caro

Looking for kid friendly full moon celebration ideas that won’t break the budget?  Read on for some innovative ways to include your child in your next Esbat ritual.

(And for some more grown-up ideas, check out 25 Ways to Celebrate the Full Moon).

Kid Friendly Full Moon Celebrations

(Please note:  This post may contain affiliate links.  It’s standard industry practice and it’s really no big deal, but the FTC got their panties in a wad about it a few years ago and now we all have to bore you with super bland disclaimers about it).

Before selecting a way to celebrate the full moon with kids, take a few basic (and obvious) things into consideration.

How small are they?  Small enough to still be afraid of the dark?

Old enough to appreciate a lesson in mythology?

Also, who else is attending your full moon ritual?  If you plan to include other people’s children, make sure to run your ideas by their parents.  Even pagan parents differ widely on what they consider acceptable for children.

1.  Make “Moon Rocks.”

This super clever diy craft to make “moon rocks” gets kids to think about the surface of the moon beyond what they see standing on earth.  Give it a mystical twist by inviting children to place their “moon rocks” on the family altar.

Allowing children to contribute items to the house altar makes them feel included and helps remind them to think about everyday life in a spiritual way.

2.  Teach a moon myth.

Nearly every indigenous culture in the world tells a story about the origin or power of the moon.  Choose a new one every month and tell it in a kid-friendly way.  It’s a great tradition to teach interfaith ideas and comparative spiritual thought.

3.   Bake a batch of moon cookies.

For the budding little baker, try making a batch of moon cookies.  This is a great way to spend the evening at home with family!

If you like, you can even take them outside to leave an “offering” for the “woodland fairies.”

4.  Charge gemstones.

Head to your nearest mineral, new age or occult shop and let the kids pick out a gemstone.  Most display less expensive stones in open bins, where kids can browse, touch and look at them easily.  Encourage them to use their intuition to pick out a stone.

The night of the full moon, show them how to leave the stone in the moonlight to charge.  A windowsill in the bedroom, or a special place in your garden work well!

5.  Introduce Moon Magic.

Try a simple spell to introduce the concept of moon magic.  Here’s an easy one:

Mix a few drops of rosemary essential oil with some isopropyl alcohol and pour it in a spray bottle.  Let the kids smell the oil.  Explain that rosemary oil has protective properties to keep away bad dreams.  Then let the kids spray their pillows or beds with the infusion.

Open the windows to the full moon and let them “fan out” any negative energy.

6.  Read a book with a moon theme.

For smaller kids, make reading classic books like Goodnight Moon a monthly tradition.

Or, for a book with a pagan bent, check out Aurora Lightbringer’s Moon Magic:  A Child’s Book of Moonlight Magic.

7.  Go on a moon walk.

Not the Michael Jackson kind.  Take a stroll under the moon.

You need not go far.  A simple walk down the street or even around the backyard can be a great lesson.

Encourage kids to notice things that are different under a full moon.  Point out how much more light there is.  Tell them to listen for sounds of the natural world responding to this cosmic event.

8.  Let your child create his or her own altar.

Find quiet corner in your child’s bedroom.  A small bookshelf or night table works.  Or, if space is limited, designate a box under the child’s bed.

Then spend some time finding things in your house or in nature to include on your child’s altar.  Explain that maintaining an altar helps to create a sense of peace in the home.

Encourage your child to start meditating in the mornings and/or evenings near his or her altar.

Every month, remind your child to tidy up the altar and rearrange or change out the items in it to keep the energy fresh.

9.  Try color magic.

Kids respond to bright color!  Use this tendency to explore color magic in an age-appropriate way.

Of all the ideas on this list of ways to use color magic, I think kids of all ages enjoy tossing around rangoli powder.

10.  DIY a magic potion.

This one is super fun!

Break out your essential oils (for older kids) or herbs and spices (for younger and older kids).

Tell each child to come up with an intention for this moon cycle (to get better grades or be nicer to a younger sibling, for example).   Then teach them which herbs and oils correspond to their intentions.  Let them blend and mix.

Most of the time, it smells disastrous lol.  But every once in a while, they surprise you!

kid friendly ways to celebrate the full moon

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About Lumina (Moody Moons' Founder)

Lumina Indigo began Moody Moons in 2012 to produce beautiful, elegant, intriguing content of interest to the magical and witchcraft community.

She specializes in in-depth research and reporting on various topics in modern spirituality.

With over 20 years of experience with the modern pagan community, Lumina is a professional tarot reader, and a kitchen witch culinary wizard.

4 thoughts on “10 Kid Friendly Full Moon Celebration Ideas for Pagan Children”

  1. I just came across this website. Very nice to see a pagan place that shares content like this; content that is lighthearted and grounded in everyday life.

  2. Dear Moodymoons,
    I would like to translate your article to Hungarian and piblish it in a Hungarian non-profit pagan periodical called Àrnyak (Shadows). For this I would like to ask your permisson.
    Where can I contact you to for that?

    Kind regards,


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