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DIY Friendship Spells & Ways to Strengthen Bonds (With Pictures)


Written by: Tina Caro

Friendship is one of the most beautiful connections we can nurture, and magic can help deepen and strengthen these bonds. Whether you’re looking to attract new friends, enhance existing friendships, or resolve conflicts, magical practices can empower you to create harmonious, supportive relationships.

These rituals, crafted with intention, can amplify your energy and invite positive connections into your life.

The most important aspect of friendship magic is to work with a loving, open heart and respect for the free will of others. Always perform these rituals with clarity, kindness, and the intention to uplift both yourself and those around you.

Here are some simple yet effective spells and practices designed to strengthen and nurture the magic of friendship:

New friendships attraction spell

This spell is perfect for those looking to open their hearts and invite new, meaningful friendships into their lives.

By creating a space of positivity and welcoming energy, this spell helps align your vibrations with those of potential friends who share similar values, interests, and goals.

It can be done in a quiet, peaceful environment where you can focus on your intention.

See the full step-by-step spell casting guide here

A separation spell for toxic friends

This simple and effective separation spell, rooted in Mexican folk magic, is designed to distance yourself from toxic friendships or relationships.

It involves using a lemon, salt, and two strips of paper with the names of the people involved.

See the full step-by-step spell casting guide here

Other Types of Magick That Attract New People into Your Life

Candle Magic for New Friendships

Candle magic is an effective way to draw new friendships into your life. Choose a yellow candle for communication and positivity, or a pink candle for love and kindness. Light the candle and focus on your intention of attracting genuine, supportive friends.

As the candle burns, imagine your energy radiating outward, inviting like-minded individuals to enter your life. Visualize yourself engaging with new friends who bring joy, support, and meaningful connection into your world.

Chant a Friendship Affirmation

Affirmations are a great way to direct your energy and focus your intentions.

Try repeating affirmations like:

  • “I attract loving, supportive friendships.”
  • “My friendships are built on trust, respect, and understanding.” Chant these affirmations daily, visualizing the energy of these words filling your heart and radiating outward toward those you wish to connect with. The more you say them with conviction, the more they align your energy with the friendships you seek.

Crystals for Friendship and Harmony

Crystals can amplify the energy of friendship and compassion. Rose quartz, known for its gentle energy of love and healing, can help create an atmosphere of warmth and understanding.

Amethyst can enhance emotional clarity and support strong, honest communication. Carry these crystals with you, or place them in your space to invite peace and deepen your connections with others.

Runes for Relationship Harmony

Runes like Gebo (partnership) and Wunjo (joy) can enhance the energy between friends. Draw these runes on a piece of paper and carry them with you, or carve them into a candle to direct your intention towards strengthening bonds and creating shared joy.

The energy of these runes can help bring balance and happiness into your friendships.

Connecting with Aphrodite

Aphrodite is a wonderful deity to invoke for friendship, as her domain extends beyond romantic love to encompass the broader bonds of affection and harmony.

She represents beauty, connection, and the joy found in meaningful relationships. Connect with her to honor friendship and healthy happy connections with others.

Tarot Cards for Friendship

Tarot can provide insight and guidance on how to nurture your friendships. The Three of Cups, The Empress, and The Lovers are excellent cards for strengthening relationships. Create a small altar or place these cards somewhere you will see them often.

As you focus on their energy, meditate on the qualities you wish to foster in your friendships—joy, support, and unconditional love.

Craft a Friendship Sigil

A sigil is a personal symbol that encapsulates your intention. For friendship, create a sigil that represents the energy of unity, joy, and mutual respect. Charge it with your intention by focusing on it during a ritual or meditation.

You can draw this sigil on your belongings, such as a notebook or piece of jewelry, as a reminder of your desire to attract positive connections.

Meditation on Friendship

Take time each day to meditate on the relationships you want to cultivate. Close your eyes and visualize yourself surrounded by friends who bring positivity, joy, and support into your life.

Imagine your connection with these people deepening, filled with love, laughter, and trust. Visualizing your ideal friendships strengthens your ability to manifest them in real life.


These DIY magical practices are designed to help you attract, strengthen, and nurture meaningful friendships. The key to success lies in performing these rituals with sincerity, love, and respect.

Remember, the magic of friendship is rooted in mutual support and understanding, and as you work with these rituals, you create space for deeper, more fulfilling connections in your life.

Try one or more of these practices, and trust that the universe will bring people into your life who align with your desires for supportive, joyous friendships. Allow your heart to guide you in choosing the methods that resonate most with your spirit and magical path.

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Tina Caro

Tina Caro is a witch with more than 10 years of experience, a yogi, an astrologer, and a passionate supporter of all things holistic! She’s also an owner of the website Magickal Spot where she discusses a variety of her favorite topics.

Magickal Spot has helped thousands of readers worldwide, and she’s personally worked with hundreds of clients and helped them manifest desires to have a happier and more abundant life.

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