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A Separation Spell for Toxic Friendships (DIY Cast-Along)


Written by: Tina Caro

This spell, rooted in Mexican popular magic, is a powerful yet simple ritual to create distance between yourself and a toxic relationship.

Using the natural elements of lemon and salt, it helps dissolve unhealthy connections and bring closure.

The spell is ideal for situations where a friendship or connection has turned sour or harmful.

Difficulty: Beginner-Friendly

Things You’ll Need

  • 1 lemon of any type (large): Represents the souring of a relationship and is a symbolic tool for cutting ties.
  • Two strips of white paper with names written in pencil: The names connect the energy of the individuals involved to the spell. Writing in pencil signifies something that can be undone or erased.
  • Salt: Known for its cleansing and purifying properties, salt is used to dissolve negative energies and sever ties.

How It’s Done

1. Prepare the Lemon:

Cut the lemon across its width, creating two halves.

2. Insert the Names:

Place the strips of paper with the names written in pencil inside the lemon.

3. Add the Salt and Chant this words:

Sprinkle salt liberally onto the lemon while reciting:

“Just as the salt is falling apart, the friendship of (………) and (……) breaks down.”

4. Seal and Store the Lemon:

Close the lemon halves and place them in a hidden spot where they won’t be disturbed for seven days.

5. Dispose of the Lemon:

After seven days, discard the lemon in a sewer or a location far away from your home. This act signifies the final release of the relationship’s energy.

Can I use a different fruit if I don’t have a lemon?

Lemons are ideal due to their symbolic association with sourness and cutting ties, but limes can be a suitable alternative.

Why is salt used in this spell?

Salt is a powerful element in magic, representing cleansing, protection, and the breakdown of negative energies. In this spell, it symbolizes dissolving the bond.

What if I don’t have access to a sewer to discard the lemon?

If a sewer is not accessible, you can dispose of the lemon in a trash bin far from your home, ensuring the energy is removed from your space.

Can this spell be used for any kind of toxic relationship?

This spell is primarily effective for friendships and romantic relationships that are no longer serving you. However, it is not designed for relationships between two men, according to traditional interpretations of this ritual.

How quickly will I see results?

Results often appear within days after the lemon is disposed of, though timing may vary depending on the strength of the bond and the energy surrounding the situation.

Is it okay to repeat the spell if needed?

Yes, you can repeat the spell if the situation persists or if you feel the connection requires additional effort to dissolve.


This simple yet potent separation spell work with the natural elements of salt and lemon to break unhealthy ties and protect your energy. By following the steps with intention and focus, you can create the space you need for healing and growth. If necessary, revisit the spell after some time to reinforce its effects and ensure your emotional well-being.

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Tina Caro

Tina Caro is a witch with more than 10 years of experience, a yogi, an astrologer, and a passionate supporter of all things holistic! She’s also an owner of the website Magickal Spot where she discusses a variety of her favorite topics.

Magickal Spot has helped thousands of readers worldwide, and she’s personally worked with hundreds of clients and helped them manifest desires to have a happier and more abundant life.

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