Black magic is a powerful kind of magic that helps us gain what we want by charging individual items with energies and working with them.
There are many different black magic rituals and spells, but today, we’re going to take a look at Black Magic for Money Spells.
Black magic money spells tap into ancient mystical energies, aiming to manifest financial abundance in one’s life through supernatural means.
These spells work by harnessing the practitioner’s intention, belief, and energy to influence the universe’s energies in favor of attracting money and wealth.
The Money Magnet Spell is a powerful ritual that utilizes a magnet and visualization to draw financial prosperity into your life, symbolizing the magnetic attraction of wealth.
Attracting wealth for others is a selfless act of using black magic to help loved ones or even strangers improve their financial situations, spreading positive energy and goodwill.
The 2 Minutes Wealth Attraction Ritual is a quick and accessible spell that combines simple ingredients like coins, a bowl, and salt to manifest immediate financial blessings, making it perfect for those in need of a swift financial boost.
What are Black Magic Money Spells?
Aspect | Explanation |
Definition | Black Magic Money Spells are a subset of money spells that use dark or occult magical practices to attract wealth, financial gain, or prosperity. These spells may involve invoking negative or manipulative forces to achieve financial success. |
Intentions | The primary intention of black magic money spells is often to gain wealth or financial advantage, even at the expense of others. These spells may involve manipulating and infringing on the free will of individuals or entities. |
Ethics and Consequences | Black magic money spells raise significant ethical concerns, as they can involve harmful manipulation, potential harm to others, and negative karmic consequences for the caster. Responsible spellcasting should prioritize ethical considerations. |
Responsible Spellcasting | It’s crucial to emphasize responsible spellcasting, encouraging positive intentions, consent, and ethical considerations in all magical practices, especially in financial matters. |
How Black Magic for Money Spells Work?
When facing economic issues and failures, we try many different things to improve our situation.
That’s why people are talking about special rituals and plants that are used to attract wealth.
Black magic works mainly because of the intense intention we put into the work to get what we want and because basically, we call for energies to recharge items and places to attract money.
Did You Know?
I was honored when I was recently asked by Court TV producers to consult on a case.
You can view the clip below. This case is a great example of why I do not cast any spells that have harmful intentions. As a Professional Spellcaster, I work with clients from all over the world and it’s important to me to remain grounded and stay ‘in the light’ so that I can help as many people as possible.
Casting your own magic spells takes skill and patience and isn’t recommended to do it alone in most cases. I provide these “do it yourself” articles for educational purposes, but it is strongly recommended that you consult an experienced spell caster such as myself and allow me to do the work for you.
This way you know it’s being done by someone experienced and knowledgeable and I’m also always here to answer questions about your casting and provide follow-up at no additional charge.
Custom Black Magic Spell Casting

I can cast a powerful Black Magic Money spell in less than 24h.
This is a Custom Black Magic Spell Casting, which is a premium spell casting that requires higher quality materials and it also manifests sooner than other spells.
What you can expect from me:
- Private and personalized approach
- Casting done in less than 24h
- Only the best ingredients & tools
- Free consultations before & after spell casting
One of my client’s testimonials:

I have helped hundreds of clients over the years, and I’d love to work with you as well.
There are things we need to be aware of:
- We must always take into account that every time we use black magic, we have to be careful when casting spells because a bad practice can have unfavorable consequences.
- It is advisable that at first, you look for someone who is specialized in this type of art and who instructs us when performing any of his spells.
We can specialize in money spells or simply use other ways, that are much safer for a beginner, such as;
- The location of organic plants in strategic places in our home
- A bowl with coins and rice
- Baths that help to cleanse our aura so that positive energy attracts all good things
- Certain moon spells
6 Black Magic for Money Spells and Rituals to instantly attract money
The spells and rituals below are straightforward and will help you attract money instantly.
Let’s take a look at the 6 Black Magic for Money Spells and Rituals that I practice a few times per month.
The Money Magnet Spell

Created for moments when we want to sell something, improve situations at work, or get out of debt.
I recommend that you do this spell at night, during the crescent moon.
Difficulty: Beginner-Friendly
Effectiveness: 4/5

Things you need
- An empty wine glass
- Two black candles
- A handful of white rice
- Coins
How it’s done
- We start by lighting the two candles that should be located one on each side of the wine glass.
- At the bottom of the cup, we place a small magnet.
- Then, we take a handful of white rice and place it in the cup.
- After this, we need 12 coins with a random value. It has to be 12 coins because each coin represents one month in a year.
- Finally, we let the candles burn until the end.
It is essential that everything mentioned above is done in a hidden place, somewhere at home.
Attract Wealth For Others

This spell with help someone near you become a magnet for wealth. It can be a friend, our partner, or a family member.
This spell can be carried out at any time of the day, but it is extremely important that the person benefiting from it is not aware of this, since it could cause the opposite effect.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Effectiveness: 4/5
Things you need
- A small glass, bottle or container with a lid
- Bay leaves
- Seven coins
- A black candle
- A piece of paper
- A pencil
How it’s done
- First, we light the black candle and place it in front of the jar.
- Next, we insert seven bay leaves one by one, repeating on each occasion the name of the person we want to help.
- Then we take seven coins and put them in the jar all at once. By doing this we request the money to reach that person in one fell swoop.
- On a small piece of paper, we write the name (with a pencil) of the person we want to help and leave it in the jar.
- Finally, we use the lid to close it and let the ritual end until the entire candle burnt down.

Black Magic Money Ritual with Sandalwood

This is a straightforward ritual that will help you attract wealth with some basic ingredients.
Difficulty: Beginner-Friendly
Effectiveness: 3/5

Things you need
- Sandalwood
- Purified water
- A rosary
- A black candle
How it’s done
- First, we need a glass with purified water or mineral water.
- Put it in a place that is full of sunlight. We need to do this because sunlight purifies water.
- Next, we put the glass of water together with sandalwood under the bed.
- Then you roll a rosary around your hand and you go to sleep while holding it!
- Once the place is cleaned, I suggest that you place plants that attract the money in the corners of the house. Then call wealth by holding a black candle around these plants.
One of the best plants is pachiras.
These plants are known as the millionaire plants or the Chinese money plants. These are the best to pick, but you can look for any other plant that is allusive to wealth and economic prosperity.
2 Minutes Wealth Attraction Ritual

If you want something that works immediately, you need to try this one.
Difficulty: Beginner-Friendly
Effectiveness: 4/5
Things you need
- Coins of different currencies
How it’s done
- Place them on the floor. They shouldn’t touch each other, and others shouldn’t see them.
- While you’re placing them, you need to repeat this prayer:
“The money placed on the ground quickly attracts more money to the door of my house”
4 Candles, 1 Bill Money Ritual

You only need 3 simple things to make it work.
Difficulty: Beginner-Friendly
Effectiveness: 3/5
Things you need
- Four Candles
- A bill
- Coins
How it’s done
- Place 4 candles in a rectangle position.
- In the center of this rectangle place a bill with coins around it.
- While putting these coins on a bill whichever prayer you want. You can also use a prayer that’s used in the ritual above.
Ancient Black Magic Money Ritual

This powerful ritual requires water from the nearest river. River water acts as a portal to powerful energies from our and other worlds.
You must NOT use tap or bottled water!
Difficulty: Intermediate
Effectiveness: 5/5

Things you need
- River water.
- A sheet of parchment paper.
- A green marker.
- A glass jar.
How it’s done
- With the green marker write on the parchment paper these magic words: “Adra Adarah Darah Dra. 10 times richer. 100 times richer. 1000 times richer.”
- Fold the sheet four times and place it inside the glass jar.
- Pour the river water into the jar reciting this magic formula ten times:
“Adra Adarah Darah Dra. The waters of fortune will bring abundance. There will be no more poverty. Only abundance.” - Keep the (open) jar on your bedroom windowsill for ten consecutive nights.
- On the eleventh day, at dawn, go to a river, turn the water in the can upside down and keep the paper.
- Let the paper dry on the sun for a whole day.
- Take the paper and, kiss it and say: “You will bring me luck and abundance.”
- Keep the sheet in a place in your home where nobody can find it (but possibly not indoors).
Final Thoughts and Warnings
Black Magic is the most powerful and dangerous branch of the esoteric world and provides a series of conditions that are not easy to accomplish.
Even the most famous magicians and psychics will warn you about the risks that these practices can cause for those who perform them and those who request them.
The misuse of this type of rituals can generate more losses in us than gains. That is why we need the excellent teaching of qualified witches to advise us on this type of magic.