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By Witchipedia, Correspondence Tables

Table of Color Correspondence

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Written by: Dawn Black (Witchipedia)


Reviewed by: Tina Caro

Many witches like to use color to symbolize their magickal intent during spellwork. Color is especially utilized in candle magick.

How it’s Used?

You can use color correspondences to help choose the colors of your candles, altar decorations and more when planning a spell or act of worship.

Colors can also be used in home decor and clothing choices to bring their energies into your everyday life.

It is important to note that colors have the potential to have deep symbolic meaning. Because of this color correspondences are very subjective, even moreso than many other correspondences, it is more important in magical work that the symbols you are using, colors in this case, have personal meaning for you.

Additionally, colors can symbolize very different things in different cultures. For example, some cultures consider white the color of mourning, while others associate it with weddings, and there are many brides-to-be who wouldn’t dream of marrying in anything but red.

Clearly, it is important to look to your own cultural upbringing and experiences before taking correspondence table recommendations to heart, particularly with colors.

Additional tips

If your gut tells you the color doesn’t make sense in your spell, you should not use it regardless of what any chart tells you. All correspondence tables should be used as a guide only and not be taken as law.

That being said, we hope you find our color correspondence table helpful.

ColorElemental CorrespondencePlanetary and Astrological CorrespondenceAssociated ChakraAssociated Body PartsMagical Association
RedFireAries, Scorpio, Mars influencing SaturnRootBones, Teeth, nails, colon, prostate, rectum, bloodPassion, fire, courage, strength, power, joy, renewal, energy, health, motivation, desire, ambition, leadership, self-esteem, business deals, combat, confrontation, buying & selling, mechanical things, repairs, hunting
PinkN/AVenus, influencing Mars Muscular systemsPersonal success, self-love, personal harmony, friendship, calming, romance, harmony, passion, partnerships, getting a move on, physical energy, sex, action, exercise, surgery, buying, selling & adopting animals, gardening, woodworking, new beginnings, honor, morality, emotions, femininity, breast cancer, homosexuality, compassion, relaxation, infants
OrangeFireSun, Leo, Sagittariussacralpelvis, kidneys, uterus, bladder, lymph, sperm, adrenalin, digestionrelieving depression, feelings of abandonment, increasing opportunities, happiness, mental alertness, breaking down barriers, material gain, kindness, sealing a spell, harvest, strength, dominance, legal matters
YellowAirMercury, Taurus, Librasolar-plexuslower back, spine, gall bladder, pancreas, liver, spleen, digestionHealing, friendship, increase productivity, remove negative thinking, increase creativity, inventiveness, prosperity, self-esteem, beauty, life, humility, intellect
Gold Sun  Money, inspiration, prosperity, wealth, power
GreenEarthVenus, Mercury, Aquarius, CancerheartUpper back, spine, shoulders, breasts, heart, lungs, respiratory system, circulatory systemincreasing love and trust, faeries, general healing, wellness, transformation, new beginnings, prosperity, money, career, employment, hope, immortality, rebirth, garden magic, herbal magic, fertility, luck, courage, change, peace, harmony, relationship success, beauty, soul mates, artistic ability, affection, partnerships, alliances, grace, luxury, social activity, marriage, decorating, cosmetics, gifts, income, gardening, gardeners, architects, artists, cosmetologists, chiropractors, dancers, engineers, entertainers, fashion, models, designers, music, painting, poetry, courtship, dating, household improvements, planning events, shopping
BlueWaterJupiter, Moon, Virgo, Capricorn, Aquarius, PiscesthroatNeck, throat, thyroid, lungs, ears, mindIncrease wisdom, wealth, joy, opportunity, patience, peace, truth, loyalty, meditation, introspection, insight, happiness, fidelity, remove confusion, the ocean, elevation, calming, long distance travel, higher education, political power, social standing, dealing with foreign cultures/countries, religion, philosophy, forecasting, broadcasting, publicity, expansion, luck, growth, sports, horses, legal matters, doctors, guardians, merchants, police officers, psychologists, charity, self-improvement, research, studying, reading.
Violet/Purple Mercury, Saturn, Capricorn, Jupiter, Gemini, SagittariusBrowFace, nervous system, upper respiratory system, bones, eyes, ears, pituitary gland, emotionsclairvoyance, relief of emotional hurt, spiritual protection, heal wounded pride, spirituality, wisdom, increasing psychic powers, meditation, justice, forgiveness, humility, the occult, hidden forces, secret dealings, memory, intelligence, communication, intelligence, education, correspondences, messages, students, merchants, editing, writing, advertising, contracts, kinship, ambition, progress, visiting friends, astrology
White Moon, PiscescrownBrain, pineal gland, semenSafety, protection, transformation, enlightenment, connection to higher self, becoming more outgoing, relieving shyness, the cycle of life, freedom, health, initiation
BlackEarthSaturn teeth, bones,Use in combination with white to represent balance, opposites, the union of opposing forces. Divination, beginning, creation, rebirth, absorbing energies, patience, binding, stability, neutralizing forces, material gain, protection, karma, death, manifestation, law, understanding one’s limits, overcoming obstacles, challenges, tests, real estate matters, farming, sacrifice, separation, criminals, civil servants, plumbing, justice, wills, debts, discoveries, elders, truth
Gray and Silver Moon  Divination, secrets, psychic awareness
BrownEarthScorpio, Capricorn  Security, friendship, animal magic, nature magic, generosity, fruitfulness, new beginnings, harvest, the health of pets & livestock, endurance, grounding, strengthening, solidifying, sound decision making, improved concentration, focus, telepathy, finding lost things, anything to do with animals
About Morningbird (Witchipedia's Founder)

I am a homesteading hearth witch who grew up along the shores of the Hudson River and has lived among the Great Lakes for the past 20 years. Together with my musical husband and youngest child, I steward a one-acre mini homestead with herb, vegetable and flower gardens, chickens, ducks, geese and rabbits, and areas reserved for native plants and wildlife. 

I have three children; two are grown, and I have been practicing magick alone and with family and friends for over 30 years.

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