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By Moody Moons, Natural Living

Natural Living Tips for the City-Dwelling Witch

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Written by: Lumina Indigo (Moody Moons)


Reviewed by: Tina Caro

If natural living, or living more closely to the earth through lifestyle choices, seems impossible as an urban witch, we got you covered.

Apartment dwelling witchcraft doesn’t mean giving up a connection to an organically magical life.  

Get back to more green space with these 9 witchy tips.

Create a natural life indoors.

Of course, time in nature is ideally spent outdoors.  But when you’re surrounded by concrete, a stroll through the woods isn’t always an option.

Create a natural sanctuary inside.

And don’t stop at potted plants.

Consider adding a water feature, natural twine ottomans or furniture made of reclaimed (NOT fresh cut) wood.

Try to create a nice balance of the four elements by including fire, water, earth and air in creative ways.

Join a food co-op.

As a kitchen witch, whenever I make a magical recipe, I always avoid synthetic ingredients and try to buy as local as possible.

Gathering ingredients and making your food by hand is sacred.

The closer to the earth your ingredients, the closer to the earth your body and spirit are.

Consider joining a food co-op to get farm fresh ingredients for your dinner table at least twice a week.

Take an outdoor meditation class.

Most large cities offer meditation classes.

Find one near you that meets outdoors.  

Strengthening your meditation skills is virtually synonymous with improving your spell casting.  Concentration and mental focus makes the magic.

Switch to natural self-care and beauty.

Making your own beauty and self-care products from scratch isn’t natural living.  It’s downright magical.  

Use your knowledge of herbs and magic to build spells around homemade lotions, creams, face masks or whatever else you can think of.

Need some ideas?  Here’s a few to get you started:

Natural Beauty for the Natural Witch:  A Guide to Making Homemade Beauty Magical

Green Goddess Glamour Spell

Purple Fairy Spell Cream

Green Witch Abundance Spell Cream

9 Witchy Self Care Ideas to DIY at Home

Volunteer at the animal shelter.

Nothing brings you closer to nature that connecting with animals—especially those that need you.

Consider volunteering at a nearby animal shelter.

Who knows?  You may even come home with your next animal familiar.

Find a natural healer.

Discover your local acupuncturist, herbalism shop or massage therapist.

This does not need to be expensive.  

I go twice a month to get a massage by a lady who does it for $1 a minute, and it’s worth every penny.

Finding natural ways to connect to the rhythms of your body and heal imbalances is a fabulous way incorporate a more holistic approach to wellness without ever leaving the city.

Banish toxic cleaning agents.

How to use lemons in witchcraft, rituals, spells and magick.

Natural cleaning products have always been a big part of many witchcraft traditions.

Like natural beauty recipes, you can build spells around them and make cleaning a ritual in natural living.

Combine lemon essential oil with vinegar for an energy-clearing floor wash, or start boiling leftover culinary herbs in a pot of water to freshen the air in your space and banish negative entities.

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About Lumina (Moody Moons' Founder)

Lumina Indigo began Moody Moons in 2012 to produce beautiful, elegant, intriguing content of interest to the magical and witchcraft community.

She specializes in in-depth research and reporting on various topics in modern spirituality.

With over 20 years of experience with the modern pagan community, Lumina is a professional tarot reader, and a kitchen witch culinary wizard.

new pic - lumina indigo magickal spot

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