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By Moody Moons, Festivals & Sabbats, Kitchen Witch

Mabon Bacon Maple Cornbread

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Written by: Lumina Indigo (Moody Moons)


Reviewed by: Tina Caro

Bacon maple cornbread combines three rich, traditional Mabon ingredients for a hearty addition to your Fall Equinox feast.

Comfort food ingredients like the salty/sweet pairing of warm maple syrup and uncured bacon nourish the soul after a day spent outdoors in the cool weather.

This creative twist on a classic disappears fast at any autumn gathering, so make more than you think you need.  If there’s leftovers, freeze them for a tasty breakfast treat or give them to the kids after school for snack.

Bacon maple cornbread muffins are a cute and creative way to celebrate the Fall Equinox!
Bacon maple cornbread muffins are a cute and creative way to celebrate the Fall Equinox!
Yummy! Maple corn bread with crispy bacon for the Fall Equinox.


Mabon bacon maple corn bread muffin recipe. Mmmmm!

Magical Meaning of the Ingredients

Like all our Mabon recipes, the ingredients in this recipe align with the spirit of harvest season.

Maple Syrup

In modern magic, maple syrup symbolizes hope, nourishment and domestic love.

Specifically, for the Fall Equinox, including maple syrup in a kitchen witch recipe invites the spirit of the woodlands into the home.  As the leaves of the maple trees begin their transition from green to yellow to deep shades of orange and red, we are reminded that all things are temporary and that death gives way to new life.


In kitchen magic, pork symbolizes abundance, decadence, feasting and festival.

Some practitioners consider the inclusion of meat in a sacred recipe sacrificial in nature.  Meaning that any meat you use should be ethically sourced, so take care to know exactly where you get your bacon!

Make a day of it and go to a local butcher or pig farmer with an excellent reputation.


In North America, it’s hard to think of a food item that has stronger associations with the harvest season than corn.

Corn makes its way onto just about every dinner table at some point during the harvest season, and cornmeal is a staple ingredient in meals prepared for the coming holidays here.

Brown Sugar

Brown sugar—which is really just white sugar and molasses–brings a warm, dark, rich flavor to this recipe that compliments its other decadent ingredients.  

In magic, it represents the sweetness of family gatherings.

What to Serve Bacon Maple Cornbread With

You can definitely eat these alone–they stand on their own.

But if you want to make it a meal, consider serving it with:

-Fried fall vegetables, like squash or eggplant

-Bourbon/whiskey based cocktails

-Autumn salad

-Orange slices


-8 slices uncured bacon, roughly chopped

-1 cup yellow cornmeal

-3/4 cup all-purpose flour

-3/4 tbsp baking powder

-1.5 tsp salt

-2 eggs

-1/4 cup maple syrup

-1/4 cup brown sugar

-3/4 cup milk

-splash of lemon juice

-3 tablespoons melted butter

Step 1

In a large skillet (preferably cast iron), fry bacon until well done (6-8 minutes).   Drain on a paper towel and blot thoroughly.  

Step 2

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  In a large mixing bowl, blend yellow cormeal, flour, baking powder, and salt.  In a separate bowl, whisk together eggs, maple syrup, brown sugar, milk, lemon juice and melted butter.

Combine wet ingredients with dry and blend thoughly until batter is smooth.

Add most of the chopped, cooked bacon, but reserve 2 tablespoons for garnish.

Step 3

Line 12 muffin tins with muffin cups and divide the batter equally among them.

Bake at 350 degrees for 18-24 minutes, or until a toothpick comes out clean.

To garnish, sprinkle remaining crumbled bacon on top and drizzle lightly with maple syrup.

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About Lumina (Moody Moons' Founder)

Lumina Indigo began Moody Moons in 2012 to produce beautiful, elegant, intriguing content of interest to the magical and witchcraft community.

She specializes in in-depth research and reporting on various topics in modern spirituality.

With over 20 years of experience with the modern pagan community, Lumina is a professional tarot reader, and a kitchen witch culinary wizard.

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