If you have been following me for a while, you will know that I mentioned a few times that black magic is a very complex practice. That’s why I decided to write an article that will show you how to practice black magic or at least help you start practicing it!
- 12 Practical Steps Before You Begin
- 1. Educate yourself
- 2. Take your time
- 3. Learn the basics
- 4. Learn all you need to know about spells and rituals
- 5. Join a coven (or go solo!)
- 6. Connect with nature
- 7. First exercises and practices
- 8. Share your love for magic
- 9. Use a diary to write about your witchy journey
- 10. Choose your magic tools
- 11. Learn invoking/evoking energies and entities
- 12. Read, read, read!
- Final thoughts
There are just a few that popped into my head.
Start your journey into black magic by thoroughly educating yourself about its history, traditions, and ethics, understanding that it’s a complex and often misunderstood practice.
Take your time and don’t rush into performing spells or rituals. Patience is key to mastering black magic, as it requires a deep understanding of its intricacies.
Learning the basics of magic, including symbolism, correspondences, and the use of herbs and crystals, will provide a strong foundation for your practice.
Delve into the world of spells and rituals, exploring their history, purpose, and various techniques to harness the power of magic effectively.
Did You Know?
I was honored when I was recently asked by Court TV producers to consult on a case.
You can view the clip below. This case is a great example of why I do not cast any spells that have harmful intentions. As a Professional Spellcaster, I work with clients from all over the world and it’s important to me to remain grounded and stay ‘in the light’ so that I can help as many people as possible.
Casting your own magic spells takes skill and patience and isn’t recommended to do it alone in most cases. I provide these “do it yourself” articles for educational purposes, but it is strongly recommended that you consult an experienced spell caster such as myself and allow me to do the work for you.
This way you know it’s being done by someone experienced and knowledgeable and I’m also always here to answer questions about your casting and provide follow-up at no additional charge.
Custom Black Magic Spell Casting

I can cast a powerful Black Magic Money spell in less than 24h.
This is a Custom Black Magic Spell Casting, which is a premium spell casting that requires higher quality materials and it also manifests sooner than other spells.
What you can expect from me:
- Private and personalized approach
- Casting done in less than 24h
- Only the best ingredients & tools
- Free consultations before & after spell casting
One of my client’s testimonials:

I have helped hundreds of clients over the years, and I’d love to work with you as well.
So let’s clarify this fantastic powerful, and mysterious practice with this article dedicated to how to practice black magic.
12 Practical Steps Before You Begin
1. Educate yourself
The first thing to do to approach black magic safely is undoubtedly to study and educate ourselves.
Very often, we think we can practice magic without learning the basics.
Do not think that dedicating hours of study and starting from scratch is disparaging and useless.
Experience magic as a path, a journey to be experienced!
2. Take your time
Do not rush things! Everything will manifest when it’s time – step by step. If you immediately start practicing, it may happen that you won’t learn as much as those that spent time reading and discovering the art!
Don’t go looking for difficult spells if you don’t even know how to open a circle or match the colors of candles and stones.
You can develop your theories and your rituals, but only if you know the basics to do it.
If you just read a little here and a little there and do the first 2 or 3 spells you find, you can’t say you truly know black magic.
So have patience and start by studying the basics – the colors, the circle, the incense, the herbs, the stones, the moon phases, the auspicious days, evoking/invoking, natural energies, and inner strength.
3. Learn the basics
Learn the basic elements of a black magic ritual.
There are several different rites for everything, from casting a spell to get rich, or to resurrecting the dead.
Almost all, however, require the following elements:
- Choosing a site to cast a curse or spell.
- A circle drawn on the chosen site and a pentacle depicted inside. It is also called the “circle of power”.
- Candles, herbs, crystals, pendants and other materials that are used to help summon spirits.
- Powerful words (relevant to the particular result you want to achieve) that are repeated 3 times.
There are just a few. You’ll stumble upon many different things you’ll have to master before you could stop calling yourself a baby witch!
4. Learn all you need to know about spells and rituals
Aside from the classic money, love, luck rituals, there are other ways to perform black magic.
But before you learn about them, you need to make sure you’re willing to face the consequences.
So before trying to harm someone, make sure that you know what you’re doing.
Awakening, the forces of darkness can be very dangerous and should not be done lightly.
The threefold law states that what you do to others comes back to you three times.
Are you so motivated to practice black magic that you are willing to accept that it turns against you?
Make sure that the result you hope to achieve is worth it.
Spells are just a product. Magic is not about making spells. They are done only when there is a real need and not so much to do.
If you want to test your skills, then focus on exercises such as meditation, focus, and visualization.
It takes hours and hours before you truly master them!
Another fundamental thing is herbal magick. You’ll need it often, and learning about the properties of specific herbs will help you experiment with new formulas.
Believe me, over time, I had found so much satisfaction when I noticed that my own spells worked.
Also, study the influence of the planets and the moon. They are essential for the success of our spells.
5. Join a coven (or go solo!)
Better alone or in a cover?
Well, this is a personal choice, which has both advantages and disadvantages.
Having a group means sharing energies, experiences, and knowledge. But it also means that we will have to continually deal with people who perhaps do not share the same interests or with whom we do not get along.
This is why, very often, the Coven or Congregations do not accept new members. Both because the newcomer must suit everyone, and because every time a new member joins the group, there is a whole process of re-establishing the energies, which requires time and patience.
For this reason, not everyone is willing to open the doors of their knowledge to others, so do not be discouraged if you get a “NO” to your requests to join.
In any case, the lonely path is what allows us to follow our instincts and curiosities by placing fewer constraints on our way to knowledge.
You may often feel lonely – I have experience with that.
But this is often compensated by the benefit you have in rediscovering yourself, and by how you learn to get by in all situations.
Anyone who chooses the lonely path is not a lonely person, however, because you can always attend meetings of other groups to celebrate traditional rites or meet with other practitioners occasionally to discuss and talk about your experiences.
6. Connect with nature
Get closer to Mother Nature! Go out, go for walks, listen to the wind, and the flow of streams.
If you are in the city, then try to listen to the natural sounds and catch them beyond the urban noise.
This helps you make contact with nature and understand how to get in harmony with it. Remember that our power comes from the earth and its fruits.
The ingredients are all things produced by nature.
Always remember to thank her then at the end of your rituals.
7. First exercises and practices
Try simple things at first – purify your altar, room, home, create some sigils or talismans for you and your friends.
Celebrate pagan celebrations with rituals.
Maybe invoke the Goddess that you worship, and I do not mean demonic invocations, but simple prayers, or thank you. She listens to you.
When you master the basics, everything else becomes much easier to learn and understand.
You won’t have to search for “the best candle color for xyz” or “the best crystal for xyz” every time.
Imagine being a skyscraper.
Start by building the foundation, and then the magic will repay you with knowledge.
You will never get tired of it, and your skyscraper (your knowledge) will become immense and solid.
Share your knowledge and interest. Do not keep it hidden because of being in fear of being laughed at. There are plenty of Facebook groups that are full of support!
Sharing your knowledge will also help you find out about the topics you didn’t master yet.
9. Use a diary to write about your witchy journey
Sometimes it is useful to start a diary. This diary isn’t a spellbook.
It’s used to write your progress in it, both theoretical and practical.
This will help you understand your development, to find out what you are missing, and how long did it take to master it.
10. Choose your magic tools
If you want to practice black magic, you might need some things like an altar, a book of shadows, a knife, candles, essential oils, and so on.
If you don’t feel comfortable having these tools at home or you don’t know where to start and what to choose, don’t feel ashamed.
Start with something as easy as burning a candle and creating a little prayer to ask the spirits and the universe to give you what you desire.
Then you can start by trying the basics of spell crafting. You may even cast a spell with zero or with a few ingredients you can find at home like spices and salt.
Do you want to learn more about some magic essentials? Check my article about it and choose what suits you and your practice!
11. Learn invoking/evoking energies and entities
This is a essential part of black magic.
Learning how to invoke or evoke is a must, and it can easily be the best way to start practicing a little bit more advanced black magic.
You can invoke a God or a Goddess for help and to ask him/her to bless you with his/her power and gifts. You can also evoke some spirit or demons if you want to connect with the dead.
If you want to learn more about the difference between invoking and evoking, I have an article about it. Check it out here!
12. Read, read, read!
It doesn’t matter if you are a baby witch or an experienced one! Education is still a critical part of your path.
To educate yourself on the topic and learn all you need to know about black magic before diving into the practice, read as many books as you can!
Here are two I recommend:
The Black Arts: A Concise History of Witchcraft, Demonology, Astrology, and Other Mystical Practices Throughout the Ages by Richard Cavendish

You can buy it on Amazon US and Amazon UK.
The Book of Black Magic by Arthur Edward Waite is a great one, but you can definitely find a book related to the aspect of black magic that interests you the most.

You can buy it on Amazon US and Amazon UK.
Final thoughts
Feel free to choose your path and don’t be influenced by what others think because this will be your own and personal practice.
Explore black magic and see what this practice can do for you.
How can this kind of magic change your life? What can it bring to you to make you feel the best version of yourself?
These are the questions for a safe, smart, and productive approach towards the darkest side of our beloved magic!
Love & Light