What is Magickal Equipment?
To start practicing magic and work on some spell or ritual, magical tools are a must.
Even if the most important things you should bring in into your practice are faith, commitment, and a little bit of fantasy, some tools are required to work the energy the right way.
Nothing too fancy, nothing too complicated, but some tools are mandatory to create some magic effectively.
The most important thing is to use them as a starting point and widening your practice customizing the process and the whole magical experience.
How are Witchcraft Tools used?
Witchcraft tools are used as a vessel to channel your energy, but also as practical tools for spell casting and for consecration. Consecration is a vital step to carry out before using any new tools. You can consecrate your tools with moon energy but also with magical oils – there are plenty of ways to consecrate tools, so search around and find what practices you like.
Can you do Witchcraft Without Tools?
Absolutely! There are many spells and rituals you can perform with no ingredients nor tools. As long as you have strong intentions and you commit yourself fully to the practice, you can do it.
Can I Make my Own Tools?
You can create some tools on your own such as amulets and sigils. You can even bless some common, everyday tools so that they become sacred and can be used in your magic.
What are the Essential Tools for Witches?
Even though you can do magic without tools, there are a few tools you should consider incorporating into your practice as a must. For example, candles. Candles are important, are easy to use and work but are incredibly powerful. A book of shadow is another important tool for you to use so you can journal your witchy experiences and spells when practicing. This allows you to improve and make your own magic over time.
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Practicing magic takes skill and patience and isn’t recommended to do it alone in most cases. I provide more than 140 “do it yourself” articles and more than 300 “do it yourself” spells for educational purposes, but it is strongly recommended that you consult an experienced spell caster such as myself and allow me to do the work for you.
This way you know it’s being done by someone experienced and knowledgeable and I’m also always here to answer questions about your casting and provide follow-up at no additional charge.