Spells to enhance financial success are naturally quite popular. Among the most often requested type of magic, they appear in every spell-casting culture in the world.
Money spells are literally as old as witchcraft itself.
But in the interest of personal authenticity, before we get to the spell itself, I’d like to take a moment to explain why I generally shy away from them.
Of course, I encourage you to make up your own mind about them.
For what it’s worth . . .
Money spells have never been my favorite kind of magic. It’s a personal thing, really.
Something about them reminds me of that shady guy you always see in the comments of witchcraft blogs promising to help you win the lottery or whatever.
Much like fertility spells, it’s not the spell premise itself that bothers me, but its association with people who, unfortunately, take advantage of and defraud others under the guise of spellcraft.
All that said, I don’t see anything inherently wrong with supporting your efforts in the realm of finance with magic.
Just keep the following in mind.
A money spell is really about your relationship with your finances.
I always try to remember that magic is a spiritual practice, and put every spell in that context.
Your relationship with money is, in many ways, the bridge between your mundane life and your higher aspirations.
Of course, not every dire financial situation is your fault. Financial difficulties arise from all kinds of circumstances outside a person’s control—house fires, hacked bank accounts, and fraud all happen to financially responsible people through no fault of their own.
But many financial problems are the result of a bad relationship with money. If you think about the people in your life who struggle with money the most, you’ll probably realize that their relationship with it is usually troubled.
So it’s important to really think about what your relationship is with your finances, and whether or not having more money would fix that problem, or simply put a bandage on a gaping hole in your soul that you’re trying to fill with material things and pleasures.
Remember that it’s not so much about the dollar amount itself as what you need to make your a reality. So, before your begin, take a moment to ask:
What would I do with more money?
Do I want to travel the world? Own my own home? Pay off debt? And why are those things important to me?
Once you understand your motivations, setting a clear intention becomes much easier. Which brings me to my next point . . .
Set a clear intention.
Setting a crystal clear objective is an essential step in any spell.
In a money spell, instead of specifying a dollar amount, try specifying your actual goal—the thing you plan to use the money for.
For example:
“Go to Thailand” is better than “I need $4,500.”
This strategy leaves you open to accepting other means of arriving at your destination—-for example, a job opportunity. More often than not, you will find that spells work in ways you never envisioned.
This cracking open of your spirit, this openness to an alternate path, is a key part of channeling your energy to achieve your goals through spell work.
Cinnamon and Sugar Money Talisman Spell
Cinnamon and sugar are commonly associated with abundance and sweetness in life.
Sprinkle a pinch of cinnamon and sugar in your wallet or around your home while visualizing money flowing to you.

This easy yet effective spell boosts prosperity energy and creates an inviting atmosphere for wealth.
View the full step-by-step guide here.
Easy 2-Step Money Spell with Coins
A simple yet effective spell involves coins, which are known for their association with abundance.

This involves using your commitment and intention by visualization to connect with the universe and manifest more wealth and abundance.
View the full step-by-step guide here.
Money Spell by Lumina Indigo
Things You Will Need
(Please note, this section may contain affiliate links for your convenience).
- green candle
- patchouli oil or money-drawing oil
- a piece of paper or pen
- a handful of pennies or coins
Step I
Carve your candle with a simple of wealth or abundance. This might be a dollar sign, a word, or a sigil.
This symbol need only be significant to you as a clear representation of abundance or financial stability.
Step 2
Anoint your candle with patchouli oil (or another money-drawing oil of your choice).
Step 3
On a piece of paper, write your financial goal.
Remember, it is better to write what you want to do with a better financial position than an actual dollar amount.
Step 4
Either turn the paper upside down or fold it into quarters and place the candle on top of it. Surround the base of the candle with pennies or other low-value coins.
Beginning on the first night of the waxing moon until the night of the full moon, light the candle every evening before you go to bed.
Imagine each of the pennies multiplying, adding a few to the base of the candle every night.
Other Magical Practices You Can Do To Attract Wealth
Light up a green candle
Green candles are powerful tools to attract wealth, as their colors resonate with prosperity and abundance.

When lighting a candle with the intention of manifesting financial success, observe the flame’s behavior for insights into your financial future.
Candle flame readings can seem tricky, but with our tips, you’ll easily decode its messages.
Chant a Prayer for Prosperity or Use Money Affirmations
Prayers or affirmations can act as magnets for wealth, focusing your energy and intentions toward financial opportunities.

Here’s a simple, powerful prayer for abundance.
If prayers aren’t your thing, try positive affirmations such as “I am worthy of wealth,” or “Money flows to me easily and effortlessly.”
Repeating these phrases daily can align your mindset with financial success.
Open Your Solar Plexus Chakra with Crystals for Abundance
Certain crystals are excellent for channeling wealth and prosperity. Citrine, pyrite, and green jade are just a few that can enhance your energy flow and help you manifest abundance.

Place these crystals in your workspace, wallet, or meditation area to amplify your intentions for financial success.
Using Runes to Attract Wealth
Runes such as Fehu (wealth), Jera (harvest), and Dagaz (new beginnings) from the Elder Futhark set are powerful symbols for financial growth.

You can carve these runes into objects associated with wealth, such as your wallet, or meditate on their meanings to invite their energies.
Keep these symbols close to you or close to your wallet to attract prosperity. You can learn more here about the power of elder futhark rune for wealth.
Using Tarot Cards to Manifest Wealth
Select cards such as the Ace of Pentacles, the Ten of Pentacles, or the Wheel of Fortune to create a small altar focused on attracting wealth.

Display these cards to channel their energy and keep them as a reminder of your commitment to manifesting financial abundance.
Sigils for Wealth
A sigil is a powerful tool to focus your intentions. Create a sigil symbolizing wealth and financial growth, and activate it through visualization or a small ritual.

Keep the sigil in a visible place, such as your wallet or work desk, to continuously draw in prosperous energy. Learn more about sigils for wealth here.
Meditation for wealth and abundance
Meditation helps you clear mental blocks and focus on your financial goals while attracting more wealth and abundance into your life.

By calming your mind, you can identify opportunities and take steps toward abundance. You don’t need to meditate for hours; a simple 5-10 minute session focusing on abundance and gratitude can create powerful results.
Invoke spirits for money
Invoking spirits for money can be a powerful way to enhance chances at getting more wealth while letting abundance bless your life.

You can read more here to learn more about how to do it and why it is so effective
Best of luck, witches!

I did my very first spell back in January! It went very well. It was a money I got off this website!
There was this chant I did when calling in the 4 elements and I can’t find it now but it was so powerful that after the spell when it bid each element farewell one by one the candle flame went out on its own. This is when I knew it was legit and my request was heard.
However I cannot find the 4 elements chant anywhere now. I’m pretty sure it was this website and was wondering if you can reply back with it?
I can’t find it anywhere on your site now. The 4 element chant does not come up in online searches.
Thank you for your time
No, sorry. I don’t think it was this site.
Would cast money spell for me?
I have a brand new bar of Quick Money Drawing Soap but don’t know to use it, there were no instructions, oh n I don’t have a bath tub just a shower does that matter? Any advice, or how to use it I would greatly appreciate it, Thank You!!!
I would do a ritual bath to draw abundance and use it in that!