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Crystals and Minerals

Crystals Associated with Love: Best Choices


Written by: Tina Caro

Love is the force that governs the world. Each of us is driven by the constant desire to receive and give love for ourselves, for a partner, or for the family and friends who are close to us.


Crystals associated with love, such as Rose Quartz, Emerald, Rhodonite, Pink Calcite, and Kunzite, embody nurturing and compassion, fostering deep emotional connections.

Rose Quartz radiates unconditional love, promoting harmony and forgiveness in relationships.

Emerald enhances loyalty and unity, encouraging emotional balance and deepening love connections.

Rhodonite nurtures forgiveness and self-love, fostering harmony and emotional healing.

Pink Calcite infuses relationships with compassion and tenderness, promoting understanding and harmony.

Kunzite encourages heart-centered communication and self-love, attracting love and nurturing relationships.

These crystals are cherished for their ability to enhance love, compassion, and emotional well-being in all aspects of life.

Attracting Love

Love is a multiplicity of emotions, and that can be very different from person to person It is a complex and profound concept that can have different interpretations depending on the context and personal experiences.

There is no definition of love that is unique and universal, as it can manifest itself in many different forms and intensities.

However, in general, it can be described as a strong feeling of affection, attachment, and concern towards someone or something. Loving means wanting the best for the other, whoever they are, even when the motivations are different. It means allowing others to be happy, even when their path is different from ours.

It is a feeling that arises from the desire to give oneself, to take a leap into the dark, to take a risk and to entrust one’s life to the hands of another person.

But there is more, love is not only a feeling for a partner but also a feeling we have to cultivate and nourish towards ourselves first in order to be able to love others.

Also read:
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5 Love Sigils to Attract the Perfect Partner (DIY Guide)

crystals associated with love
Copyright: Magickal Spot

Best Crystals for Attracting Love

Rose Quartz, Emerald, Rhodonite, Pink calcite, and Kunzite are the best crystals for honoring, attracting, and manifesting love.

Rose Quartz

This splendid mineral with pink hues is credited with the ability to enhance the romantic side in every individual. Its influence opens the heart to inner peace, to love for ourselves and others, to beauty and generosity.

To get the most benefit, you can keep the crystal in contact with the body as an ornamental stone, pendant or bracelet. If you prefer not to wear it, remember that Rose Quartz works even if placed indoors.

rose quartz crystal on a table by tina caro magickal spot


Closely linked to the Fourth Chakra, the Heart chakra, Emerald has always been considered the stone of success in love. Its influence promotes positive feelings such as friendship and affection, generates an attitude towards collaboration and promotes understanding and communication. Giving this stone to the people we love promotes the creation of a lasting, loyal and happy bond.


The stone of harmony. Its influence helps us recognize that often the basis of conflicts is a lack of self-love and not the wrong behavior of others. Always carrying a Rhodonite amulet with us can be of great help in stimulating our emotional growth, overcoming conflicts and capitalizing on our experiences.

Pink Calcite

The influence of Pink Calcite allows us to establish new and intimate bonds with others by developing positive feelings such as friendship, empathy and compassion. If worn as a pendant it will vibrate in tune with the fourth chakra, the Heart chakra, acting on our emotional sphere.


Among the crystals for attracting love and positivity, Kunzite is the one that enhances love towards ourselves. The influence of Kunzite allows us to investigate the most intimate dimensions of the heart and puts us in contact with the infinite source of love that lives within us.

On a chromotherapy level it is connected to the fourth chakra which harmonises with the seventh chakra, the Crown chakra. If on the one hand it keeps the heart open, on the other it develops the intuition of the wearer.

How to Use Crystals?

  • Sit in a quiet space with a piece of Rose Quartz in your hand. Close your eyes and focus on your heart chakra. Visualize a pink light surrounding you, filling your heart with unconditional love and compassion. Allow Rose Quartz to amplify your intentions for attracting and manifesting love into your life.
  • Lie down and place Rose Quartz over your heart chakra. Take deep breaths and imagine the gentle energy of Rose Quartz penetrating your heart space, releasing any past wounds or emotional blockages. Feel your heart opening up to give and receive love freely.

    Also read:
    105 Positive Affirmations for Rose Quartz: Crystal Work
    Rose Quartz Turning White: Here Are The Reasons
    Meaning of Rose Quartz Breaking Explained: Interpretations
  • Take a walk in nature with a piece of Emerald in your pocket. Find a quiet spot and sit down, holding Emerald in your hand. Close your eyes and connect with the natural world around you. Visualize the vibrant green energy of Emerald merging with the lush greenery of the forest, bringing balance and harmony to your heart and soul.
  • Sit with your partner and hold a piece of Emerald together. Share your feelings and intentions for deepening your connection and renewing your commitment to each other. Visualize the healing energy of Emerald surrounding both of you, strengthening your bond and infusing your relationship with love and vitality.
  • Hold a piece of Rhodonite in your hand and repeat affirmations focused on self-love and acceptance. Affirmations like “I am worthy of love” or “I love and accept myself unconditionally” can help heal past wounds and attract more love into your life.
  • Lie down in a comfortable position and place Rhodonite over your heart chakra. Close your eyes and visualize the pink energy of Rhodonite enveloping your heart space. Allow any feelings of hurt or sadness to surface and be released, replaced by a sense of peace and compassion.
  • Sit in a quiet space with a piece of Pink Calcite in your hand. Close your eyes and focus on your heart chakra. Visualize a soft pink light radiating from your heart, expanding outwards and enveloping you in a bubble of love and compassion. Allow Pink Calcite to amplify your intentions for attracting love and nurturing relationships.
  • Add Pink Calcite stones to a warm bath and soak in the healing energy. As you relax in the water, visualize any emotional wounds or barriers melting away, replaced by a sense of peace and serenity. Allow Pink Calcite to cleanse and purify your heart, preparing you to give and receive love freely.
  • Create a sacred space with candles and flowers. Sit in the center with a piece of Kunzite in your hand. Close your eyes and visualize your ideal partner or relationship. Feel the loving energy of Kunzite amplifying your intentions and attracting love into your life.
  • Practice heart-opening yoga poses such as Camel Pose or Fish Pose with Kunzite nearby. Focus on breathing deeply into your heart space, allowing Kunzite to open and align your heart chakra. Feel a sense of love and compassion flowing through your body and soul.


These are the best crystals associated with love. Use them to honor this feeling, open yourself up to more of it but also to manifest new loving caring vibes into your life

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Tina Caro

Tina Caro is a witch with more than 10 years of experience, a yogi, an astrologer, and a passionate supporter of all things holistic! She’s also an owner of the website Magickal Spot where she discusses a variety of her favorite topics.

Magickal Spot has helped thousands of readers worldwide, and she’s personally worked with hundreds of clients and helped them manifest desires to have a happier and more abundant life.

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