Calcite occurs in masses, stalactites, scalenohedral and rhombohedral crystals found throughout the world in several color varieties.
Healing and Magickal Uses
Body: Good for the kidney and pancreas. It helps fight calcium deficiency.
Mind: Feel good stone. Good for seeing the bigger picture. Calms and helps fight stress.
Magick: Good for astral travel and channeling. Other uses depending on the variety.
Clear Calcite
Spirituality, meditation, scrying. Helps balance different parts of the psyche, emotions, etc. Grounding.
Honey, Yellow or Gold Calcite
Sign: Leo
Mental stimulation. Memory, wisdom, intuition, astral projection, channeling. Relieves depression.
Green Calcite
Planet: Venus
Element: Earth
Sign: Taurus
Promotes general healing, physical, mental and emotional balance. It helps change old thought patterns to make way for new ideas. Draws money and success.
White Calcite
Gray Calcite
Helps calm turbulent emotions and bring about serenity.
Red Calcite
Planet: Mars
Helps stimulate the heart chakra
Orange Calcite
Planet: Sun
Sign: Leo
Expands awareness. Draws happy, joyful, enthusiastic energy.
Blue Calcite
Element: Water
General healing and pain relief, particularly of the back. Purification.
Pink Calcite
Planet: Venus
Element: Water
Love. Encourages self-love, the ability to love others and encourages others to love you. Helps to ground and center when held in the hand.
Care and Cleansing
Do not sit in sunlight. Do not cleanse in water. Cleanse by smoke. Recharge on top of a quartz crystal.