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By Moody Moons, Moon RItuals & Esbats, Pagan Crafts

Blue Moon Salve DIY Recipe

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Written by: Lumina Indigo (Moody Moons)


Reviewed by: Tina Caro

Blue moon salve captures the potency of the most powerful moon of the year in one tiny little tin.

With herbs chosen especially for their association with the full moon, this salve makes a great meditation rub or an anointing balm for tools, candles, ect.

Empower your spell work long after the blue moon fades back into the night sky.

An easy, fun craft you can make in batches to store or give away to like-minded friends.

DIY recipe for blue moon salve to use in moon spells.

Magical Correspondences

All of the ingredients in this recipe represent the energy of the blue moon.

Butterfly peaflowers.  These potent little dried flowers entered my magical cabinet a few years ago and quickly became one of my favorite spell ingredients.  From moon milk to fairy cocktails, I never run out of ways to use them in my magical practice.  Here, their watery blue color symbolizes the energy of the blue moon.

Frankincense.  A classic moon spell ingredient, frankincense evokes mystery, ancient power, purification and good luck.

Mugwort.  Most of my moon spell concoctions include a pinch of mugwort.  Even the name, mugwort, sounds like something you expect to find in a witch’s cabinet.  Mugwort promotes clairvoyance, potent dreams and insight.

Blue moon salve. An easy, fun recipe to harness the power of the blue moon.

Cinnamon.  This is spicy sweet bark burns off negative energy, dispels darkness and promotes spiritual awareness.

Lavender.  The deep purple-blue color of lavender soothes anxiety, quiets mental chatter and eases unsettled thoughts.

Things You Will Need

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-2 parts beeswax 

-8 parts coconut oil

-1 part frankincense resin

-1 part dried mugwort

lavender oil

cinnamon oil

butterfly peaflowers

Step 1

In a double boiler, heat beeswax until completely melted.  Slowly add coconut oil, stirring with a wooden spoon until melted and full incorporated.

Step 2

Add mugwort and frankincense resin.

Allow to steep on low heat for 15-20 minutes.

Keep a close eye on it to avoid scorching, and immediate remove from heat if it begins to smoke.

Step 3

Remove from heat and add butterfly peaflowers.  Add desired amount of lavender and cinnamon oils (about 3-6 drops per ounce of beeswax/coconut oil works well for me).

Step 4

Pour into metal tins (or use short, fat, stubby glass jars with wide mouths).  Leave open near a window to cool under the blue moon light.

Optionally, for a more complete look, wait for the balm to become about halfway cool, then sprinkle more herbs on top or press frankincense beads into soft balm to “garnish.”

How to Use Blue Moon Salve

You made a batch of blue moon salve.  Now what?  Here are some creative ways to use your latest spell ingredient.

Anoint spell candles.  Softer balms make a great anointing oil for spell candles.   Simply rub a little on a carved or dedicated spell candle to heighten its power.

Rub it on your wrists during meditation.  USE CAUTION.   Even natural ingredients like essential oils sometimes irritate skin or provoke allergic reaction (especially if you opt to include cinnamon oil).  But most people tolerate it well.  Just rub a little blue moon balm on the inside of your wrists to saturate your meditation practice with the power and mystery of the blue moon.

In wishing spells.  The blue moon is sometimes called “the wishing moon.”  Incorporate this balm into wishing spells or manifesting magic to give your dreams a push in the right direction.

Before tarot and divination.  Anoint your body or candles you intend to burn during a tarot reading or divination ritual to heighten your awareness.

DIY Blue moon salve recipe.

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About Lumina (Moody Moons' Founder)

Lumina Indigo began Moody Moons in 2012 to produce beautiful, elegant, intriguing content of interest to the magical and witchcraft community.

She specializes in in-depth research and reporting on various topics in modern spirituality.

With over 20 years of experience with the modern pagan community, Lumina is a professional tarot reader, and a kitchen witch culinary wizard.

new pic - lumina indigo magickal spot

2 thoughts on “Blue Moon Salve DIY Recipe”

  1. I love this salve – i was wondering if you can break it down in like cups.tbsp,tsp… if possible – I am confused with the parts. Thank you

    • You can plug in any value you want. You just use fractions, and that way, your batch is any size you want to make it.

      For example:

      1 cup coconut oil
      1/4 cup beeswax
      1/8 cup dried mugwort
      1/8 cup frankincense beads



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