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By Moody Moons, Witchy Books

Magical Fall Reading & Tarot Guide

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Written by: Lumina Indigo (Moody Moons)


Reviewed by: Tina Caro

Get your magical fall reading in order with our guide to the latest books on spell crafting and the metaphysical arts.

Refreshing your collection of witchy reads is one of the most rewarding ways to prepare for a cozy, magical fall.

So, settle in, grab a cup of moon milk and check out our latest recommendations.

(This post may contain affiliate links.  Our selection is based on dozens of hours of research and affiliate linking has no bearing on the titles we pick).  

The Witchy Homestead by Nikki Van De Car

For a warm, nourishing read and a jump start to your witchy hygge, add this book immediately to your fall reading list.

Creating an enchanted home is the foundation of a magical lifestyle.

From magical house cleaning to holistic wellness recipes, let The Witchy Homestead revitalize your self-care routine and inspire your creativity.

The WItchy Homestead by Nikki Van De Car

A History of Magic, Witchcraft and the Occult by DK Publishing

A History of Magic, Witchcraft and The Occult (DK Publishing)

DK Publishing is one of our favorite labels.  Their high quality production and richly illustrated, meticulously researched books instantly hooked us.

So we got positively giddy when they recently published a book on the history of witchcraft.

Far from the fluffy, dubiously referenced “history” books that so often make their way into the occult section at Barnes and Noble, this book takes a respectably scholarly approach.

If you want a solid foundation in magical history, invest in A History of Magic, Witchcraft and the Occult and refer to it over and over for years to come.

Royal Witches
Royal Witches: Witchcraft and the Nobility in Fifteenth-Century England
  • Hollman, Gemma (Author)
  • English (Publication Language)

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Royal Witches:  Witchcraft and the Nobility in Fifteenth-Century England by Gemma Hollman

Speaking of history, we found a gem for you.

While most Americans know all about the Salem Witch Trials, fewer know the drama and intrigue of the women in Royal Witches.

If you think the current royal family’s spectacle is mesmerizing train wreck, they got nothing on the Westminster Abbey of yore.

The Junior Astrologer's Handbook: A Kid's Guide to the Zodiac, Astrological SIgns and More

The Junior Astrologer’s Handbook to Astrological Signs, the Zodiac and More by Nikki Van De Car

We love, love, love that more and more publishers are producing spiritually-minded books for kids.

If one of your little witchlettes takes an interest in astrology, pick up a copy of the The Junior Astrologer’s Handbook.

From kid-friendly meditations to establishing healthy boundaries in your friendships according to your sun sign, this wholesome book promotes positive self-reflection and growth.

While you’re researching your fall reading list, don’t forget theirs!

Tarot of Mystical Moments

Tarot of Mystical Moments

When we received our review copy of Mystical Moments Tarot, it instantly left us awestruck.

It’s the only tarot deck we’re including on the fall reading list this year because it’s just so damn beautiful.

Its illustrator, Catrin-Weiz Stein, possesses an extraordinary talent for surrealistic splendor.

With exceptional artwork, a vibrant color palette and an otherworldly interpretation of the standard tarot deck, these cards are born of a rare imagination.

Plants of the Cherokee

Plants of the Cherokee by William Banks

In the 1950s, author and researcher William Banks devoted himself to recording the traditional plant medicine of the Cherokee tribe.

The Cherokee people were (and are) a highly advanced civilization with deep knowledge of their natural and regional environment.

Interviewing the eldest medicine people, Banks documented many of the ingenious ways they used wild grown herbs.

The only book on this list that isn’t a recent publication, Plants of the Cherokee is nonetheless a precious and timeless collection of indigenous herbal knowledge.

Astrology for Mystics by Tayannah Lee McQuillar

If you click Buy on Amazon and make a purchase, we’ll earn a small commission at no additional cost to you.

If astrology is your jam, this book takes a unique approach to the art of mystical stargazing.

While sometimes wordy and rambling, Astrology for Mystics saves itself by being accessible and easy to read.

Pick this one up for a clear, cold night and enjoy it with a cup of tea and a thick blanket.

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About Lumina (Moody Moons' Founder)

Lumina Indigo began Moody Moons in 2012 to produce beautiful, elegant, intriguing content of interest to the magical and witchcraft community.

She specializes in in-depth research and reporting on various topics in modern spirituality.

With over 20 years of experience with the modern pagan community, Lumina is a professional tarot reader, and a kitchen witch culinary wizard.

new pic - lumina indigo magickal spot

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