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Autumn Magic, By Moody Moons, Festivals & Sabbats

11 Witchy Ways to Celebrate Mabon

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Written by: Lumina Indigo (Moody Moons)


Reviewed by: Tina Caro

When the temperature drops to a pleasant chill and the leaves begin to take on that orange tinge, the time to celebrate Mabon is near.

Bring on the blankets, hot cider and apple pie baking!

Here in the South, the promise of autumn makes the long, steamy summers bearable.  So I never waste any time ushering in the new season and welcoming the Fall Equinox.

Over the years, I compiled some creative, relaxing ways to celebrate Mabon.  Here’s a few of my favorites.

Go Apple Picking

Pick a cool, pleasant afternoon, pull on a creamy, cable knit and don’t forget to bring a camera!

Nothing makes a beautiful autumn afternoon more lovely than a basket full of hand-picked apples.

With all the ways to use apples in witchcraft, it’s no wonder this magical tree inspires enchantment around the world.

Take a friend, you new beau or the kids!

(Need help finding your closest apple orchard? isn’t the sleekest website, but it has the largest, most up-to-date list of pick-your-own farms in the US, Canada and Britain).

Host a Friendsgiving

Sometime called “The Witch’s Thanksgiving” in the United States, Mabon is traditionally celebrated by making a large meal to share with family and friends.

But don’t do all the work yourself!  

Try coming up with a main dish, like turkey with stuffing or meatloaf, and encourage everyone to potluck their favorite fall dishes.

Want to keep it quick and casual?  Throw together this autumn abundance cheese board.

Make your home cozy.

Hearth and Home: How To Create a More Magickal Living Space.

Put away summer items, like box fans and lighter clothing.

Then, begin the process of winterizing your home.

Toss some throw blankets over your chairs and couches.  Set out candles in warm scents, like vanilla and cinnamon.  And for goodness sake, throw away all your old socks from last year and treat yourself to some fresh, warm ones for your tootsies.  

(For other ideas on how to make your home a little more witchy, check out 9 Witchy Ways to Live More Magically).

Make an autumn hair wreath.

Planning on attending a fall festival this year?  If you like to go bold, try making a fall ritual crown.  It’s a great way to use old autumn decorations.  

(Or, pick some up on the cheap at the Dollar Tree!)

Here’s some basic instructions on how to make a hair wreath.

Stock your bookshelf with some witchy fall reads.

Witchy fall reading guide. Check out these 13 fall-themed witchcraft books and get ready to curl up by the fire for a long afternoon in your pajamas.

Celebrate Mabon with a little retail therapy.

With Samhain just around the corner, publishers love to push their new witchy books.

Trust me.  Between now and Halloween, I get more promo copies in the mail than any other month.

Need some ideas?   Here’s my top picks for this fall.

Try some white pumpkin Cinderella latte.

White pumpkin cinderella latte recipe with coconut whipped cream.

Seasonal pumpkin lattes always hit the local coffee shops this time of year.

But they’re actually quite easy to make, and if you’re hosting a Sunday morning breakfast, it’s way cheaper to whip up a big batch of them yourself.

Try this creative recipe for white pumpkin spice latte.

Go solitary for your Mabon ritual.

Vintage ritual chalice.

Whether you practice solitary all the time, or your usual coven plans got uprooted by the catastrophe that has been 2020, consider a solitary ritual this year.

Keep it simple.  Head into the woodlands with a basket of herbs, candles and a chalice with some cider or apple wine.

Cast a circle.  Light some candles.  Notice nature in her transitional state. 

Then, toast the coming season and scatter the herbs as an offering for abundance.

Make gingerbread pancakes.

Gingerbread pancakes with tart friend apples.

Planning on staying home this year for Mabon?

Honor your inner domestic goddess and whip up some gingerbread pancakes with fried apples.

Aside from silencing the grumbling tummies of your roommates/kids/significant other on a Sunday morning, they make the whole house smell like fall.

Go foraging for fall leaves.

If you live further north, the leaves might already be turning by Mabon.

Take advantage of this narrow window and go gather some.

From adorning your fall altar to pressing them into your Book of Shadows, there are so many creative ways to use fall leaves in witchcraft.

Make your own Mabon incense.

It’s really easy to make your own loose incense blends.

For Mabon, try any of the kitchen spices you’d use in pumpkin pie.  For example:

-dried ginger

cinnamon bark

-star anise

orange peel



Add a few drops of complimentary essential oils and toss it on the bonfire or a charcoal dish.

Get cracking on that witchy fall bucket list.

Still want more witchy autumn ideas?  Check out these 10 Witchy Ways to Get Ready for Fall.

From prepping for Samhain to changing out your ritual bath items, there’s always more fun ways to get into the spirit of the season.

Those are my ideas, but I’d love to hear yours!  Feel free to leave them in the comment section and Blessed Be!

Celebrate the Fall Equinox! From gingerbread pancakes to white pumpkin lattes and solitary rituals, there’s a ton of ways to make the most of Mabon.

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About Lumina (Moody Moons' Founder)

Lumina Indigo began Moody Moons in 2012 to produce beautiful, elegant, intriguing content of interest to the magical and witchcraft community.

She specializes in in-depth research and reporting on various topics in modern spirituality.

With over 20 years of experience with the modern pagan community, Lumina is a professional tarot reader, and a kitchen witch culinary wizard.

new pic - lumina indigo magickal spot

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