Most people associate the beloved hair wreath with Beltane or Litha, but I was inspired by the winter foliage to do one for Imbolc (and then I dragged a poor model out into the cold to pose in it.)

If you’d like to do the same, here’s how!
You will need:
An embroidery hoop. I’ve seen other people use wire, an old hanger or other bases, but these seem to work best for me and they are fairly cheap. Available at any craft store.

Thread. Any thread will do, but I like a neutral color or green.

Some natural foliage. You can use fake flowers, too, but I think natural looks best for pictures or a one-day event. I just looked around the landscape until I spotted some color. The leaves and berries from this holly bush were perfect.

From there, it’s very simple. Take a section of the greenery and hold it firmly between your thumb and fingers.

Then wind the thread around the bunch and the embroidery hoop securely. Keep going, adding sections of greenery as you continue all the way around. Don’t worry about getting it perfect or even. A little wildness makes it look more natural.

I like to save the colors for last so they stand out on top.

And there you have it! Gorgeous. Everyone at the Sabbat circle will want one!

Reblogged this on ravenhawks' magazine and commented:
That is beautiful, thank you for sharing
I think these are nandina berries and not holly berries. Absolutely gorgeous, but not a native species and can be invasive in some climates. Worth removing and replacing with holly if you live near a natural area where they might take over. Also, not nearly as favored by wildlife as holly berries, which is partly why they tend to last a long time on the bush.
This may be a silly question, but what size embroidery hoop do you find is best to use?
6″ to 8″ depending on head size!