The night of Samhain marks the beginning of the Witch’s New Year.
Use this sacred time to reflect on final turn of the Wheel of the Year and to plan for its new 8-Sabbat cycle. Set goals, release old traumas and lay the ground work for a productive new chapter in your magical practice.
Make the most of this fresh start with these ideas to take inventory, let go and plan.
The Witch’s New Year: Setting Goals & Resolutions
Samhain means many things: bonfires, pumpkin carving, ghost hunting and honoring the dead.
But in between haunted houses and cups of hot cider, take some time to set some witchy goals for yourself.
Instead of rushing to superficial goals like weight loss or saving for a new car, use the Witch’s New Year to set spiritual goals for yourself, like trying new spell techniques, setting aside time for meditation practice or committing to honoring the change of every season.
Need more ideas? Take a look at these 14 Witchy New Year’s Resolutions.
Organize your Sabbat calendar.
If you tend to skip over, forget or miss Sabbat celebrations, use Samhain to plan in advance.
Whether you work with a digital day planner or an old school paper calendar, mark off all 8 Sabbats from now until next October.
Then, get planning. Keep it simple for busier seasons, and go big for seasons with more leisure time.
Research a witchy summer festival that you always wanted to attend for Litha.
Pick out a fancy bread recipe for Lammas.
Or, commit to organizing a coven bonfire for Beltane.
Try it this year, and by next October, you’ll know just what a difference this makes.
Clear your icky vibes with this simple Samhain ritual.
Until the spring Sabbats roll around, Samhain is the best time on the Wheel of the Year to clear away negative energy.
With the Veil Between Worlds at its thinnest, take the opportunity to chase negative thoughts and energies to to the other side.
Try this:
Clear off your altar. Wipe it down with a damp cloth and use whatever energy clearing method you like. Then, decorate your altar with symbols of your ancestors passed on (anything from actual pictures of them to cultural items or cherished possessions that symbolize their lives).
Light some cinnamon incense and open the nearest window. Ask your ancestors to take any residual negative energy from your life across the Veil.
Bury the offering with some graveyard dirt somewhere off your property. Walk away and don’t look back.
Get rid of old spell components and tools.
Got a dozen half-burned candles? Old, dried out herbs sitting in your spell cabinet for years?
Get rid of ’em.
Clear out your ritual supplies. Remove anything you never use. Give away that tarot deck you feel lukewarm about. Sell books about the Craft you already read or (let’s be honest) never plan to.
Enjoy the extra space. You need it. Next week, all the Halloween stuff goes on sale!
Toast the new year with a witchy cocktail.

Like the secular New Year, Samhain merits a little indulgence.
Finish your evening with a witchy cocktail to toast the witch’s New year.
Try this Black Magic Martini.
Other appropriate choices include a bottle of hard cider, spiced wine or this tempting recipe for a Pumpkin Spice White Russian.
Happy Samhain!