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By Moody Moons, Festivals & Sabbats, Summer Magic

10 Ways to Celebrate the Summer Solstice (Litha)

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Written by: Lumina Indigo (Moody Moons)


Reviewed by: Tina Caro

With the Summer Solstice fast approaching, if you still find yourself scrambling to come up with a creative, fun way to celebrate, I put together a list of 10 uniquely pagan ways to honor Litha. 

Whether you identify as a kitchen witch, hedge witch, or “Sabbat-only” witch, I brainstormed an idea for you!

(New to witchcraft?  Don’t forget to check out Moody Moon’s School of Metaphysical Arts).

10 ways to celebrate Litha

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Create an epic Midsummer altar.

Drag the spirit of the season into your home by creating a beautiful Midsummer altar.

Take your time collecting natural, local items with symbols and meaning for you.

Here’s some ideas.

How to celebrate Litha.

Leave an offering of honey cakes outside. 

Preferably somewhere away from your house, as they will attract insects and even wildlife.

Litha is said to be one of the two times of year when the “Veil Between Worlds” is the thinnest (the other being Samhain.)

According to legend, the fairies and forest spirits are especially active on the night of the summer solstice, and honey is favorite treat.

Try this recipe for sun-golden honey cakes.

Speaking of honey, visit a honey farm! 

Honey and Litha

If you’re not allergic to bees (or deathly afraid of them!) this is a nice activity.  Be sure to stock up while you’re there.

Honey is sacred to nearly every culture in the world where bees live.

The ancient Egyptians even included it as a tomb offering when burying the dead.

Make herbal candle rings with your fresh herbs.

How to use white candles in witchcraft, ritual, wicca, spells and magic.

For the green witch:  with your herb garden in full swing, it’s time to make some creative use of it.

Try creating these herbal candle rings.

Try cloud scrying.  

Find a warm, grassy spot and look up to see what messages the sky might have for you.

Cloud scrying is a lovely, natural and totally free way to experience divination.

Go on an extended nature walk. 

Pack a picnic or scout out a local natural swimming hole and dive fully into the Mother’s splendor.

Whether you’re a sea witch or a witch of the woodlands, a nature walk in any wild landscape reconnects you to nature.

And Litha is the perfect time to try it barefoot!

Plan a glamping trip. 

glamping in raleigh, nc

If you’re feeling adventurous, but don’t want to leave luxury behind, try glamping and spend a night under the stars in style.

Make a batch of sun cakes.

If you’re a kitchen-y witch, celebrate this Sabbat by baking!

Sun cakes are perfect for the “cakes and ale” portion of a Litha ritual if you celebrate with a coven, or you can use them for offering.

Attend a summer festival.

The Summer Solstice is the week for witchy festivals.  Find one.  Attend it.  You’ll have a blast, I promise.

(Don’t know what to pack?  Here’s a rough guide on what to bring to your witchy summer festival).

Go wildflower hunting. 


Wildflowers add a special energy to any summer spell or ritual.

Learn how to work with wildflowers in witchcraft.

Identify and harvest some wildflowers to use in your summer spell work.  Press them in your Book of Shadows if you have one.

Read A Midsummer Night’s Dream

Or better yet, go see a local production of it.

Full of traditional pagan folklore, Shakespeare’s classic comedy is one of my favorites and a common production for local theater companies this time of year.


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About Lumina (Moody Moons' Founder)

Lumina Indigo began Moody Moons in 2012 to produce beautiful, elegant, intriguing content of interest to the magical and witchcraft community.

She specializes in in-depth research and reporting on various topics in modern spirituality.

With over 20 years of experience with the modern pagan community, Lumina is a professional tarot reader, and a kitchen witch culinary wizard.

new pic - lumina indigo magickal spot

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