Jupiter is the fifth planet from the sun and the largest planet in our solar system.
Planet Jupiter, often referred to as the “King of the Planets,” is a symbol of expansion and abundance in magick and astrology.
Correspondences for Jupiter include the metal tin, the astrological sign Sagittarius, and the Hebrew letter Kaph, which are all linked to its energies.
Jupiter is associated with deities such as Zeus, Jupiter (Roman), and Marduk, representing leadership, authority, and divine protection.
In astrology, Jupiter is the planet of expansion, luck, and optimism, influencing the areas of life related to higher learning, travel, and abundance.
Planet Jupiter in Magick
Jupiter influence may be brought into any magical workings related to religion or faith, legal matters, politics, influencing those in authority or increasing authority or power, and fatherhood or patriarchal power or authority.
Association | Magickal Use |
Abundance | Attracting wealth, prosperity, and opportunities |
Expansion | Enhancing personal growth and spiritual development |
Wisdom | Seeking higher knowledge and understanding |
Protection | Warding off negative energies and obstacles |
Justice | Seeking fairness and legal matters |
Leadership | Enhancing leadership skills and charisma |
Also, any working against Saturn influences.
Healing related to the liver, purification, the blood and circulatory system.
Colors Associated with Jupiter
Violet, rich purple, blue, yellow.
Plants associated with Jupiter
Jupiter plants are usually large and bold or darkly colored and often have meaty, wholesome and nutrient-dense fruit. Jupiter flowers and fruit are often yellow.
The effects of Jupiter plants include a general feeling of warmth and contented relaxation.
Medicinal Jupiter plants usually affect the liver and arteries, stimulate the appetite and/or affect weight.
A list of 50+ plants associated with planet Jupiter:
- agrimony,
- anise,
- Ash,
- Avens,
- Balm,
- Balm of Gilead,
- Barberry root,
- Barley stem,
- bayberry bark,
- Beet,
- Bell pepper fruit,
- betony,
- Bitter aloe
- Black walnut,
- Bladderwrack,
- Blessed thistle,
- bloodroot,
- Blue cohosh root,
- Borage,
- Brazil nut,
- Buchu leaf,
- Buckbush stem,
- Bull Bay,
- Butcher’s broom root,
- Carrot,
- Cascara sagrada bark,
- Catnip,
- chamomile,
- Chaparral,
- Chervil,
- Chestnut,
- Chicory,
- Chinese borage,
- Chinese cornbind root,
- Chinese ginseng,
- Chinese magnolia vine fruit,
- Chinese red pine,
- Chinese tulip tree,
- Cinquefoil,
- Clove Pink,
- Clover,
- Coconut,
- comfrey,
- Common thyme,
- echinacea root,
- corn kernel,
- Costmary,
- Couch grass,
- Crampbark,
- Cucumber Tree,
- Curly dock root,
- Damiana,
- dandelion root,
- Devil’s claw root,
- Dock,
- Dogbane,
- Dong quai root,
- Dulse,
- Dyer’s Broom,
- Dyer’s Chamomile,
- filbert,
- European mistletoe leaf,
- European nettles leaf,
- Pennyroyal,
- eyebright,
- Fennel seed,
- Fenugreek seed,
- feverfew,
- Field horsetail,
- Fig,
- garlic,
- ginger,
- Gobo root,
- Goldenseal root,
- Gotu kola leaf,
- Grape stem,
- Grapefruit,
- Grey sage,
- Hart’s Tongue,
- Hawthorne fruit,
- Helen’s Flower,
- Hops,
- Houseleek,
- Hyssop,
- Ilawarra flame,
- Indian chocolate,
- Irish moss,
- Juniper berries,
- Kurrajong,
- Lacebark,
- Ladyslipper root,
- Lamb’s ears,
- Lamb’s tongue,
- Licorice root,
- Linden,
- Lion’s ears,
- Lobelia,
- lungwort,
- Magnolia,
- Ma Huang,
- maple Tree,
- Marsh mallow root,
- Marsh woundwort,
- Milk thistle,
- Mint,
- Mullein,
- Wormwood,
- Noble fir,
- Norway spruce,
- Nutmeg,
- Oak Tree,
- Oats,
- Olive,
- Pau d’arco bark,
- Peach bark,
- Pecan nut,
- Peppermint leaf,
- Poplar,
- Psyllium,
- Pumpkin seed,
- Red silky oak,
- rose hips,
- Roselle flower,
- Safflower bloom,
- sage leaf,
- Sage white,
- Samphire,
- Sarsaparilla root,
- Saucer magnolia,
- Scarlet sage,
- Scullcap,
- Scurvy Grass,
- Shagbark hickory seed,
- Siberian bugloss,
- Slippery elm bark,
- Smooth hydrangea root,
- Spanish bayonet root,
- Spotted dog,
- Stevia leaf,
- Sweetgum,
- Terebinth,
- Tonka bean,
- Tulip Tree,
- Tulip Poplar,
- Unicorn Root,
- valerian,
- Walnut,
- Waratah,
- West Indian lemongrass,
- White oak bark,
- White sagewort,
- White willow bark,
- Wild daggah,
- Wild yam root,
- Woundwort,
- Yarrow,
- Yellow gentian root
Minerals Associated with the Planet Jupiter
Minerals associated with Jupiter promote connection with the divine and higher states of consciousness, enhances luck and encourages leadership qualities and success. Jupiter stones are the stones of royalty.
Some examples of minerals that correspond to the energy of Jupiter include: tin, Amethyst, Lepidolite, Sugilite, Lapis Lazuli, Sapphire, Diamond
Deities Associated with the planet Jupiter
Jupiter is associated most often with male deities, particularly those identified as King of the Gods who rule over storms, the sky, the wind and fatherhood.
- Adonai,
- Tzevaot,
- Amon-Ra,
- Changó,
- Dagda,
- Indra,
- Itzamna,
- Izanagi,
- Jove,
- Jumala,
- Kitchki,
- Manitou,
- Nuada,
- Num,
- Odin,
- Ran,
- Reshpu,
- Ukko,
- Uwolowu,
- Viracocha,
- Vishnu,
- Were,
- Jehovah,
- Jupiter,
- Yu-Wang-Shang-Ti,
- Zeus
The Planet Jupiter in Astrology
Jupiter is the ruling planet of Sagittarius, and Pisces according to some. In Roman mythology, Jupiter was the ruler of the gods (having overthrown Saturn) and their guardian and protector, and his symbol was the thunderbolt. In the same way, the planet Jupiter is the king of the other planets, a giant in size with spectacular, brightly colored clouds and intense storms.
Astronomers believe that it plays an important protecting role in using its massive gravity to capture or expel from the solar system many comets and asteroids that would otherwise threaten Earth and the inner planets. Jupiter takes 11.9 years to orbit the sun, spending almost an earth year (361 days) in each sign of the zodiac.
Astrologically Jupiter is associated with the principles of growth, expansion, prosperity and good fortune; and a person’s inner sense of justice and morality and their ideals and higher goals. Jupiter governs long distance and foreign travel, higher education, religion, and the law.
Astrological Aspect | Characteristics and Influence |
Luck and Fortune | Associated with good luck, blessings, and abundance |
Growth and Expansion | Symbolizes expansion, growth, and opportunity |
Optimism | Brings a sense of optimism and positivity |
Generosity | Encourages generosity and philanthropy |
Faith and Belief | Represents faith, belief systems, and spirituality |
It is also associated with the urge for freedom and exploration, humanitarian and protecting roles, and with gambling and merrymaking or ‘joviality’. The first-century poet Manilius described Jupiter as temperate and benign, and the greater benefic. It was regarded as warm and moist in nature, and therefore favorable to life.
In modern times Jupiter is said to be the ruler of the 9th and 12th houses, but traditionally Jupiter was assigned to the 2nd and 9th houses (the house of values and the house of beliefs, respectively) and had ‘joy’ in the 11th house of friends and aspirations.
Jupiter is associated with Thursday, and in Romance languages, the name for Thursday often comes from Jupiter (for example, Jueves in Spanish or Jeudi in French). Dante Alighieri associated Jupiter with the liberal art of geometry.
In Chinese astrology, Jupiter is ruled by the element wood, which is warm, generous and co-operative. In Indian astrology, Jupiter is known as Guru or Brihaspati and is known as the ‘great teacher’.
Jupiter in Medicine
In medicine Jupiter is associated with the liver, pituitary gland and the disposition of fats; it governed the blood / sanguine humor.