This month’s Full Moon rises in Leo, representing a time of completions and closure. Deep healing, insight, and personal reflection combined with action is possible! Ruled by the Sun, Leo signifies consciousness, willpower, purpose, ambition, and community.
Check out which planets, if any, fall in the Fixed signs in your natal chart: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius.
Key Takeaways:
- Strengths to embody: Passionate, intelligent, logical, ambitious, resourceful, strong-willed, intuitive, imaginative, zealous, excitable, courageous, bold, confident, empowered, positive, expressive, original, innovative, noble, regal, and charismatic.
- Shadow traits to be mindful of: Egotistical, self-centered, narcissistic, bullyish, attention-seeking, dramatic, quick to anger, impulsive, and insensitive.
- Leo is a Fixed fire sign with the glyph of the Lion, and ruled by the Sun.
About the Author
Tina Caro is a witch with more than 10 years of experience, a yogi, an astrologer, and a passionate supporter of all things holistic! She’s also an owner of the website Magickal Spot where she discusses a variety of her favorite topics.
Magickal Spot has helped thousands of readers worldwide, and she’s personally worked with hundreds of clients and helped them manifest desires to have a happier and more abundant life.
Come back regularly to see what’s new and coming next.
Before we continue…
Casting your own magic spells takes skill and patience and isn’t recommended in most cases. I provide these “do it yourself” articles for educational purposes, but it is strongly recommended that you consult an experienced spell caster such as myself and allow me to do the work for you. This way you know it’s being done by someone experienced and knowledgeable and I’m also always here to answer questions about your casting and provide follow-up at no additional charge.
As you’ll see, I offer castings for just about any purpose in both white magic and safe black magic options as well as the new moon and full moon-enhanced castings. The new and full moon spells are a great way to boost the power of your spell as each moon-enhanced casting uses special items and materials that are known to work very well during these moon phases to strengthen your casting and may even lessen the manifestation time as well!
Moon-enhanced castings also are completely separate from your base casting so it’s a second casting that will also boost the original casting, providing even stronger results.
What you can expect from me:
- Private and personalized approach
- Casting done in less than 24h
- Only the best ingredients & tools
- Free consultations before & after spell casting
Some of the client’s testimonials:
You can find more testimonials on each product page.
Use a special 15% discount available for all Full Moon Spell castings. These enhanced castings use items and materials that are known to be ‘supercharged’ by the power of the Full Moon, resulting in stronger and more potent spellcasting.
Use code: moon15 at checkout!
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What Can You Expect?

How this Full Moon is affecting you personally:-
Fire signs (Aries, Leo & Sagittarius)
Your horoscope predicts a fun and joyous time where all eyes will be on you, or at least this is what you hope. This is the perfect time to test out how well you respond to external pressure. If you’re used to being the top Ram, Cat, or Centaur, which you likely are, the universe is giving you a big level up by breaking you down.
Don’t worry, your ego or reputation can’t be destroyed forever; it’s just how you respond to the more quiet and submissive voices (who have always let you have a chance to shine) finally standing up for themselves. Dare to have your voice or authority be questioned?
It’s time to be humble, modest, and a team player. The rewards from such surrender and flexibility will be mind-blowing…
Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo & Capricorn)
Your ego is alight from a surreal and sublime sensation of injustice now. You may have been too modest and humble; you may not be used to being a warrior of truth or speaker of justice, or standing up for the underdog. But, now, you’re feeling some buried passion arise.
With such strong will, intelligence, and mental tenacity, the worst thing you could do would be to suppress your personal power. People already respect you! Now, rise up to challenges and social situations that make you genuinely terrified (loud voices, other people’s forced will and intentions… not actual violence or criminal activity).
The more you play different roles, the more you unlock secret chambers of your soul’s blueprint, which, for you, is connected to financial and material prosperity.
Air signs (Gemini, Libra & Aquarius)
Your cool and easy-going nature is being seen, and the universal message is to show your talents more. This can rock the boat, while challenging the status quo can leave you dazzled and starry-eyed (and potentially scared for your life). But, your horoscope is very positive this month.
Stepping up to lead, teach, or shine online, such as with a blog, YouTube channel, podcast, website, or teaching platform, is going to give you the results you wish. Your only challenge is to see through the chaos and BS- the manipulations and hidden envies or unkind blocks projected by others.
Oh yes, friends and family do this to us too, not just strangers, enemies, or members of the public. Using your voice with courage, courtesy, and style is your path to victory and joy.
Water signs (Cancer, Scorpio & Pisces)
Others are seeing your sensitive, spiritual, and creative ways, so this is one of the most amazing months of 2025 for fame, prestige, and success. But your horoscope predicts a very tricky time behind closed doors. Darker themes like depression, suicide, and addiction are likely.
Negative thoughts left unhealed and unchecked can leave you in a spiral of chaos and disillusionment. Moreover, failing to be brave and fiery, moving past the supremely adaptable, impressionable, and fluid, passive, and non-attached essence of water, can have disastrous consequences.
Specifically, receiving bad karma and failing to work on your wounds, which ultimately keeps you stuck in limiting cycles. Be a soul warrior, and remember: if you choose to do no harm to others, no harm can be done to you.
Working With This Full Moon
The Sun: A Solar, Masculine, and Authoritarian Influence
Solar energy is masculine, dominant, and inspiring by nature- Leo is ruled by the Sun. With a strong family and paternal values, Leo energy asks us to seek comfort and affection from our family and friends.
This is one of the most romantic, loyal, and loving star signs! Leo is flamboyant and egotistical, yet just as supportive and providing. Protective instincts are strong, while a generous and benevolent mindset is sought to take over selfish or egotistical behaviors.
This Full Moon brings out the inner provider and protector in us, or in those who have the means to support us. Leo is a dominant, direct, and socially expressive fire sign, and the Sun’s influence provides the life force, authority, and maternal/paternal instincts.
Loyalties will be tested this month. Family, love, and friendship bonds come into the mix. There are only two planets representing a fatherly paternal and authoritarian energy: Saturn and the Sun, so the way to go is to reflect and then put into action any desires and intentions for securing romantic, professional, and business bonds. This is very important now.
This is a time for calling on guardian angels and spiritual protectors, asking for guidance and protection regarding how you socialize, communicate, and relate to others. All star signs have a shadow self, but the Leo shadow is big.

This is because Leo is ruled by the Sun himself, the center of our solar system, and the Lion (glyph)- one of the most mighty and majestic creatures in the animal world. Thus, the Leo shadow is overpowering, egotistical, and bullyish, liking to Lord it over others while commanding attention. Leo is an attention-seeker who craves the spotlight, admiration, and affection without fear or, in many cases, humility.
Leo’s shadow leads to the shine, the light attributes, and strengths, that’s why knowing about Leo’s astrology is essential to your evolution this year. Waking up to your potential, purpose, talents, life path, or authentic voice is intrinsically linked to your capacity for overcoming your own shadow.
In this Full Moon’s case, the spotlight is not only on the authoritarian and domineering big spirited energy, but on the emotions and vibrations surrounding it. Now, consider how the currents of domination and submission feature in your life.
If you’re subject to dominant people who wish to command power over you, how do you feel about it? Are you naturally submissive, or are you forced into submission? If you’ve reacted to an unpleasant situation in the past, how can you rectify the imbalances or injustices?
Leo brings up injustice regarding the line and divide or unity between necessary authority and unkindness and cruelty.
Also, are you naturally dominant, or have life’s knocks and challenges made you more dominant than you would like to be? In either case, how have you dealt with the tests- have you reacted or responded?
How do you feel about the turn of events?! For some of us, playing a dominant, direct, and bold role is very tricky. It doesn’t come as naturally and can lead to trauma, resentments, and mental confusion, at least to mention total exhaustion.
Eventually, toxic chapters not aligned with our destiny that were only supposed to become temporary become lifelong. Fate is twisted. God and our soul’s plan is lost. Leo’s energy is so bold and domineering that this can happen to the best of us, for example, a person with a Leo mother or father who’s held onto family and ancestral trauma for so long, who was supposed to heal the world through being a care worker or romantic poet!
Only to find that repetitive knocks and challenges set them on a path of solely making money (and projecting such trauma onto others). The opposite is true: perhaps you were supposed to be a self-sovereign boss and business owner, racking up thousands to even millions in money through strong willpower, to find that other people’s fears and projections held you back?
So now, instead, you stay in self-sacrifice and extreme submission only absorbing the emotional traumas and dramas of others.

The underlying current of this Full Moon is to explore your destiny, your legacy, and your life path through the bonds you keep.
Keep your intuition strong. Meditate, pray, and work on health and fitness. Tune into the spiritual quantum world, where psychic impressions and divine revelations are rich.
Once you are in a state of well-being and self-empowerment within, only then can you ascertain what is the right decision.
Regarding fate and destiny, this theme associated with Leo is not largely known, but it is very real! Again, the Sun is the centre of our solar system, and Leo also rules the heart…
Without a connection to our Heart chakras and subsequent sense of purpose and soul mission or plan, we can’t align with the correct pathways. The heart is the bridge between the lower and higher selves, so as the “heart of the zodiac,” Leo inspires discernment, sound judgment, and powerful romantic, family, and community bonds. Loyalty is everything to the creator, at the end of each and every day…
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Finding Strength in Art, Community, and Culture
In addition to reflecting on your own parents, family history, and childhood influences that led you to be more dominant or submissive, against or in harmony with your will; you can find strength in the current bonds you keep. Art, community, and culture feature strongly now- Leo is glamorous and extroverted, in love with themselves and others, and a real seeker of the limelight.
This energy, influenced by the 5th house of romance, the Arts, children, creativity, and the inner child, shines a light on how much play and fun you have. While this lunar cycle offers a paternal and authoritarian influence that brings out many egos and personalities, it also encourages light-hearted and joyous play.
Spending time with, caring for, cooking for, looking after, providing for, and learning from- finding inspiration from, children are advised.
Children are a huge part of all of our lives, and the way we interact with them says a lot about our characters. Exploring this theme can be catalytic to your growth, healing, and self-discovery… or to tweaking or finalizing any project you’ve been working away on for a while.
As hard work, ambition, and a confident and passionate personality also define Leo, this Full Moon provides grounding and vision in equal measure.
Your inner child wishes for expression and freedom but within structures and parameters. Unlike Aquarius, the idealist ruled by Uranus, the planet of change, or Pisces, the enigmatic and super-impressionable dreamer who is a master of going with the flow, for example, Leo allows for creativity and play with boundaries.
Tradition, conservative values, and the utmost joyous fun and liberation can be found. Friendships, partnerships, and cultural activities that bring a sense of home and belonging are essential for your self-esteem.
Confidence, self-authority, and empowerment increase the more you let your inner child free (with respect for tradition, external authority, morals and ethics, etc.). The Sun’s energy is vibrant and larger than life, so with this comes the need for respect and lines drawn.
Art, community bonds, and cultural and educational activities are closely tied to how you feel about yourself and your family now. Without a healthy ego, relationships dissipate.
For example, how do you deal with drama or conflict? An unexpected moment of disharmony or projection from another can leave you bewildered, fearful, or confused, but a Leo Full Moon provides the karmic lesson: we all must deal with drama at some point. And furthermore, a beautiful spiraling entanglement is created; the better able you are to deal with the negative side of karma, the more you can welcome drama and the Arts into your life.
Drama, creativity, and play enhance social and communication skills, including how open, friendly, and sincere you are. Additionally, how well you can think quickly, stay positive, and combine wit with emotional intelligence!
Overall, this Leo lunar cycle motivates us to be fiery yet sensitive, strong-willed but empathic, and self-respecting while staying open, objective, and warm-hearted.
If you’ve been going through a depressive, isolated, or unhappy phase, this Leo Full Moon inspires happiness! Sunniness, optimism, zest, inspiration, and color are amplified in strong measures.
Knowing how to stay cool, calm, and collected is also part of Leo’s character. Yes, they can be dramatic-as-hell, infuriating, superior, bossy, and straight-out cruel, at times, however, Leo is a boss and leader with a heart of gold. Contemplate themes of being wronged, such as social experiences that really struck a chord. Was it traumatizing?
Or was it just a clash of personalities, where one party was slightly more steered to one polarity and the other the opposite? (Dominant/submissive, direct/passive, forceful/reflective, independent/loyal, or self-empowered/selfless, etc.). A karmic influence is present, so be open to learning and healing.
The cosmic current says: You may have been wronged in one instance, but in a similar situation in a different time you were the one causing the harm… Leo’s shadow is selfish, self-centered, and self-empowered, so even the most shy and selfless, or submissive, soul will “act out” unconsciously in a social situation… at some point in their lives.