How to raise the collective vibration…? Meditate, set some intention, and align with a powerful vision during an Aquarius Moon. This Full Moon speaks to many of our souls in different ways.
The wonderful thing about Aquarius energy is that it’s very eclectic; there are many likes, interests, qualities, energy currents, and dimensions to tune into. Aquarius loves to socialize, yet they also need time for introspection and self-evaluation.
As their glyph is the Water-Bearer, this brings both emotional intelligence and many profound psychological gifts.
Key things to be aware of:-
- Strengths to embody: bright, intelligent, intellectual, analytical, truthful, honest, assertive, bold, direct, confident, passionate, innovative, original, quirky, eccentric, fun-loving, playful, sociable, friendly, intuitive, imaginative, artistic, independent, humanitarian, altruistic, enthusiastic, upbeat, optimistic, and cerebrally gifted.
- Weaknesses to watch out for domineering, bossy, judgemental, emotionally detached and distant, rebellious, argumentative, and insensitive.
- Aquarius is a Fixed air sign with the glyph of the Water-Bearer, ruled by planet Uranus.
About the Author
Tina Caro is a witch with more than 10 years of experience, a yogi, an astrologer, and a passionate supporter of all things holistic! She’s also an owner of the website Magickal Spot where she discusses a variety of her favorite topics.
Magickal Spot has helped thousands of readers worldwide, and she’s personally worked with hundreds of clients and helped them manifest desires to have a happier and more abundant life.
Come back regularly to see what’s new and coming next.
Before we continue…
Casting your own magic spells takes skill and patience and isn’t recommended in most cases. I provide these “do it yourself” articles for educational purposes, but it is strongly recommended that you consult an experienced spell caster such as myself and allow me to do the work for you. This way you know it’s being done by someone experienced and knowledgeable and I’m also always here to answer questions about your casting and provide follow-up at no additional charge.
As you’ll see, I offer castings for just about any purpose in both white magic and safe black magic options as well as the new moon and full moon-enhanced castings. The new and full moon spells are a great way to boost the power of your spell as each moon-enhanced casting uses special items and materials that are known to work very well during these moon phases to strengthen your casting and may even lessen the manifestation time as well!
Moon-enhanced castings also are completely separate from your base casting so it’s a second casting that will also boost the original casting, providing even stronger results.
What you can expect from me:
- Private and personalized approach
- Casting done in less than 24h
- Only the best ingredients & tools
- Free consultations before & after spell casting
Some of the client’s testimonials:
You can find more testimonials on each product page.
Use a special 15% discount available for all Full Moon Spell castings. These enhanced castings use items and materials that are known to be ‘supercharged’ by the power of the Full Moon, resulting in stronger and more potent spellcasting.
Use code: moon15 at checkout!
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What Can You Expect?
How this Full Moon is affecting you personally:-
Fire signs (Aries, Leo & Sagittarius)
The Higher Self is lit up with new ideas and originality for connection and abundance. You have money on your mind, increasing your sovereignty and social status. All fire signs benefit from the zestful, excitable, and cerebral vibes of Aquarius. Visions and dreams come to life, but it’s significant to not run away with the fairies.
Stay grounded, remember security and practicalities, and transcend the need to be frivolous, immature, or impatient with money and finances. Luck flows, but so does your impulsiveness.
Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo & Capricorn)
Long-term plans and ideas come to fruition, but you will be experiencing conflicting emotions. Inner tension is strong; you might be more stressed than others, and irritability can rise. Yet, this leads to resilience and longevity of character at immense levels.
Your personal path is important, and the universe is asking you to focus on you, choose you, and lose the need to be seen as supremely humble or modest. Too much modesty, and you get overlooked, even walked all over. Self-autonomy is key.
Air signs (Gemini, Libra & Aquarius)
Angelic consciousness meets mundane realities and commitments for you all. You’re connected to a higher power, and you’re incredibly imaginative. But you’re also practical, mature, and responsible. This is essential now to utilize the resources, connections, and opportunities available to you.
Secondly, leave the past in the past. Don’t revisit trauma or toxicity unless it’s to fully integrate the lessons, learn, and evolve. Angelic and saintlike energy can be enhanced with meditation, journaling, self-care, sports, and spiritual or alternative practices. Open your mind, connect to the holistic!
Water signs (Cancer, Scorpio & Pisces)
Divinity meets groundedness in a subtle and sublime way, however there will be challenges” this Full Moon is certainly not smooth sailing. Pain, trauma, and karmic influences are strong, and you will be tested. Physical exercise and sports can help you fulfill your soul mission or spiritual needs.
You might also feel a burning desire to shine in a social setting while feeling conflict and sadness simultaneously. Your Higher Self is bright and alive while your pain body, your emotional body, is going through a deep cleansing. Choose self-love without becoming a Hermit.
Analytical Power to…
Analytical power to create, manifest abundance, support yourself and your family, protect your security or possessions, rise professionally, find or strengthen love, or develop key talents and skills is core to this Full Moon. analytical, rational, and highly perceptive, Aquarius interacts directly with the world.
While other signs may be more emotional or instinctive, spiritually entwined, and so on, Aquarius observes from a reasonable level. They’re rational, intellectual, and realistic, so they don’t mind being direct and blunt when needed.
This analytical perspective goes a long way in life, however Aquarius is also highly idealistic and imaginative. So, there’s a vibrancy and zest to their social and communication style, which influences us all.
Solutions can be found, ideas can be implemented, and a pragmatic and progressive approach can go very far in many situations.
Being so direct and confident allows for dominance. And with such a dominant and assertive, yet equally altruistic mindset, fabulous manifestations can occur.
Aquarius is a master of manifestation because their glyph is the Water-Bearer. The Water-Bearer draws emotional and spiritual energy up through the subconscious and ether and then taps into infinite sources of wisdom and personal power.
Self-authority, self-leadership, self-knowledge, self-worth, and self-empowerment meet together in a cosmic pot of ethereal wisdom and higher knowledge.
This occurs due to the symbolism and inherent image of the Aquarius sign; the glyph itself shows a chalice taking water from a pool of water and the energy rising to the level of the head and mind. It is here, in the higher energy centers (chakras) linked to the head- the Third Eye and Crown, where such powerful visions, realizations, and wisdom flow.
Instincts and intuitive knowledge transform into genius insights and revelations. Sensitive signs or people classed as empath or HSP can benefit from this lunar energy. Navigating life with solely emotional clues and triggers or spiritual ideals is not healthy.
We’re all supposed to learn from each other, and an Aquarius Full Moon inspires analytical and rational power, which can be used to override some of the emotional intensity, heaviness, or super-sensitivity some of us carry.
The beautiful thing about Aquarius energy is that, although it can be emotionally aloof and detached, it’s also very emotionally intelligent and mature at a higher vibration.
Aquarius is very mature, thus the cosmic currents speak of transcending the hyper-emotionalism and super-sensitivity associated with sentimentality, supreme empathy, and an overly-compromisable nature.
These qualities are great when applied in moderation and balance, but too much and we can get lost in our feelings.
Therefore, now is the time to delve into how, where, when, why, and with whom you’ve been letting your emotions run away with you. This is an excellent time for introspection and self-analysis, contemplation, meditation, and soul-searching as well.
Any previous cycles or life chapters where your relationships have resulted in drama or confusion, or possible breakdowns and explosive reactions; Aquarius energy rectifies, it realigns.
The emphasis on rationality and analysis allows for emotional maturity without getting carried away or lost with the fairies. Consider sitting down with some incense, sage or palo santo, music therapy, and candles. Get out your journal or dream diary. Reflect on past chapters and cycles with a relationship focus- platonic, romantic, professional, family…
Secondly, implement such realizations and discoveries. In social settings, actively live the energy of rational and sound judgment. This prevents past mistakes from rehappening while clearing negative karma.
We are all entwined, we’re a global family, and our destinies and fates are connected! The present moment is connected to the past and future, so…
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Past, Present, and Future (ONENESS)
The past, present, and future are linked and interconnected. As Aquarius is connected to new technologies, science, and healing practices- they are the most pragmatic and humanitarian sign; a unique theme coming up is how we can clear bad karma while creating a new future.
This Aquarius Full Moon sparks the Higher Self while energizing instinct, intellect, logic, imagination, and rationality and intuition. Left brain and right brain qualities can flow and merge, uniting into oneness.
Oneness is the concept and reality of duality- yin and yang, opposing forces joining together for harmony and balance. In terms of Aquarius’ immensely social nature, the past, present, and future combine when we realize and, moreover, accept past follies and mistakes. In the now. In the present moment.
Forgiveness, self-accountability, authenticity, mindful communication, integrity, morality, and empathy inevitably lead to unity consciousness. A simple realization and acceptance moment of past wrongdoing can spark future healing and alignment.
As we’re living in a hologram, coming to terms with bad decisions or bad karma can set you off on a new timeline. Here are some examples:-
- No longer responding to someone frustrating or triggering with anger, harmful words, or malicious intent.
- No longer being supremely self-sacrificing or submissive, or tyrannical or dominant.
- No longer letting fear, insecurities, or past wounds block new relationships, love, and friendship forming.
- No longer rejecting important realizations based on fear of how others will perceive you.
- No longer letting trauma rule your life.
The better way to be, and how you can really utilize this Full Moon, is to accept, forgive, and embrace. Recognize, re-cognize your ego with your higher mind, your Higher Self. Even if it brings up trauma, even if you feel your body or voice shaking, even if there’s immense tension or internal chaos or fear; rise above it.
Aquarius energy inspires growth and self-evolution. It is alchemical and pragmatic. A conscious and compassionate choice in the present moment clears bad karma from your past, bringing up a higher consciousness, which equally affects the collective consciousness energy field.
Simultaneously, this sparks a future release and new alignment or synergy either with the person you’ve karmically connected to or someone new. In both cases, everyone benefits as your love, healing, and insight ripple out into the ether.
Aquarius energy is powerful for such healing and release. It stimulates growth on a personal, individual, and collective, planetary level. There’s nothing quite like feeling the tension and internal chaos and working through it!
This is where real unity and transformation occur, and now is the perfect time to make better decisions while working on past karmic wrongdoings. Last to mention, amazing new gifts, talents, and skills arise.
Community and Friendships
Aquarius is all about raising the collective vibration, bringing unseen and unexpected people and projects together. Friendships, community groups, social organizations, ideas not yet manifested, artistic visions, and creative intentions can be expressed into the material realm. Aquarius energy motivates people to come together in unity, moreover, conscious collaboration.
Aquarius is an independent and service-oriented sign, so the collective theme asks for mutual collaboration, compromise, and teamwork. Many people have multiple skills, talents, and gifts—this Full Moon is about multi-dimensionality.
Aquarius rules the 11th house of community, social, and friendship groups and organizations too. If you’re at home alone, in your normal social circle, or in a festival or community setting, it’s important to let creative talents show. This can include art, speaking, music, drama, acting, circus skills, comedy, or any artistic collaboration.
Aquarius energy guides us to be confident and expressive, allowing hidden talents to bubble to the surface. These talents can then be used for altruistic and humanitarian purposes.
In a festival or community setting like-minded individuals can find harmony and synergy. An example is staying open-minded with service in mind to collaborate, like a poet improvising their skills to spoken word and storytelling to collaborate with a musician, who equally needs to be more adaptable. Intuition is heightened. Instincts to serve and unite with others expand.
With an active, intuitive mind merged and combined with powerful analytical and observational powers, this Full Moon enables spontaneous and high-spirited creativity.
From old friendships to brand-new connections, people from all cultures, ethnicities, and walks of life can come together. Miracles can be created. Artistic, creative, and harmonious magic can arise from the depths of the ethereal subconscious.
In fact, Aquarius rules subconscious energy transformed into higher thought forms and ideals. Emotions, feelings, and instincts can be accessed and then moved up into the mental area.
Emotional intelligence alchemizes into cerebral, cognitive, and psychological gifts, abilities to perceive, form sound judgments, and develop new ideas and innovation.
Aquarius is original, open-minded, and philosophical, and with their unique level of multidimensional perception and awareness, it’s an amazing time for extraordinary creations. Subconscious impressions rise from the emotional center and primal body; with the Aquarian analytical and intuitive gifts, these then become conscious reflections and self-realization.
The implications of such a strong subconscious-conscious connection are vast; genius ideas, visions, astral wisdom, spiritual perspectives, and innovative creations can be born.