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Cleansing and Smudging

Water Cleansing Spell (DIY Cast-Along with Pictures)


Written by: Tina Caro

Water has long been regarded as a sacred element, representing purification, renewal, and the flow of life.

This cleansing spell harnesses the transformative power of water, combined with the protective energy of salt and the illuminating presence of candles. It is a simple yet potent ritual that can be performed quickly to cleanse your energy field of negativity and align yourself with spiritual clarity.

The triangular arrangement of candles and salt adds a layer of sacred geometry to the ritual, symbolizing balance and divine protection. The prayer, which invokes the spiritual essence of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, further enhances the spell’s power, bridging the physical and spiritual realms.

This ritual effectiveness lies in the sincerity of your intention and the respect you bring to the elements involved. Whether you feel burdened by negativity, need to reset after a challenging day, or simply wish to reconnect with your inner peace, this spell is an accessible way to realign and recharge.

What You’ll Need:

  • A glass of water: Represents clarity, purity, and emotional cleansing.
  • Three white candles: Symbolize protection, peace, and divine energy.
  • Coarse salt: Known for its purifying and grounding properties, salt protects against negativity and seals the ritual’s energy.

How to Do It:

Prepare Your Sacred Space:

Choose a quiet, clean space where you won’t be disturbed. Arrange your materials on a flat surface, ensuring you have enough room to form a triangle with the salt and candles.

Create the Triangle:

Using the coarse salt, create a triangle on the surface. Place the glass of water in the center of the triangle. This setup serves as a protective and amplifying boundary for the ritual.

Place and Light the Candles:

Position the three white candles at the vertices of the triangle. Light them one by one, taking a moment with each flame to focus on your intention for purification and renewal.

Chant the Prayer:

With focus and sincerity, recite the following prayer seven times:

“Lord, my God, Father of the Universe, purify this water.

May it be purified in your name and in the name of the Father, of the Divine Son, and of the Most Holy Spirit that everything remains.

Lord, my God, Father of the Universe, known and unknown, purify this liquid, make it blood, make it holy.

How sacred is the blood of your Divine Son, as your word is sacrosanct. Word of love and justice. Forever and ever.

So be it!”

Visualize the water in the glass glowing with a soft, radiant light as you speak, absorbing the words and their energy.

Drink the Water:

After finishing the prayer, drink the glass of water slowly. Imagine it cleansing your body and spirit, washing away negativity and filling you with renewed energy and peace.

Let the Candles Burn:

Allow the candles to burn out completely, letting their energy seal the spell. Stay in the space for a few moments to reflect and absorb the positive energy.

How difficult is this spell to perform?

The Water Spell is designed for beginners, as it requires only a few common materials and straightforward steps. It’s easy to prepare and execute, making it an excellent choice for those new to ritual work. The simplicity of the process allows you to focus fully on your intention and the prayer.

Is this effective?

Its power largely depends on your focus and faith in the process. The spell’s results may be subtle or immediate, depending on the depth of your emotional and spiritual connection during the ritual.

Regular practice or combining it with other spiritual cleansing methods can amplify its impact.

Why is the triangle important in this spell?

The triangle is a powerful symbol in spiritual practices, representing balance, protection, and the connection between mind, body, and spirit.

It creates a sacred boundary that focuses and amplifies the energy of the spell.

Why use coarse salt instead of fine salt?

Coarse salt has a stronger energetic presence due to its unrefined nature, making it more effective for spiritual cleansing and protection.

How soon will I feel the effects?

You may feel an immediate sense of calm and lightness after completing the ritual. However, deeper cleansing and renewal may unfold over the following hours or days.

What should I do with the materials after the spell?

  • Dispose of the salt by scattering it outside or dissolving it in water to return it to nature.
  • Clean the glass thoroughly to use it again.
  • Store the candles for future rituals if they remain intact, or discard the remnants respectfully.

Can I adapt this spell to my beliefs?

Yes! While the prayer references Christian elements, you can modify it to align with your spiritual or cultural background. The key is to maintain the intention of cleansing and renewal.


The Water Spell is a quick, effective way to cleanse your energy and restore balance.

With minimal materials and simple steps, it’s a beginner-friendly ritual that can fit into any spiritual practice.

By combining the purifying elements of water, salt, and fire with a heartfelt prayer, this spell offers a powerful opportunity to let go of negativity and embrace renewed energy.

Trust the process, honor the elements, and let the ritual guide you toward clarity and peace.

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Tina Caro

Tina Caro is a witch with more than 10 years of experience, a yogi, an astrologer, and a passionate supporter of all things holistic! She’s also an owner of the website Magickal Spot where she discusses a variety of her favorite topics.

Magickal Spot has helped thousands of readers worldwide, and she’s personally worked with hundreds of clients and helped them manifest desires to have a happier and more abundant life.

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