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Sigil Magick – 1-on-1 Private Mentoring


The 1-on-1 Private Mentoring is a limited availability program run by Tina Caro.

This mentoring program is suitable for beginners and experienced witches that are using or want to use sigils for the manifestation.

What you can expect:

  1. – I’ll work with you one-on-one to answer all your questions about the sigil magick.
  2. – I’ll review your sigils and provide feedback and tips.
  3. – You’ll the highest on my email priority list

Price in U.S. dollars (USD)


The focus of the 1 to 1 program is to provide an advanced approach to the art of sigil magick.

The intention is for a beginner or an experienced witch to be encouraged to get the most out of each sigil they create under the guidance of Tina’s trusted friend and associate, Mystic Amber, who has created hundreds of successful sigils for clients.

The goal of the 1 to 1 mentoring program is to teach a student every possible aspect of the art of sigil making and assist them on their path.  After you’ve learned the art of creating a sigil, you can use the sigil in your own castings or if you prefer, Tina can use the sigil to cast a spell for you (link).

My personal sigils

I am pregnant sigil

I am friendly sigil
Sigil: I am friendly
Bad energy fades away sigil
Sigil: Bad energy fades away
I have power within me sigil
Sigil: I have power within me

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