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What is a Censer: a Vessel for Smoldering Charcoal

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Written by: Dawn Black (Witchipedia)


Reviewed by: Tina Caro

A censer is a vessel that is used to hold smoldering charcoal (from a fire or self-igniting disks) upon which one burns the herbs, resins, gums, etc that make up their incense.

Censers can take many forms, they can be large, elaborate swinging vessels hanging on three chains, similar to those used by the Catholic Church, they can be a metal dish upon a stand (like a tripod) or any fireproof vessel that is suitable for holding the smoldering charcoal.

Your choice of censer will come down to preference, tradition & the type of magick or rituals you’ll be using it for.

If you’re totally new to Wicca & Magick, incense sticks or cones will work just fine until you find the perfect censer for you.


A censer is a vessel typically made of metal, clay, or heat-resistant material, designed to hold smoldering charcoal or incense.

It is used in various religious and spiritual practices, including witchcraft and ceremonial magic, to burn herbs, resins, and other aromatic substances for ritual purification, meditation, and spiritual elevation.

The censer often features a lid or perforated top to allow the smoke to escape while containing the burning materials safely within.

When the charcoal or incense is ignited, the censer emits fragrant smoke, which is believed to carry prayers, intentions, and offerings to the divine or spiritual realm.

Definition and Purpose of a Censer

It is the container that houses the charcoals on which to burn the incense, and differs in shape and material, also depending on the type of incense used (grains or sticks). It is used on the Altar, or even simply for divination or meditation, based on the use of the Incense itself.

Any form of incense, sticks, cones, powders, is fine. By observing smoke, one can gain an altered state of consciousness, which is very useful for psychic work and astral travel. This combination of elements is ideal for purifying the Witch’s environments and workplace.

DefinitionIn witchcraft, a censer is a vessel or container used for burning incense, herbs, or other aromatic substances during rituals, ceremonies, and magical workings.
PurposeThe primary purpose of a censer is to release fragrant smoke that purifies and sanctifies the ritual space, enhances spiritual attunement, and aids in magical workings.
Types of CensersCensers can come in various forms, including bowls, cups, cauldrons, or hanging vessels with chains. They may be made from various materials such as metal, ceramic, or stone.
SymbolismCensers symbolize purification, consecration, and the presence of the divine. The rising smoke is often seen as a bridge between the physical and spiritual realms, carrying prayers and offerings to the gods.
Ritualistic ImportanceCensers play a significant role in witchcraft rituals, where they are used to cleanse the ritual space, invoke deities, honor ancestors, and enhance magical workings. They are considered essential tools for practitioners of many magical traditions.
Table 1: Overview of Censers in Witchcraft

Components and Design of Censers

The Censer is usually made of earthenware or stone, and is tied with a chain, or it is a small saucer or bowl. The small crucibles have a grate, on which the grains and charcoals are burned, just like a small athanor.

What is a Censer by magickal spot
Copyright: Magickal Spot

It is usually half filled with salt or sand, which serves to absorb the heat of the charcoal tablets or the incense itself, and therefore prevent the container from breaking.

Symbolism Associated with Censers

The Censer, representing Air and Fire, symbolizes purification and transformation. Its rising smoke signifies the connection between earthly and spiritual realms, embodying prayer and sacrifice.

The fire of incense symbolizes the burning of negativity, paving the way for spiritual growth. The choice of aromatic herbs in the incense reflects the user’s intent in the ritual.

The censer’s form signifies containment and focus, representing the practitioner’s ability to harness energy and direct their spiritual matters.

Through ritual censers, practitioners aim to purify and elevate their consciousness, seeking a deeper divine connection.

Type of CenserDescription
Bowl or CupBowl or cup-shaped censers are common vessels used for burning loose incense or herbs. They may have a wide base and a narrow opening to contain burning materials and release fragrant smoke.
CauldronCauldrons are often used as censers in witchcraft rituals, especially in traditions inspired by Wicca or Celtic paganism. They symbolize the womb of the earth and are used for burning incense or creating sacred fires.
Hanging CenserHanging censers consist of a vessel suspended from chains or ropes, allowing it to swing freely. They are often used in ceremonial magic or ritual settings where movement and elevation of the censer are desired.
Table 2: Common Types of Censers in Witchcraft

Practical Use of a Censer in Magick

In the esoteric field incense is used for various purposes: for purification, propitiation, protection and also for divination. It is used during rituals, or even simply during meditation.

Incense is connected to the elements Fire and Air, and each fragrance has its own specific use.

As already mentioned, the choice of incense is made based on the purpose, its use. Burning incense during a rite or ceremony is a common practice in all religions, as well as in magic.

vessel used for burning incense by magickal spot
Copyright: Magickal Spot

Incense is often used inside the magic circle to represent the element of Air, and the censer is carried around the circle, delimiting the perimeter with smoke. A very modest tip: we use sticks to do this. They are easy to remove from the stand, spin, and put back.

In magic, incense is also used as a support in spells. Making your own incense is an art. If we manage to combine the ingredients in the right way, the energetic vibrations of the aroma will help us focus the power on the purpose of that spell we are working on.

Generally, a base of pure incense, myrrh, and some dried herbs indicated for this purpose are used, to be crushed in a mortar, to which a few drops of aromatic oil are added to bind everything together, and then it is burned on charcoal.

Outdoors, incense sticks are used, which are planted in the ground.

Ritual UseDescription
Cleansing RitualsCensers are used to purify and cleanse the ritual space before magical workings, rituals, or ceremonies. Burning purifying herbs or resins, such as sage or frankincense, helps remove negative energies and create a sacred atmosphere.
InvocationCensers are employed to invoke deities, spirits, or elemental energies during rituals and ceremonies. The fragrant smoke serves as an offering and a means of communication with the divine.
Offering RitualsPractitioners use censers to burn offerings, such as herbs, grains, or oils, as gifts to gods, goddesses, or spiritual entities. The rising smoke is believed to carry prayers and blessings to the recipient.
MeditationBurning incense in a censer is a common practice during meditation and spiritual contemplation. The aroma helps calm the mind, deepen focus, and facilitate spiritual attunement.
DivinationSome practitioners use censers as tools for scrying or divination, gazing into the rising smoke or the patterns formed by burning incense to receive insights, visions, or messages from the spiritual realm.
Table 3: Uses of Censers in Witchcraft Rituals

Cleansing, Purification, and Invocation

The censer is a powerful magical tool will be used during Consecration and Purification practices, since its properties are to chase away evil entities.

The important thing to always keep in mind is that each fragrance has its own peculiarity. The choice of incense is therefore made based on the purpose for which they are to be used.

There are five types of purposes for which it is necessary to use certain types of incense with their relative fragrances:

  • Protection: Basil, Rowan, Laurel, Elderberry, Garlic, Mistletoe, Cedar, Mallow, Rue;
  • Meditation: Jasmine, Myrrh and Sandalwood;
  • Divination: Ash, Laurel, Cloves, Elm, Lily of the Valley, Rowan, Thyme, Rue, Verbena;
  • Purification: Sage, Palo santo, Rosemary, Laurel, Myrrh, Jasmine, Angelica,  Laurel, Artemisia;
  • Propitiation: Basil, Angelica, Cloves, Dragon’s Blood, Mandragora, Lily of the Valley, Sandalwood, Styrax.

Safety Considerations and Precautions

At this point it is important to pay particular attention to the quality of the incense you use in your censer. Since cheap products with synthetic ingredients can sometimes even be dangerous to your health, it is advisable to buy safe and natural products, do research before purchasing and use well-known brands.

The country of origin can also provide information on quality. Experience shows that the highest quality products come from Japan, Nepal and Tibet.

In any case, you shouldn’t expose yourself to scented smoke too often or for too long – less is better anyway. Ventilation is also essential so that incense do not become a health problem. Make sure there is good air circulation through open windows and doors so the smoke can dissipate.


Censers are definitely an important tool when it comes to magick, witchcraft and rituals in general, especially for those linked to purification and spiritual matters.

From using it to cleanse your space and restore the energy around you, to use it during prayers, meditation or spiritual practices like divination, censers can be what we need to make sure we use incenses in the best way possible to enjoy their benefits and work with their energies.

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About Morningbird (Witchipedia's Founder)

I am a homesteading hearth witch who grew up along the shores of the Hudson River and has lived among the Great Lakes for the past 20 years. Together with my musical husband and youngest child, I steward a one-acre mini homestead with herb, vegetable and flower gardens, chickens, ducks, geese and rabbits, and areas reserved for native plants and wildlife. 

I have three children; two are grown, and I have been practicing magick alone and with family and friends for over 30 years.

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