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By Moody Moons, Earth Mom, Festivals & Sabbats, Natural Living, Winter Magic

9 Natural Living Books to Gift Your Earth Child

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Written by: Lumina Indigo (Moody Moons)


Reviewed by: Tina Caro

Start your child down the path of the wild this Winter Solstice with these 9 curated books for your earth child.

Connecting kids to the natural world begins early.

We combed hundreds of titles to curate this list of kid’s books for your little Gaia-in-training.

(Please note:  This list may contain affiliate links.  You can read all about affiliate linking on our disclosure page).

Slow Down:  50 Mindful Moments in Nature by Rachel Williams.

9 Natural Living Books For Your Earth Child: A Reading List

Age Group:  Lower to Upper Elementary

This relaxing, meditative book became my morning ritual with my kindergartner.

We read a page a day for almost 2 months and he loved it.

Slow Down:  50 Mindful Moments in Nature by Rachel Williams is a beautiful reminder to look up from our screens and appreciate the little things—like how waves form or the way a ladybug crawls to the end of a branch before leaping into the air.

Earth’s Incredible Oceans by Jess French

Earth's Incredible Oceans by Jess French (review)

DK Publishing is my favorite publisher right now.  Hands down.  They consistently produce beautiful, high-quality books for both kids and adults.

So when I saw Earth’s Incredible Oceans by Jess French on my Amazon recommendations, I wrote them for a review copy right away.

Neither I nor my kids were disappointed!  It’s science-based, but it makes a fabulous starting point if you want to teach your little witchlets all about sea magic.

My First 100 Nature Words by Chris Ferrie

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Age Group:  Baby to 5 years old

Although written for babies or toddlers, I read Chris Ferrie’s My 100 First Words series to my kindergartener.  This author breaks down complex concepts by isolating the language of the subject.

My First 100 Nature Words makes a great foundation for learning nuanced ideas in nature.

Learning words you take for granted, like migration and nocturnal, dramatically advances your child’s ability to understand higher-level elementary school concepts in biology, life science, and earth science.

The Leaf Detective by Heather Lang

Age Group:  5-7 years old

The story format as an approach to teaching STEM took off in the last few years, and this book serves as a lovely example of how to teach kids about nature in an accessible way.

Heather Lang’s The Leaf Detective tells the story of Margaret Lowman, an ecologist who boldly explored the canopy of the rainforests.

Even Jane Goodall wants you to read this one.

Bees:  A Honeyed History

Bees: A Honeyed History
  • Hardcover Book
  • Socha, Piotr (Author)

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Bees:  A Honeyed History by Piotr Socha isn’t just another book for kids about the basics of pollination.

It covers the rich folklore and mythology of bees from around the world.

It even gives you a breakdown of a beekeeper’s outfit.

This huge, charmingly illustrated picture book makes a lovely, kid-friendly coffee-table volume.

Whether your family keeps bees or you just want your kids to appreciate these beautiful, life-giving creatures, this one should be required reading for Litha!

The Magic & Mystery of Trees by Jen Green


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Age Group:  5-8 years old

Hands down one of my favorite books this year, I used The Magic & Mystery of Trees by Jen Green as a basis for my son’s homeschool lesson on forests.

A perfect compliment to nature walks, read this one before or after (or during!!!) a long romp in the woodlands.

Learn about the lifecycles of the forest, the relationship of trees to animals, and science’s riveting recent discovery that trees are social.

The Sea Book by Charlotte Milner

Age Group:  6-9 years old.

Hoping to raise a little sea witch?

The ocean is one of the last uncharted territories on earth.  In many ways, we know more about the moon than the murky-mysterious bottom of the ocean.

The Sea Book by Charlotte Milner covers what we do know in a simple yet thorough exploration of marine biology, ecology, and underwater topography.

Forest School Adventure by Naomi Walmsley & Dan Westall

Forest School Adventure: Outdoor Skills and Play for Children
  • Westall, Dan (Author)
  • English (Publication Language)

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Age Group:  6-11 years old

Forest schooling, or using the wilderness as a classroom, began growing in popularity sometime in the mid-century.

But really, educating your children in the wild is as old as families and parenting.

Forest School Adventure:  Outdoor Skills and Play for Children by Naomi Walmsley & Dan Westall is a guide to connecting your children deeply to the natural world through play, wilderness skills and crafting.

Wild Days:  Outdoor Play for Young Adventurers by Richard Irvine

Age Group:  6-11 years old

Base a year of outdoor activities with your kids around Wild Days:  Outdoor Play for Young Adventurers by Richard Irvine.

From leaf mandalas to bows and arrows and nature crowns, this book is filled with inspiring ideas.  Use them to base your seasonal rituals with your kids on, or to discover the “art” of outdoor living.

Happy Solstice!

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About Lumina (Moody Moons' Founder)

Lumina Indigo began Moody Moons in 2012 to produce beautiful, elegant, intriguing content of interest to the magical and witchcraft community.

She specializes in in-depth research and reporting on various topics in modern spirituality.

With over 20 years of experience with the modern pagan community, Lumina is a professional tarot reader, and a kitchen witch culinary wizard.

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