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By Moody Moons, Deities

Your Triple Goddess: 10 Ways to Honor the Maiden

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Written by: Lumina Indigo (Moody Moons)


Reviewed by: Tina Caro

Are you currently in the maiden aspect of life?  Or perhaps you simply want to reclaim the energy and enthusiasm of Her characteristic eagerness?  Get inspired with the ideas below to reconnect with the Maiden aspect in your inner Triple Goddess.

Use the waxing crescent moon in spell work.

While the full moon gets all the hype, the waxing crescent form of the moon phase embodies the Maid aspect of the Triple Goddess in her sweet glory.   Perfect for starting new projects or trying out new skill sets, we often underrate this key moon phase in ritual work.

Try a beauty or glamour spell.

Harness the innocent beauty of the Maid with a glamour spell.  I wrote this one for Beltane, but it’s easily modified for any time of year.

10 ways to honor your maiden aspect triple goddess

Discover your talents.

This phase of the Triple Goddess is all about diving into your soul to unearth your personal treasures.  Experience (or re-experience) the energy of the Maid and sign up for a new class, study a new art form or check out a bunch of books from the library on a subject you feel drawn to but know nothing about.

Make flower crowns!

Nothing captures the freedom and whimsy of the Maid like flower crowns.  Make them for your next group ritual or include them in a handfasting and let the spirit of the Maid breathe some fresh air into your event.  Try this easy method.

Get healthy.

Remember when you ran from one end of a field to another just because you felt like it?  Remember how light and fast you were?  Reclaim your youthful glow by treating your body right and shave years from your metabolic age.  Try a mind/body workout that compliments your spiritual practice and back it up with a whole food diet that honors the earth as well as your body.


The Maiden aspect rules purity.  Call on her in your purification rituals or to cleanse yourself of unwanted energy.

Seek counsel from your elders.

At her most powerful, the Maiden honors the wisdom of those wiser and more experience than she.   Humbly seek the advise of those you trust for guidance in difficult matters and recognize that you don’t know everything.  Your ego is not your amigo.

Design a white-on-white altar.

During the waxing moon phase, consider a white-on-white color scheme for your altar to honor the Maid.  White-on-white (on white, on white!) embodies Her pure, untarnished aura.

Break the cycle.

Call on the Maiden when you feel stuck in a rut—-she loves to help people break out of tired routines and rediscover the world with dewy, fresh eyes.

Be the newest person in the room.

Make a point to do something that requires you to be the least experienced person in the room.  Whether that’s trying your hand at community theater or taking on a part-time job at a nursery, set foot way outside your comfort zone and reap the rewards of leaping before you look.


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About Lumina (Moody Moons' Founder)

Lumina Indigo began Moody Moons in 2012 to produce beautiful, elegant, intriguing content of interest to the magical and witchcraft community.

She specializes in in-depth research and reporting on various topics in modern spirituality.

With over 20 years of experience with the modern pagan community, Lumina is a professional tarot reader, and a kitchen witch culinary wizard.

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