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An Enchanting Prayer for Ostara [5 Min Chant]

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Written by: Tina Caro

Ostara is a wonderful time to connect with nature and with your craft, but did you know that you can connect and honor this wonderful pagan holiday with a prayer? If you want to learn more about this with some tips and tricks on how to use this prayer properly keep reading this article!


A prayer for Ostara is a magical ritual rooted in pagan traditions, dedicated to celebrating the spring equinox.

The ideal time for an Ostara prayer is during the equinox itself, usually around March 20th-21st, when day and night are in perfect balance.

The actual prayer for Ostara is a heartfelt expression of gratitude for the season’s blessings, often recited while holding a colored egg or a sprouting plant.

After the prayer, continue to embrace the spirit of Ostara by nurturing your goals and intentions and maintaining a positive outlook as the world blossoms around you.

What is a prayer for Ostara?

A prayer for Ostara is a powerful formula you can chant out loud to let your energy get in tune with the pagan holiday of Ostara and its blessings.

How does it work?

A prayer for Ostara can help you connect with nature and with this particular time of the year the right way, especially if you are into magick and you want to honor this season letting your energy synchronize with the Ostara’s energy.

Why should I honor Ostara with a prayer?

Considered one of the eight most important Sabbats of the wheel of the year, Ostara around the world is the vernal equinox where light and darkness are on par. Celebrated with rituals in which fires are lit and rites related to death and rebirth are performed, although each cult gives it a different name.

This festival recalls the goddess Eostra in Germanic culture and Ishtar / Astarte from which it takes the name Ostara. in the Sumerian civilization, goddess of fertility, love, abundance, and magic. Feast of rebirth and renewal not only physically but also spiritually.

The link between Eostra and spring is confirmed by the terms “Oster” which is Easter in German, and “Easter”, an Anglo-Saxon term that indicates both Easter and spring.

Honoring Ostara means honoring life, honoring rebirth and its powerful energy, the one who, in a circle, rules the earth.

Also read:
An Enchanting Prayer for Litha [5 Min Chant]

What is the best time to do it?

In the wheel of the year, the celebration of Ostara is set from the 20th to the 21st of March, the day of the equinox. If you can chant this prayer on this day it would be amazing, but you can also do it in the upcoming or following days. You know what’s best for you.

This prayer can be a one-time prayer or you can chant it out loud on a daily basis for all the time you feel you need it.

Around this time of the year, when nature starts getting back to the life you can decide to chant this prayer when seeing its signs like flowers around you, the sun in the sky, and more!

How to prepare for a prayer?

These steps below aren’t necessary, but they’ll help you make your prayer work.

Spend some time outside

As Ostara celebrates rebirth and nature after the long winter months, spending some time outside is a wonderful way to let Ostara spread its energy towards you and inside of you.

Do something new

Permit yourself to try something new to mark the renewal of the energy and of your commitment to this time of the year! It can be anything!

Use Ostara symbols to honor it

The eggs, first of a snake and then of a hen, were decorated and subsequently donated as a symbol of fertility.

The symbols of the holiday are, for everyone:

  • wheat (sacred to several ancient divinities related to spring)
  • flowers
  • light green and pastel colors (symbol of buds and newborn flowers)
  • eggs (symbol of rebirth)
  • the rabbit or the hare (symbol of fertility for its rapidity in reproducing)
  • seeds
  • everything that reminds us of the flourishing of nature, fertility, and abundance.

Witches used to light large bonfires in honor of the great Mother Ishtar. You can use these symbols to honor Ostara and its vibrant energy.

Also read:
A List of 4 Deities Associated with Snakes [With Stories]

Goddess Ishtar (Inanna) on an Akkadian Empire seal, 2350–2150 BC. She is equipped with weapons on her back, has a horned helmet, and is trampling a lion held on a leash.

Cast a fertility spell

If you are trying to conceive this is the right time to get some magickal help! Choose a fertility spell you like the most, the one that makes you feel more in tune with your magick and you feel ready to cast.

Don’t rely on too complex or hard to cast spells if it’s your first time casting a spell, but instead start with something easy and beginner-friendly to see results.

In case you don’t want to cast it yourself I can do it for you!

Also read:
An Enchanting Prayer for Fertility [5 Min Chant]
3 Powerful Deities for Fertility [& How to Ask for Their Favors]

Light a yellow or a pink candle

Before chanting your prayer light up a yellow or a pink candle to let the Ostara energy spread all over you.

Prayer for Ostara

“Ostara, precious time of rebirth,
Make me reconnect with what’s alive,
Make me reconnect with the vibrant energy of Mother Earth,
As nature is coming alive I do the same,
My magic does the same,
I can feel your fertile energy taking over,
I can sense this energy becoming one with mine,
I am open and ready to receive the blessings of a new life,
A new life for me, a new life within me, a new energy around me,
Blessed be “

What should you do after prayer?

After prayer, you can let the candle burn out completely or you can use it for more prayers, in case you decide to make it like a part of a daily ritual.

Keep the symbols you chose very close to you, even better if you can have them in a purse or a pocket during the day, especially when going outside or when casting your spells.

If you want to attract something into your life and prayers are not your thing, don’t forget you can rely on my professional spell casting services! I have many options available to help you create the life you’ve always wanted, being surrounded by amazing powerful energy to let attract what you truly need to make the most of it.

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Tina Caro

Tina Caro is a witch with more than 10 years of experience, a yogi, an astrologer, and a passionate supporter of all things holistic! She’s also an owner of the website Magickal Spot where she discusses a variety of her favorite topics.

Magickal Spot has helped thousands of readers worldwide, and she’s personally worked with hundreds of clients and helped them manifest desires to have a happier and more abundant life.

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