Celtic goddesses rise from European mythology like ghosts from lake water.
From the misting, shamrock-green hills of Northern Ireland to the stormy shores of coastal France, this mysterious pantheon encompasses many cultures, landscapes, and traditions.
This quick introduction covers a few Celtic goddesses.
I tried to choose a wide variety.
From well-known goddesses like Rhiannon to lesser-known, but fascinating ones like Airmed, this list is a bouquet of wildflowers.
But it is by no means comprehensive!
Simply get to know these Celtic goddesses by name to enrich your practice.
Or, use it as a starting point to learn to work with them as a practitioner. For further reading, I included links to learn more.
Either way, knowing at least a little bit about Celtic lore and mythology invigorates any study of the Craft.
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Morrigan, or “The Morrigan,” is sometimes depicted as the Celtic triple goddess.
Often translated as “The Phantom Queen,” Morrigan symbolizes death, war, night magic, fortunetelling, and ghosts.
She shares a particular kinship with the crow, an animal with an array of meanings in Celtic mythology.
For further reading about The Morrigan, check out Celtic Lore and Spellcraft of the Dark Goddess: Invoking the Morrigan.
Call on Morrigan for divination, dream magic and rituals under the dark moon.
A major goddess in ancient Irish mythology, Brigid’s associations are many.
Celtic lore credits her with special gifts as both a healer and an artist.
Said to protect livestock and homesteaded creatures, the Celts considered Brigid a protectress of domesticated animals.
She is considered, among many others, a goddess of poetry, cattle, boar, and flames.
Most notably for the modern pagan, the holiday of Imbolc celebrates this goddess in particular.
Call on Brigid to bless your winter hearth fire, to protect the animals of your home, or for spells to overcome writer’s block.
There are many books on the subject of the goddess Brigid. For an especially popular one with a magical bent, check out Brigid: History, Mystery and Magick of the Celtic Goddess.

Rhiannon is an illustrious goddess in Welsh mythology.
Translated as “Queen,” or “Great Queen,” some modern pagans more loosely interpret Rhiannon’s name as “White Witch.”
Celtic mythology frequently associates Rhiannon with horses and songbirds.
To learn more about Rhiannon, check out Rhiannon: Divine Queen of the Celtic Britons.
Call on her for her during moon rituals, dreams, and faerie magic.
Interestingly, Welsh mythology differs from many around the world in its depiction of the sun deity as feminine.
Olwen, the goddess of light and sun, appears in a splendid love tale, Culhwch and Olwen, in which her suitor recruits his cousin, the famous Arthur, to assist him in winning her hand.
Her name, meaning white footprint, alludes to her lore. It suggests that she stepped with such grace and delicateness that white flowers grew in her footsteps.
How lovely!
Call on Olwen for spells to address seemingly impossible matters of love, grace and beauty.

As the Celtic goddess of transformation, mythology depicts Ceridwen as a figure of inspiration, rebirth and renewal.
In particular, it portrays her with the image of a “cauldron of poetic inspiration.”
A powerful sorceress, she possesses a strong talent for enchantment.
To learn more about this goddess from a scholarly, historical perspective, check out Ceridwen’s Spirituelle Journey Through Wales’ History.
Call on her for inspiration, transformation or when working with cauldron magic.
The depiction of Danu (Sometimes called Anu or Dana) as a mature woman designates her a goddess of wisdom and earthly knowledge.
Irish literature refers to her as “mother of the gods.”
Call on her when making the the transition from Maid to Mother, especially if you are struggling with the maternal art of breastfeeding.
In Gaelic mythology, Airmed held authority in matters of healing and herbalism.
According to legend, Airmed’s father murdered her brother. In her despair, her tears fell on her fallen brother’s grave. From them sprang “all the healing herbs of the world,” covering her brother’s body.
Airmed set about gathering these herbs and putting them to useful order. But when her father discovered her task, he became enraged, scattering them once more.
Her lore singles Airmed out as the only one who remembers the world’s healing herbs.
Call on Airmed to aid your study of herbalism or practice of the healing arts.
A Gaello-Roman goddess, Epona protects horses and other four-legged creatures.
In mythology, her association with abundant harvest and abundant tablescapes suggests her status as a fertility goddess.
Call on her when working with four-legged animal familiars and to encourage fertility, both in the garden and in your family.
A prolific goddess, Erecura appears in ancient pagan magical texts from Austria to Rome.
Known as the “land goddess,” Erecura appears as a symbol of the sacredness of earth.
Call on her for rituals to ground and center.

Thanks for this! I’ve been wanting to work more with the Celtic goddesses. This is a great starting point for me.
Thanks for this accessible and informative post! It was a nice introduction to some goddesses I hadn’t heard of before.
Great article and great content on your site. I wanted to sign up for updates on your blog. You should put a form at the bottom of the page
Great intro! Thanks!
I’m a 19 yo boy who’s drawn very strongly to the Celtic Goddess Aine, I’m not gay but I feel like she is making me feel comfortable in the feminine world. I have already bought two long flowing skirts and I’m learning to dance at a womens drum circle in San Francisco, I’m so grateful to Aine for guiding me on this incredible path.
Do you know anything about Sena/Senua/Senuna? I can’t find much info about her except that she might be connected to the Roman Minerva? But the name “Sena” came to me while meditating yesterday and I’d never heard of her before, so trying to learn more.
I’m very disappointed that you include N Ireland but not the Republic of Ireland. The majority in N Ireland are descend from people settled there by England, whereas the RoI are more Celtic in heritage.
Hi there!
It sounds like you have some deep knowledge of traditional Celtic spirituality. We welcome you to submit an article to the site if you’d like to share it.
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Morrigan is also a fertility and healing goddess. Her mating with Dagda brings on spring each year. She
also is tied to.Aine,,the Faerie Queen, who in turn is linked to the Fitzgeralds, my family. We have a Fey Queen, a Wizard Earl, and an alchemist, plus a lot of Irish rebel.leaders. Morrigan as,Aine is mentioned in Katherine Briggs Encyclopedia of Faerie.
I am 74, a witch since 20, and got a reading list on Irish paganism from the department. chair of the grad level Celtic Studies department at my college. I can also recommend books by Lady Gregory and Lady Wilde and the Cuchulain Cycle of plays by William Butler Yeats, as well.as his Irish Folk and Fairy Tales.
I do NOT recommend anything from Llewellyn Press because they are not precisely famous for their scholarship. I know that sounds bitchy, but scholarship does,matter when dealing with ancient cultures,languages, and religion. The Irish depended greatly on bardic ollaves,and Seannachies to pass on myths,and history, and really didn’t develop much of a,written language until later, so what we get tends to be filtered through a Christian lens. Didn’t help that they took Brigid and made her an abbess with the same stories told about the saint and the goddess. I used to light a candle at her altar in Saint Patrick’s cathedral and wink and tell her some of us remember who and what she really is
Hi Gillian,
Would you be interested in writing an article for Moody Moons? If so, feel free to reach out to us at magicalmoodymoons@gmail.com
Great wisdom ! Thank You ! I am a bloodline witch on my Mothers side French/Canadian Indian been drawn and studying most my life I am 53, Dana is my protection Goddess. Yes bloodline my great grandparents held seance’s and levitate tables lol , My Mom is more powerful then I but she tries to hide it in her Christianity but everyone knows as she sees future events like me with witnesses that happen days later like 911. I tell her she doesn’t have to hide it and that Jesus was actually a witch too but they lied and covered it up in the Bible ! Anyhow I am trying to figure out what I want to go back to college for and you opened up an avenue I hadn’t thought of ! THANK YOU !