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By Moody Moons, Pagan Crafts

7 Easy Incense Recipes for Any Magic Spell

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Written by: Lumina Indigo (Moody Moons)


Reviewed by: Tina Caro

It seems that every new age and occult shop on the planet carries an infinite variety of the incense.   

Jasmine, rose, cinnamon, lavender, vanilla, patchouli. 

Then there’s the more “exotic” aromas.  Currently trending in my local hipster-y craft circle is“Monkey Butt” incense.  (Smelled more like toffee to me, but I’ve never sniffed its namesake).

Add that to its mystical lore and extra long shelf life, and some of us (cough, me) can’t resist it.

But if your magical cabinet doesn’t contains 27 different kinds of organic, fair-trade incense from curious shops around the globe, you need not run out and buy any.

In fact, loose incense is easy and inexpensive to make.

Making Incense for Witchcraft

Witchcraft recipes for loose incense blends to use in spell craft.

A few things to note on your quest for incense to use in rituals and spell craft.

First of all, if you’re not an incense hoarder like I, then by all means, use what you have and make some.

I always encourage you to work with what you have on hand.

Loose incense is extremely easy to make from basic ingredients in your kitchen, or even in your backyard.

From full moon incense recipes to Beltane blends, the internet is chock full of ideas to make the most of your spice rack.

Below are some of my personal favorites.

highly recommend using quality ingredients to make your incense.

Also, for the sake of sustainability and your wallet, feel free to substitute ingredients that you find on your nature walks

(Obviously, just be sure you know what it is and that it doesn’t produce toxic fumes when burned).

Tools for Burning

Please note:  This section may contain affiliate links.  All kinds of other folks, including HBO, powerful print media and pretty much any radio announcer, are allowed to plug products without disclosing this overtly.  But bloggers have to because the big dogs don’t like it when grassroots movements have marketing power. 

Unlike stick incense, loose incense generally requires a burn surface.

If you want, you can try burning dried leaves or sticks in a cauldron and throwing your incense on top of this, but added ingredients definitely change the aroma and properties.

The easiest way to avoid this is to purchase some charcoal disks.

Alternatively, if you know how to use rolling paper, you can roll some incenses as you would roll a cigarette (ahem, that’s what you use them for, right?)  But this is a less effective option for blends with hard-edged ingredients like cinnamon sticks or allspice.

Either way, you also need a fire safe bowl.

You probably refer to this as your “cauldron.”

But if you don’t have one, any fire-safe container works.

But I have asthma or hate smoke!

First of all, I encourage you to burn incense during outdoor rituals.

Indoor incense burns take a toll on everyone’s lungs

But if even that proves too much for you, consider boiling the ingredients in your cauldron instead.

Most of the blends below work just as well in a pot of water as on a charcoal disk, and the steam is great for opening your breath.

Easy Full Moon Incense

*1 part cinnamon stick

*1 part dried roses

*2 parts dried lavender

This simple adds a touch of smoky glory to any full moon ritual.

You can also tie this one up in cheesecloth and float it in your bath water for a goddess’s ritual bath.


*1 part cinnamon stick

*1 part allspice

*2 parts wormwood

Burn before or after protection rituals to carry your message into the sky.

Also use to consecrate protection charms by passing the charm back and forth in the smoke.


*2 parts finely chopped dried lemon peel

*3 parts dried rosemary 

Layer the rosemary leaf on the bottom for a better burn.  Sprinkle finely chopped lemon peel on top.

For a house cleansing, open all the doors and windows and walk counterclockwise around every floor.

For a person cleansing, stand outside, place fire-safe bowl at your feet and close your eyes, allowing the smoke to carry away toxic energy.

Romance & Attraction

*3 drops rose essential oil

*2 parts dried orange peel

*1 part dried, crushed vanilla bean

Lovely way to raise the vibes for a romantic dinner at home, to enhance your attraction before date night or to draw new love into your life.

For the last one, burn once a month during the full moon or your personal “moon time.”


*1 part star anise

*1 part cedarwood chips

*2 parts dried mint leaf

Make outdoor meditation a sensual experience with this easy blend.

Try leaving your eyes opened and visualizing your thoughts dissipating with the smoke.

Inner Peace

*1 part dried chamomile (you can use the stuff in your tea bags)

*2 parts dried lavender 

*3 drops frankincense essential oil

Use this blend for spells to cultivate inner peace, calm and focus.

Especially useful when grieving, healing from trauma or finding your way after a sudden life change.


*3 drops cinnamon essential oil

*2 parts mugwort

*3 parts dried jasmine flower

Use this recipe blend before tarot reading, scrying or other divination method.

Also helps with general clairvoyance and insight.

The Takeaway

Making incense for magic or ritual is super easy.

You don’t need anything fancy to get it done.  Work with what you have.  If you opt to buy a new ingredient, make the most of it by learning it inside and out and using it in a variety of ways.

Try not to get caught up in the specifics.  Remember that the strength of the fragrance during burn varies a lot depending on the quality and freshness of the ingredients you use.

Trust your intuition, have fun and create!

7 Witchy Loose Incense Recipes for Any Spell

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About Lumina (Moody Moons' Founder)

Lumina Indigo began Moody Moons in 2012 to produce beautiful, elegant, intriguing content of interest to the magical and witchcraft community.

She specializes in in-depth research and reporting on various topics in modern spirituality.

With over 20 years of experience with the modern pagan community, Lumina is a professional tarot reader, and a kitchen witch culinary wizard.

new pic - lumina indigo magickal spot

4 thoughts on “7 Easy Incense Recipes for Any Magic Spell”

  1. I refer to this page whenever I need some simple but powerful incense recipes. Thank you for creating this and for the reminder to trust our intuition and not get too caught up.


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