Looking for easy love spells for beginners? If you’re new to attraction magic, it’s the perfect time of year to experiment with what is perhaps one of the oldest forms of spellcraft.
You don’t need any complex or esoteric ingredients for the ideas below. Just simple, natural ingredients that are easy to get or make substitutions for.
Love Spells for Beginners
Before you explore attraction magic, decide how you feel about the ethics of love spells.
Many witches have strong feelings about what types of love spells they feel comfortable casting, and whether or not they interfere with the free will of another person.
We’re not here to tell you what to think. This is, after all, a highly individualized spiritual practice, and ultimately, you have to make up your own mind about what consider ethical, and what you don’t think is appropriate.
But taking the time to consider these questions is the difference between playing around recklessly, and taking your spirituality seriously.
(By the way, if you’re a brand new baby witch and you want to up your magical game, consider taking Moody Moons Witchcraft 101 and jump-start your journey in the Craft).
Love Spell Poppets

If you happen to have sewing in your repertoire of talents, learning how to make and use spell poppets is an extremely useful skill!
(And even if you’ve never sewn anything in your life, it’s a pretty easy project to start with).
Try making this love spell poppet to draw a little romance into your life.
Love Potion

The infamous love potion is a staple item in many magical practitioners’ cabinets.
Add it to your bathwater, anoint a statue of Aphrodite on your altar or wear it like a perfume to enchant and mystify those around you with your allure.
Don’t have any? Try this recipe for love potion.
Love Spell Cookies

Here’s a secret: If you have a skill in your mundane life—literally, almost anything, you can incorporate it into your magical practice.
This is especially true for cooking! Get excited about kitchen witchery with this recipe for love spell cookies.
Make a batch for your best beau, or pass them out to friends and wish them luck on their romantic adventures.
Love Spell Jar

Jar spells are easy to customize, so definitely feel free to mix it up according to what you have on hand!
Try picking a few of these love spell herbs and add them to a clean, glass jar. Leave it in the full moon light to charge and then place it on your altar for a full moon cycle. Simple and beautiful!
(And if you want some other ideas for jar spells, check out this post).
Tarot Spell

Tarot spells are a great way to make the most of your deck.
Try this tarot spell for romance and attraction for a simple, elegant way to enchant your love life.