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By Moody Moons, Spells

Love Potion: 3 Spell Oils for Romance

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Written by: Lumina Indigo (Moody Moons)


Reviewed by: Tina Caro

Always wanted to whip up a batch of love potion?  Try one of these recipes for attraction oil to draw a little fresh amour into your life.

Using ingredients chosen for their sacredness to feminine charm and magnetism, these spell oils make a lovely project for beginning a new chapter in your romantic life.

So, if you want to experiment with a little love magic, get out your herbs, oils and at least one pretty little bottle to pour it into.

Love potion spell oil recipe.
Love potion #9 recipe for Come to Me Oil.


What is this love potion for?

Contrary to the the glamorized portrayals of love potions in Hollywood that bewitch an unwilling lover to become hopelessly (and sometimes dangerously) infatuated with the spell caster, these recipes are used in more passive magic as a tool for attraction.

But passive doesn’t mean powerless.

Sometimes called “Come to Me Oil” in the Hoodoo tradition, attraction oils presumably bestow the caster with a kind of imperceptible glow or charisma that makes her irresistibly charming.

Of course, it isn’t an exact science, and, as always, I encourage you to experiment.

But the only way to know if it works for you is to try it.

Warning:  Do not, under any circumstances, ingest these oils.  Hopefully this is obvious.  But you know.  There’s always that one person.  Also, be mindful of allergies, and always do a patch test before adding to bathwater or applying generously to skin.

Please note:  For your convenience, this section contains affiliate links.  If you’re curious, you can read all about this wild and wonderful practice on Moody Moon’s disclosure page.  Fair warning:  It’s super, super boring.

Ecstasy Elixir

The flaming spiciness of the ingredients in this love potion are known for their metaphysical associations with lust, passion and animal magnetism.  Try this one to attract the kind of energy that sparks a fiery affair.


-1-2 ounces carrier oil (jojoba, olive oil, ect)

-15 drops cedarwood essential oil

-8 drops ginger essential oil

-3 drops cinnamon essential oil

Step 1

Using a perfume funnel (if necessary), begin by pouring the carrier oil into the bottle, making sure there is plenty of room at the top of the bottle for the additional oils.

Step 2

Add remaining oils in any order.  Gently shake to blend the oil.

Step 3

Leave the bottle on a window sill to charge in the full moonlight.

Step 4

After doing a skin patch test (and assuming you have no known allergies to the oils), anoint wrists and heart center with oil before going out.

Soul Mate Sauce

The soft, dreamy ingredients in this blend vibe with the kind of deep, soul-searching love that inspires commitment, devotion and slow-burning romance.


-1-2 ounces carrier oil (jojoba, olive oil, ect)

-small piece of rose quartz

-20 drops rose essential oil

-12 drops vanilla essential oil

-2 pink candles

Step 1

Add carrier oil to a clean glass bottle with a mouth wide enough to put a small piece of rose quartz in.

Step 2

Drop in your rose quartz and add the remaining oils.  Shake gently to blend.

Step 3

Carve a symbol of love into the candles.  Try a heart shape, or, if you’re more artistically inclined, a rose.

To charge, place the bottle of oil between the two candles.  Light them and meditate on the power of your own allure and mystique.

Step 4

Add this oil to an attraction bath or blend it with an organic, unscented body lotion like (affiliate link —->) this one.

Next Level Nectar

Tired of revolving door relationship that move in and then move out?  Do you somehow never manage to get past the honeymoon phase?  Try this oil to attract a more mature, evolved kind of love.


-1-2 ounces carrier oil

-12 drops lavender essential oil

-6 drops orange essential oil

-15 drops patchouli essential oil


Step 1

In a clean glass bottle, begin by pouring your carrier oil of choice.  Leave plenty of room for additional oils.  You can always top it off later.

Step 2

Add remaining oils in any order.  Shake gently to blend, then top off with carrier oil if necessary.

Step 3

To charge, surround the bottle with seashells on the night of the full moon.  Sacred to the ocean-born love goddess, Aphrodite, seashells symbolize emotional maturity and devotion.

love potion #9 aphrodite oil

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About Lumina (Moody Moons' Founder)

Lumina Indigo began Moody Moons in 2012 to produce beautiful, elegant, intriguing content of interest to the magical and witchcraft community.

She specializes in in-depth research and reporting on various topics in modern spirituality.

With over 20 years of experience with the modern pagan community, Lumina is a professional tarot reader, and a kitchen witch culinary wizard.

new pic - lumina indigo magickal spot

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