Looking for an easy Litha craft project?
I promised to show you some ideas for your herbs, and this is one of my favorites! Whether you are planning an elaborate Midsummer ritual, or a simple solitary one, these make a nice addition to the Litha altar.
You can use them as wreaths, but I like them as candle rings, too.

Choosing An Herb
Pick an herb you have a lot of and don’t know what to do with. This works with almost any green herb, but you can use lavender and roses, too.
This year, for me, I have way more thyme than I need.
You will need . . .
You will only need a few simple tools for this easy Litha craft project. It’s easy enough that I think a 10-year-old or up would enjoy it. But I’m like, waaaay older than 10 and I had fun!
-an embroidery hoop (or small wreath base)
-your chosen herb(s)
Forgive the poor lighting conditions in these. I was working at night.

Simply gather the thyme in small bundles and bind it in sections around the wreath by winding the thread around the hoop and the herbs. Chose a green colored thread so it doesn’t show too much.

You can add ribbon or whatever you want to embellish it, but I like the simple elegance of the plain ones. These are also nice to save for the Yule altar later in the year, particularly if you use an evergreen like rosemary or cedar. Of course, the fresh herb will dry up and shrink, but it should still look cool if you let it dry in the open air so it doesn’t mold.

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