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Using the Magic of Your Eye Color in Witchcraft

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Written by: Lumina Indigo (Moody Moons)


Reviewed by: Tina Caro

Find out how to use the magic of your eye color in witchcraft.  What color lens do you see the world through?  Your eyes, and the subtle colors in them, say as much about you as the lines in your palms or your birth sign.  Why not connect with this “window to your soul” and design a spell or ritual specifically to harness their power?

(Please note:  This post contains affiliate links.  You’re welcome to read all about this practice on Moody Moon’s disclosure page. Spoiler alert:  It’s pretty boring.)

The Subtleties of Eye Color in Witchcraft

Although we tend to categorize eye color in absolute terms (blue, brown, green) eye color actually comprises many subtle hues.  Perhaps yours appear gray in low light, but deeply blue in bright light.  Or maybe your brown eyes contain tiny gold flecks that make them appear more honey-colored in the sun.

Because your eyes reflect your own unique soul, no sweeping generalization applies.

However, the list below uses broad strokes to give you an idea of your eye “aura” and how to use your eye color in witchcraft and consciously in your magical practice.

eye color and witchcraft

Dark Brown Eyes

Key WordsDivination, protection magic, contemplation, secrets, dark moon.

What Your Eyes Say About YouYour eyes conceal your true thoughts well.  Exuding a mysterious energy that sometimes makes others feel unsettled, you tend to look through people, rather than at them.   You dislike small talk and superficial conversations.  Sometimes, this means being alone, but when you make a connection with someone, it’s a real connection.

How to Harness the Power of Your Eye Color in Witchcraft:  Consider experimenting with divination during the dark moon.  Your keen insight and natural spiritual courage makes you more willing than others to “see” things that trigger denial or fear in others.  Uniquely able to confront your demons leaves you at a great advantage–growth springs from a willingness to understand and appreciate where we need to improve.  Your unflinching eyes burn right through to the truth about who you are.  For better or worse, you always know where you stand.

Light Brown Eyes

Key WordsWarmth, authenticity, sociable, selfless.

What Your Eyes Say About YouThe warmth of your eyes draws others to you like a smoldering fire under a cold moon.  You enjoy the company of others and the feeling of being included in a large family–whether or not it’s the one you were born to.

How to Harness the Power of Your Eye Color in Witchcraft:  Try a simple flame meditation.  Sit in front of a candle of your choosing.  The scent or color may correspond to your intent, or it may be a pure, white, unscented candle.  Light the candle and stare at the flame for about 30 seconds.  Close your eyes and watch the “flame” imprinted on your vision.

What do you see?

Here are some favorite candles for simple flame meditation.

Deep Green Eyes

Key WordsBlending in, chameleon, growth, new life, emerging.

What Your Eyes Say About YouLucky you!  Among the rarest eye colors in the world, bright green eyes signify the early spring of a young soul.  The world constantly renews itself before your freshly colored irises.  You enjoy new experiences and a constantly rotating set of interests.  You possess a keen ability to blend in with your surroundings and a highly adaptable constitution.

How to Harness the Power of Your Eye Color in Witchcraft: Because you tend to absorb everything, you often wear out your Third Eye with all that you take in.  Refresh your psychic “sight” with this simple ritual:  On the night of the full moon, leave chamomile tea bags in the moonlight overnight.  Take a ritual bath and place the tea bags over your beautiful green eyes.  Relax and allow your psychic vision (your ability to see the unseen) recharge.  Then, face the world with a fresh perspective!

Light Blue Eyes

Key WordsHealing, compassion, connection, soothing aura.

What Your Eyes Say About YouYour eyes see through the shields others erect in defense of what hurts them.  With a knack for peering past others personas and into the most tender parts of their hearts.  You instinctively know how to both heal and to open those wounds.

If you’re being honest, you’ve probably done both.  It’s okay.  You’re human, just like the rest of us.  Others see themselves reflected in you.  Make them feel beautiful!

How to Harness the Power of Your Eye Color in Witchcraft: Try this simple meditation spell for healing a close relationship after an argument.  Sit down, face to face, with a person you feel comfortable with and loved by.  Set a timer for 20 minutes.  Take that person’s hands, and look deeply into his or her eyes for the entire 20 minutes.  If one of you looks away, start over (obviously, blinking is okay).  At the end of the 20 minutes, write down on two sheets of paper what you saw in each other’s eyes.  Bury the sheets of paper near the roots of a strong tree and promise to try to see things from the other person’s viewpoint more often.

Dark Blue Eyes

Key WordsWisdom, knowing, flow, hidden treasures.

What Your Eyes Say About YouYour eyes betray a hidden store of knowledge not often revealed to those around you.  You like to keep your cards close to the vest, and tend to trust only those closest to you.  You often lead multiple lives and tend to compartmentalize the people in them, perhaps because you know they would find understanding each other difficult.

How to Harness the Power of Your Eye Color in Witchcraft:  On the night of the full moon, fill a heat-safe glass bottle with 100% pure, organic olive oil. Then, fill a heat safe bowl with hot water.  Add blooming flower tea to the water. Take both outside under the moonlight.  Submerge the base of the bottle of olive oil in it a few inches, so that it stands up on its own and doesn’t float.  Meditate on the flowers opening under the moonlight and imagine your eyes are blooming open with them.  Taking care not to mix the water with the oil, anoint your eyelids with the 100% organic olive oil and bless yourself for “open sight.”

Tools for “Open Sight” ritual. 

Gray Eyes

Key WordsStormy weather, drastic, visionary, complicated.

What Your Eyes Say About YouBorn with the eyes of a thundercloud, your quiet sky sometimes threatens to break into hurricane-force winds.  The underlying energy moves swiftly, changing the landscape of your soul with a single crack of thunder.  Simultaneously unpredictable and set in your ways, you’re brimming with untapped adventure.

How to Harness the Power of Your Eye Color in Witchcraft: Soak up all that powerful energy and use it!  Lay on the floor or in a bed on your back.  Place two small pieces of clear quartz  on both eyes and meditate, gathering the strength of your wildest impulses.  Imagine shooting all that power out of both eyes.  Use these super-charged stones in your spell work or leave them on the altar to maximize your intentions.

Also, take a look at our post 10 Ways To Use Clear Quartz in Wicca” for more ideas.


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About Lumina (Moody Moons' Founder)

Lumina Indigo began Moody Moons in 2012 to produce beautiful, elegant, intriguing content of interest to the magical and witchcraft community.

She specializes in in-depth research and reporting on various topics in modern spirituality.

With over 20 years of experience with the modern pagan community, Lumina is a professional tarot reader, and a kitchen witch culinary wizard.

new pic - lumina indigo magickal spot

85 thoughts on “Using the Magic of Your Eye Color in Witchcraft”

  1. Someone told me my eyes are sable… not sure if that’s a “real” color. LOL. My eyes are brown with a red tinge, I would say. I have noticed when I’m really angry, the red is quite pronounced.

  2. I have light brown eyes and they seem like fire if I stare at the sun. Your description is so right!
    I don’t know why. Tuesday my aunt passed away and in the night I lighted a white candle for her. I stare at the flame a lot. I was lost in that flame and it gave me peace. It was a beautiful moment.
    Sorry if my english is not right.
    Greetings from Argentina.

  3. My eyes are light green with silver ring around the out side and gold starbursts around my pupil. Everyone always asks me if they are contacts.

  4. Hi! I know that I’m late on this, but I have amber colored eyes. Is there anything that comes to mind if you have amber eyes? Or should I just follow for the light brown eyes?

  5. How come you don’t have light green or yellow-green eyes on your descriptions? I also have black micro dots that my grandfather had in the same color as well as my aunties. My friend had the typical “Wiccan” light sea green eyes which were slightly different. Any thoughts on these weird colors? also, what about indigo/violet?

  6. Thank you for a very interesting article ? ? ? How about eyes, which are mixed with blue and green (?) Like mine. It is like changing color, and very difficult to define them either blue or green.

  7. What about hazel eyes!? My hazel is 3 different colors, green & gold with a very thin brown ring around the outside of my iris…

  8. So I have dark desaturated brown eyes in the outer ring, but the inner ring is warmer and brighter, not necessarily light but brighter. Like burnt honey on the inside and dry tree bark on the outside.

  9. I’m experiencing a synchronistic fascination to research Lady Somerset Bellenof ‘Lillibet’, Countess of Banbury and Arras, 3rd cousin to Queen Elizabeth, as well as the Wettin World Governing council. Her ‘Upper Chamber’ entourage is staffed with many stunningly beautiful women, many of whom curiously seem to exhibit true heterochromia. Considering what I have learned from this site and others in relation to the occult connotations with this congenital eye condition ,I cannot regard this correlation as mere co-incidence. Law of Attraction is truly magnificent

  10. I was born with black hair and black eyes. when I was a month old they changed from black to brown to blue to green and went grey then hazel all in one setting. They constantly change. So wtf is this called

  11. I probably scanned right past this question always in a hurry to get an answer, but what about those of us with either full or partial heterochromia/AKA different colors. I have partial, hazel green with a ring of brown around the pupils and blue chips around the outside rings. I like to think it is part of what makes my most successful spells work so well.


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