Sunday is the first day of the week according to the American and many ecclesiastical calendars and the seventh day of the week according to the most other calendars. It is a holy day for many Christians. It is believed that the Christ was resurrected on a Sunday.
Sunday is sacred to Mithra and Sol Invictus.
In 321 Emperor Constantine declared Sunday Rome’s official day of rest for all except those who work in agriculture, as he believed this day to be best for those activities due to its association with the Sun.
Constantine was both a Christian and a devotee of Sol Invictus throughout his lifetime, becoming more Christian as he grew older before finally completing his conversion just before his death.
Sunday is the day of the Sun. The first hour of Sunday is the planetary hour of the Sun.
Sunday Correspondences
- Planet: Sun
- Element: Fire
- Astrological Sign: Leo
- Angel: Micheal
- Incense: Lemon, Frankincense
- Colors: yellow, gold, white
- Plants and Herbs: marigold, calendula, sunflower, heliotrope, buttercup, cedar, beech, oak, cinnamon
- Crystals and Stones: citrine, tiger’s eye, amber, carnelian, quartz
- Metal: gold
- Gods: Mithra, Brigid, Helios, Apollo, Ra
Sunday Magick
sunday is a good time to perform magick related to growth, advancement, enlightenment, logic, exorcism, healing and general health, money, growing business, earning a promotion, success in politics, popularity, prosperity, hope, and anything related to the growing of plants/gardening and any undertaking supported by the energy of the sun.