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By Moody Moons, Everyday Pagan, Summer Magic, Witchy Books

Summer Reading: 10 Witchy & Pagan Books to Get Excited About

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Written by: Lumina Indigo (Moody Moons)


Reviewed by: Tina Caro

In a summer reading slump?  Check out these witchy, new age and pagan books to revitalize your must-read list.  From hot-off-the-press new spell books to classic tarot primers, this list has a little something for every magical soul.

Please note:  This post contains affiliate links.  You’re welcome to read all about this practice on Moody Moon’s disclosure page. (Spoiler alert:  It’s pretty boring.)

Like this reading list?  Check out 25 Books to Nourish Your Inner Witch.

pagan summer reading list for witchy reading time

For Your Summer Retreat

Sacred Circles:  A Guide to Creating Your Own Women’s Spirituality Group by Robin Carnes

Although the author takes an interfaith approach to women’s circles, this book makes a great primer if you plan to start your own coven.  From group dynamics to why women benefit from spending time with other women in a sacred context, Carnes lays out an illuminating road map that applies well to pagan circles.  Perfect for the social witch with ambition.

Meditation for Fidgety Skeptics by Harris, Warren & Adler

An approachable introduction to meditation practice or a fresh perspective for the seasoned meditator.  Bring this one on a yoga getaway or solo camping trip for something screen-free to do in your down time.

Complete Book of Tarot Reversals by Mary K. Greer

The Special Topics in Tarot Series remains in print more than 15 years after its first publication for a reason. Take this with you to an overnight pagan festival and practice your technique.  Offer someone you don’t know a reading—it’s a great ice-breaker and everyone will want to be next.

For the Campfire

Moonology:  Working with the Magic of the Lunar Cycles by Yasmin Boland

If you can get past the gimmicky marketing techniques, this book contains some cute ideas to connect with the lunar cycles and use their ebb/flow in your practice.  Perfect for sleeping under the stars!

Celtic Tales:  Fairy Tales and Stories of Enchantment from Ireland, Scotland, Brittany and Wales by Kate Forrester

Enchanted with the magic of Celtic folklore, these fairy-studded folkloric tales spark the creative imagination of any skilled fireside storyteller!  Pick up a copy and retell one in your own voice to delight the kids around the campfire.

For Your Road Trip

The Reluctant Tarot Reader by Raven

Funny and engaging, Madirosian uses her relatable voice to tell the entertaining-yet-poignant tale of her transformation to tarot reader.  Whether you’re an old hand at tarot or you’ve never touched a deck, this book appeals to anyone on a spiritual journey of her own.

If Women Rose Rooted by Sharon Blackie

The author weaves Celtic myth with her personal story for an intimate, thought-provoking book.  Part memoir and part call-to-action, snag a copy for your road trip and read it as a metaphor for transformation.

For the green/hedge witch.  It’s your season, after all.

The Green Witch:  Your Complete Guide to the Natural Magic of Herbs, Flowers & Essential Oils by Arin Murphy Hiscock

A charming and wildly popular introduction to green witchcraft.  Personally, I found a lot of the author’s “historical” references rather vague and unverifiable, but in broad strokes, this book covers primer concepts for someone interested in getting to know the basics of green witchcraft.

The Alchemy of Herbs by Rosalee de la Foret

A solid, respectable introduction or refresher on the basics of using commonly available kitchen herbs for a holistic approach to home-based health and wellness.  Herb gardeners in particular will appreciate this practical guide.

Foraging  by Mark Vorderbruggen

Wow.  The Idiot’s Guide people are still in business.  I thought we left them behind in the 2000s.

I usually avoid recommending this series.  But if you recently began using foraging techniques, this book is readable and many of the suggestions easily apply to foraging for spell ingredients.

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About Lumina (Moody Moons' Founder)

Lumina Indigo began Moody Moons in 2012 to produce beautiful, elegant, intriguing content of interest to the magical and witchcraft community.

She specializes in in-depth research and reporting on various topics in modern spirituality.

With over 20 years of experience with the modern pagan community, Lumina is a professional tarot reader, and a kitchen witch culinary wizard.

new pic - lumina indigo magickal spot

3 thoughts on “Summer Reading: 10 Witchy & Pagan Books to Get Excited About”

  1. The Celtic Tales one by Kate Forrester looks really interesting! That’s definitely getting added to my birthday wishlist.


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