The rose petals love spell is an easy-to-perform spell when you want to attract more love and find “the one.”
It’s nothing too complex or difficult to perform, beginner-friendly, and an easy yet powerful way to manifest the love life you’ve always hoped for.
When to cast this spell?
Cast this spell on a Friday night, if you can, to enhance the loving energy of Venus, the planet that rules love and romance.
Why roses?
Roses have a strong spiritual symbolism and meaning. They symbolize passion and love; especially when using red roses, the energy is stronger and more powerful than ever.
How long does it take to perform this spell?
It only takes a few minutes and is an easy spell, but don’t forget that even if it’s a simple spell, it doesn’t mean it’s not strong and valuable.
How long does it take to manifest?
Usually, this type of spell takes up to 14 days to manifest.
What do I need to perform this spell?
You will need a few easy-to-find ingredients and tools: a red candle and rose petals (I use dried rose petals for many spells as I can’t find roses all year around, so it’s more practical doing this way, and dried roses are even more versatile and great to use in different ways), a parchment paper, a pen.
Rose Petals Spellcasting
Light up the red candle.

Visualize what you want and write your wish on a parchment paper. Take some time to do this.
Make sure you truly listen to yourself and are honest about what you want and how you feel.
If you are into someone, you can write this person’s name down. His/her name is enough.
You don’t need more info as long as you focus strongly and specifically on this person.

With intention, spread the rose petals on the parchment paper, creating a circle.
While doing it, chant out loud: “so be it.”

Fold the paper with the petals inside and store it in a hidden place. You can also place it in a small cloth bag. Your call!

Let the red candle burn out on its own; even if it’s not completely consumed, it will be okay.

Here, you have this easy-to-perform spell. You can chant a prayer for love to enhance the spell and the energy and let it manifest sooner.