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Pregnancy Spell with an Egg (DIY Cast-Along With Pictures)


Written by: Tina Caro

This powerful and symbolic fertility spell draws on the egg’s ancient association with creation, gestation, and fertility. Its ritualistic steps help dissolve psychological barriers, clear negative energy, and amplify your intentions.

Best performed during a new or waxing moonlit night, or on special occasions like Yule or Beltane, this spell aligns with natural cycles to increase the chances of conception.

This fertility spell harnesses white magic to create a focused intention for conception. By combining the symbolic elements of the egg, soil, seeds, and sunlight, it represents the nurturing process of life—from planting a seed to watching it grow.

The green pencil and ribbon emphasize fertility, while the act of caring for the growing grass connects you with the nurturing energy needed to conceive.

This spell’s strength lies in its ability to focus your energy, clear obstacles, and align your physical and spiritual readiness for pregnancy. Its effectiveness is bolstered by the ritual’s simplicity and meaningful symbols, making it accessible even for beginners.

What You’ll Need

  • An egg (brown or pinkish shell): Represents fertility and gestation.
  • A flowerpot: Serves as a container for growth.
  • Soil: Symbolizes the nurturing foundation of life.
  • Grass seeds: Represent growth and new beginnings.
  • Water: Essential for life and cleansing energy.
  • A green pencil or green ink pen: Green symbolizes fertility and abundance.
  • Black thread or ribbon: Used to bind the final bundle, symbolizing unity and focus.

How It’s Done

Prepare the Egg:

Using the green pencil or pen, draw the following symbols on the egg:

  • The sun: For life and vitality.
  • The moon: For intuition and feminine energy.
  • The symbol of Venus: Represents fertility and love.
  • A cross: For balance and protection.
  • A five-pointed star: For harmony and the connection between elements.

    Plant the Egg:

    Place the decorated egg into the flowerpot and cover it with soil.

    Sow the Seeds:

    Plant the grass seeds in the soil covering the egg.

    Nurture the Seeds:

    Water the pot regularly and place it on a sunny windowsill or shelf. As the seeds grow, visualize them as a representation of the seed of life growing within you.

    Imagine your body nurturing a baby, filling your heart with joy and love.

    Recite the Spell (Optional):

    Say the following words aloud:

    “In the same way these seeds grow,
    that the child I long for grows inside me.
    So be it.”

    What to Do Next?

    After nine weeks, when the grass has grown sufficiently, cut it. Bundle the handful of grass together and tie it with the black thread or ribbon, wrapping it nine times for strength and focus.

    Place the tied grass under your bed as a symbol of your intention. Leave it there until your spell manifests or you decide to recast it.

    Once the spell has worked or if you wish to cast a new spell, bury the bundle in a location away from your home.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Why is an egg used in this spell?

    The egg is a universal symbol of fertility, gestation, and the beginning of life. It mirrors the process of conception and embodies your intention to create new life.

    Why should I recast the spell if it doesn’t work after a month?

    Sometimes, intentions take longer to manifest due to external factors or personal readiness. Recasting refreshes your focus and reinforces your desire to conceive.

    Why should I bury the remains after the spell manifests?

    Burying the remains symbolizes completion and gratitude, returning the energy to nature in a harmonious cycle.

    Why are Yule and Beltane considered ideal times for this spell?

    Yule represents rebirth and new beginnings, while Beltane celebrates fertility and the abundance of life, making both ideal for fertility rituals.

    What if I don’t have access to a green pencil or thread?

    Substitute with another fertility-associated color, such as pink or white. Green is recommended but not mandatory.


    The Pregnancy Spell with an Egg is a profound yet simple ritual that connects you to the energies of fertility and growth. Its combination of ancient symbols, nurturing actions, and heartfelt visualization empowers you to align your intentions with the universe.

    Trust in the process, stay patient, and nurture your mind and body as you prepare for this beautiful journey into parenthood.

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    Tina Caro

    Tina Caro is a witch with more than 10 years of experience, a yogi, an astrologer, and a passionate supporter of all things holistic! She’s also an owner of the website Magickal Spot where she discusses a variety of her favorite topics.

    Magickal Spot has helped thousands of readers worldwide, and she’s personally worked with hundreds of clients and helped them manifest desires to have a happier and more abundant life.

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