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By Moody Moons, Festivals & Sabbats, Pagan Crafts, Spring Magic

Ostara Mini Wildflower Bouquets (Spring Equinox Craft)

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Written by: Lumina Indigo (Moody Moons)


Reviewed by: Tina Caro

Keep it simple, natural and beautiful this Ostara with these pixie-like mini wildflower bouquets.

In this article, you’ll learn how to find and gather local spring wildflowers from your nature walks and create tiny, delicate bouquets unique to your region.

I’ll even show you how to keep them fresh and lovely!

Gorgeous tiny wildflower bouquets for the Ostara, Beltane, the Equinox or a spring handfasting!

How to Make Mini Wildflower Bouquets

The first order of business?  Get yourself some wildflowers!

Because they tend to produce smaller blossoms than garden flowers (which are selectively cultivated for large blooms), wildflowers make really lovely mini bouquets.  Their tiny, delicate buds create a sense of intricacy and tenderness.

Finding and gathering wildflowers.

Once you start looking for them, you’ll be amazed to find them everywhere. 

They are quite hardy (they are wildflowers, after all) and tend to thrive in wastelands.

Look for them near water drainage areas, parks, and in the sunny, grass spots along the sidewalk.

They even grow in between the cracks of the sidewalks.

Obviously, if you plan to gather them on private property, ask the owner.  Most people consider wildflowers in their lawns weeds and are quite happy to let you take as many as you want.

(Roadside wildflowers are usually up for grabs.  Typically, no one cares as long as it isn’t behind a fence).

If all else fails, look for them in deep woods or wilderness on your nature walks.

Other than wildflowers, these bouquets only require a few simple ingredients.

You will need:

-wildflowers (choose various colors and shapes to create interest)

-a 5×5 square of burlap

-a paper towel

-a 4×4 square of recycled plastic wrap (I reused a plastic shopping bag)

-about 10″ of ribbon for each bouquet

-10 parts water to 1 part apple cider vinegar and 1 part sugar

Optional:  Essential oils of your choice.

Optional:  A gemstone of your choice.

Step 1

Divide wildflowers into equal bundles.

Step 2

Soak paper towel in your water/cider/sugar mixture (this combination makes cut flowers last longer).

Then, wrap a piece of the paper towel around the base of each bouquet.

Optional:  If you’re adding a gemstone (rose quartz for bouquet intended for a friend, for example, or hematite for someone in your coven) now is the time to place the stone in the middle of the wet paper towel before you wrap it around the base of the flowers.

Step 3

Layer recycle plastic over the paper towel.  There is no need to purchase plastic wrap for this project.  Trust me, there is more than enough plastic in the world.  Just reuse some from around the house.  Plastic shopping bags work well here.

Step 4

Layer burlap over plastic.  Make sure that neither the paper towel, nor the plastic, show.

Step 5

Tie it off the ribbon.

Step 6 (Optional)

Top off your bouquet with a few drops of floral essential oil for a little extra magical punch.  (Lavender and rose oil are nice here).

Ideas for Your Mini Ostara Bouquets

-Give them away as favors for your Ostara ritual.

-Pass them out as favors for a spring handfasting.

-Leave it anonymously on a desk or doorstep to bless someone who needs a lift.

-Take it into the forest as an offering to the woodlands.

-Set a goal you want to achieve by the time the flowers wilt.  Then, leave them on your spring altar and get to work!

Just make them!  You’ll figure out who to give them to.  I made these and then ended up leaving them with my tip for the hotel housekeeping staff.  They loved them!

-Try one of these other ideas for using wildflowers in witchcraft.

Beautiful! Make mini wildflower bouquets for the spring equinox.

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About Lumina (Moody Moons' Founder)

Lumina Indigo began Moody Moons in 2012 to produce beautiful, elegant, intriguing content of interest to the magical and witchcraft community.

She specializes in in-depth research and reporting on various topics in modern spirituality.

With over 20 years of experience with the modern pagan community, Lumina is a professional tarot reader, and a kitchen witch culinary wizard.

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