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By Witchipedia, Herbs

Joe Pye Weed: Folklore, Spiritual & Magical Uses

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Written by: Dawn Black (Witchipedia)


Reviewed by: Tina Caro

Joe Pye Weed (Eupatorium spp.) is a Native American perennial found in all parts of the US with the exception of the deep south and the far north. It is also a popular cottage garden plant in Europe. It is erect in habit and forms clumps throughout moist Midwest prairies.

Leaves are hollow, so a strong wind can easily knock the plant over. Leaves are arranged in whorls of three or four all along the stem. They are dark green, lance-shaped and coarsely serrated and may be up to 12 inches long, depending on the variety and they have purple leaf margins.

Flowers appear in late summer and persist through the fall. They are purplish, vanilla-scented and arranged in clusters of 5 to 7. Flowers give way to seed heads that persist throughout the winter adding winter interest to the garden.

The root is thick and woody, purplish-brown on the outside, cream-colored on the inside.


Joe Pye Weed, with its tall stature and clusters of pink flowers, carries a distinctive folklore, spiritual, and magickal significance:

Folklore: Named after a Native American healer, Joe Pye Weed has a rich history in folk medicine and healing practices. Legend has it that Joe Pye, a Native American herbalist, used the plant to cure various ailments, leading to its reputation as a powerful medicinal herb. In folklore, it is often associated with healing, protection, and spiritual purification.

Spirituality: Joe Pye Weed’s connection to Native American healing traditions imbues it with spiritual significance. It is sometimes used in spiritual practices aimed at promoting physical and emotional well-being, as well as spiritual purification and renewal. Its presence in rituals or ceremonies can evoke a sense of grounding, connection to nature, and reverence for the healing powers of the earth.

Magickal Uses: In magickal traditions, Joe Pye Weed is valued for its healing properties and protective qualities. It can be incorporated into spells, charms, or rituals designed to promote physical health, emotional healing, and spiritual growth.

Other Names Queen of the Meadow, gravel root, kidney root, mist-flower, snakeroot, purple boneset, eupatorium, Sweet Joe-Pye Weed, Hempweed, Joe-Pie, Jopi Weed, Trumpet Weed.

History and Folklore

It is said that the plant was named after a Native American healer who used it to treat typhus.

The name Eupatorium comes from the name of King Mithridates Eupator who lived in Parthis from 120 to 63 BCE who is said to have discovered the medical effectiveness of the Eupatorium family, which includes the European native boneset.

Many Native American tribes used Joe Pye Weed for healing and magic. It was used as a diuretic, to treat colds and fevers, as a love medicine, as a poultice for wounds, as a wash to strengthen children and for joint pain and the flowers were used as good luck charms.

Magical Attributes

Joe Pye Weed can be used in spells for love or respect. A leaf can be tucked into your cheek to ensure that words spoken to the opposite sex will be well-received (see warnings).

Gamblers can carry the plant on them to help bring them good luck. Carrying the plant with you will also encourage others to look upon you with respect.

Magical AspectDescription
Healing MagicJoe Pye Weed is valued in magical practice for its healing properties and ability to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. It is used in spells, charms, and rituals to invoke healing energies, alleviate illness, and restore balance to the body and spirit. Joe Pye Weed is often included in herbal remedies, bath blends, or ritual teas to enhance their effectiveness and amplify their healing properties. Using Joe Pye Weed in healing magic helps to activate the body’s natural healing processes, promote vitality, and bring about holistic wellness on all levels.
Protection SpellsJoe Pye Weed is used in protection magic to ward off negative energy, psychic attacks, and malevolent forces. Its tall, imposing presence and vibrant flowers make it a powerful symbol of spiritual defense and resilience. Joe Pye Weed can be planted around the perimeter of the home or carried in sachets or amulets to create a protective barrier against harm. Burning dried Joe Pye Weed as incense or scattering its leaves around the home can also help to purify and sanctify the space, creating a shield of light and love that repels negativity and safeguards against spiritual intrusion.
Prosperity MagicJoe Pye Weed is associated with prosperity, abundance, and growth in magical practice. Its tall, robust stems and prolific blooms symbolize the bounty of the harvest season and the abundance of the earth’s resources. Joe Pye Weed is used in spells and rituals to attract wealth, success, and financial opportunities. Its presence in the garden or on the altar serves as a visual reminder of the abundance that surrounds us and the potential for growth and prosperity in our lives. Using Joe Pye Weed in prosperity magic helps to align the practitioner with the energy of abundance and prosperity, opening the door to greater wealth and opportunity.
Table: Magical Uses of Joe Pye Weed

Healing Attributes

The entire plant can be used, with the root having the strongest effect. It can be made into a diuretic tea to stimulate the bladder and kidneys and to encourage sweating to break a fever. It is also useful for influenza.

Simmer 1 dried root in 1 pint of water for 30 minutes, strain and cool, take 1/2 cup 4-5 times per day
Pour 1 cup boiling water over 1 tsp leaves and flowers. Steep for 10 minutes, strain and drink 1-3 times per day.

WARNING: This herb can cause liver and kidney damage and severe intestinal problems if overdosed or used for long periods of time.

White River Sedge Meadow Wisconsin State Natural Area #367 White River Marsh Wildlife Area Green Lake County


Joe Pye Weed can be grown from seed, plant six weeks before the last frost and cover lightly so that sunlight can reach the seeds. Keep moist.

Or it can be grown from cuttings.

Joe Pye Weed generally prefers full sun and moist soil. Some varieties such as E. purpureum can tolerate less moisture and part shade conditions.

Harvesting & Storage

Gather leaves anytime. Dig the root after a frost. Joe Pye Weed dries well.

Household Use

Joe Pye Weed is suitable for butterfly gardens. It attracts Eastern Tiger Swallowtails, Great Spangled Fritillaries, Pearl Crescents, Monarchs, and Tawny-edged Skippers

About Morningbird (Witchipedia's Founder)

I am a homesteading hearth witch who grew up along the shores of the Hudson River and has lived among the Great Lakes for the past 20 years. Together with my musical husband and youngest child, I steward a one-acre mini homestead with herb, vegetable and flower gardens, chickens, ducks, geese and rabbits, and areas reserved for native plants and wildlife. 

I have three children; two are grown, and I have been practicing magick alone and with family and friends for over 30 years.

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