If you are thinking about moving on from your current position, or are even just interested in pursuing something different on the side, this is a nice little ritual to get the spiritual side of things in order.
You will need:
*Green felt or fabric
*Needle and thread (preferably green, but white will also work)
*Piece of paper and pen
*A dollar bill (or other currency note)
*1 piece of your choice of any of the following stones
-yellow calcite
*A pinch of any or all of the following herbs:
The process:
1. On the first night of the waxing moon (that would be tomorrow night!), find a quiet space and gather your spell elements.
2. Sew a basic sachet pillow, leaving the top open. It does not need to be large; a couple of square inches will do.
3. Write down some broad things you are looking for in a job. Be general, realistic and keep an open mind. Your ideal job may be something you hadn’t thought of before. Trust that the universe knows better than you do what you need right now. Qualities like “cooperative team spirit,” “a salary I can live on,” or “use of my creative talents” are better than “a corner office with six figures and a reserved parking space.” I rolled this one into a scroll and tied a cute little green ribbon around it.

4. Place it in the sachet, along with your chosen herb. (I used dried mint.)

5. Add the dollar bill and your chosen stone. (I used malachite.)

6. Sew up the open side.
7. Bless and consecrate the sachet in whatever way you chose. If you don’t have a method, sprinkling it with spring water and/or smoking it with sage are both fine choices.
8. Bury the sachet near the roots of an evergreen, preferably somewhere near your home. During your job search, periodically stop by and “water” the sachet with spring water or wine.
9. Go look for a job! Happy hunting.
My friend and I HAVE TO do this spell! We need all the help we can get!
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Like the idea of burying and watering the sachet.
This is marvelous. I feel the good energy just reading and imagining it. Hugs!
I did something similar for my husband. I also added some things to help him with an interview. It worked!