Celebrate the Harvest Moon with these simple, DIY spell sachets to promote abundance and capture the magic of the harvest season.
The Harvest Moon ushers in a season of prosperity, sharing and the gathering of families. Take advantage of this time to encourage bounty in your own life.
These simple DIY spell sachets capture the spirit of autumn with spices and oils sacred to fall.
So grab some scrap fabric, a few kitchen spices and your stash of essential oils.
Let’s make a little magic.

The Harvest Moon & Abundance
Aptly named for the fall crop gathering, the Harvest Moon symbolizes fullness, prosperity and the sharing of resources.
Take the opportunity to harness this powerful energy with spells intended to cultivate splendor in your life.
Made with intention, these autumn abundance spell sachets bind up all that energy in one pretty little spell bag.
All the ingredients in the project represent the joy of the harvest and the cultivation of a prosperous life.
All Spice Berries
We use allspice in this recipe for its association with money attraction and financial success.
The berries make a great base when stuffed in a fall sachet, because they create a beanbag-like texture.

They also smell amazing!
Orange Peel
Citrus fruit, and especially oranges, promote cleansing and wealth.
You can easily make dried orange peel yourself by simply saving the discarded peel from your next snack of oranges and leaving it on a paper towel to dry. It takes several days, but I love incorporating kitchen scraps in magic!
Once they dry, pulverize them with a mortar and pestle, or simply tear them into smaller pieces to release the scent.
The aroma of nutmeg wafting from the kitchen during a fall baking session makes any house smell like home.
Use nutmeg essential oil in this sachet to draw both financial luck and prosperous familial relationships into your household.
Associated with heightened spiritual awareness, psychic energy and prophetic dreaming, add cinnamon to this sachet to balance material interests with transcendent pursuits.
Worldly abundance makes life comfortable, but comfort and material wealth not shared with those in need is empty.
Let cinnamon remind you that generosity is the foundation of a truly prosperous life.
Things you will need
(Please note: I placed affiliate links in this section for your convenience. You can read more about affiliate linking on Moody Moon’s Disclosure Page).
-piece of cardstock or thin cardboard
-a handful of dried allspice berries
-5 drops orange essential oil (OR Pinch of dried, crushed orange peel)
-3 drops nutmeg essential oil
-2 drops cinnamon essential oil
-2 pieces of fabric of your choice, about 10″ x 10″
Step 1
Using a bowl or other round object, trace a circle about 9 inches in diameter 3/4 of the way around.

Then, off set the bowl slightly to create a crescent moon shape and trace the inside of the moon.

Step 3
Cut out the crescent moon shape, and use it to trace out 2 crescent moons on your fabric. Be sure to flip the moon pattern over before you trace the second one so that it’s a mirror image of the first one.
Step 4
Placing the right sides of the fabric together, sew around the edges of the moon, leaving a 1 inch opening.
Turn the moon out, using a butter knife or other dull, pointy object to punch the tips out so they look sharp.
Step 5
In a small bowl, mix the allspice with the essential oils. Don’t skip this step. You want the essential oils to be well incorporated with the allspice so that they don’t stain the fabric.
Stuff the sachet.
Step 6
Close the open end of the sachet using a basic whip stitch.
You’re done!
Cleansing and Charging
If you wish to charge your sachet, consider leaving it under the waxing or full harvest moon for one night.
Before you do this, pass it through some incense smoke to clear the energy.
Leave the sachet on the altar or somewhere near the entryway of your home to draw prosperity and luck throughout the harvest season.

Thank you for the terrific instructions! I made 3 moons today!